I'll be introduced after everyone tests their talent with the orb. I'm currently going to introduce myself before the test starts.
"Hello Everyone ,You can call me Zhiye or Big Bro Ye. I'm the one who introduced the energy to our world. I'm here to personally look for talents. I'm currently the one who knows the most about cultivation right now. I'll be scouting. It doesn't matter what color you get. I've color coded the ten books ,but no matter which color you get as long as it's bright enough for my standards then I'll give you a manual. Anyone who doesn't get the color for one of the ten books up here and isn't bright enough. I have a general manual ,it's not as good as the other ones ,but you'll still be allowed to cultivate. For the ones who's test orb doesn't activate. It means you have no talent and unless you find a way to change your whole genetic makeup ,you won't be able to cultivate. Let's Get Started!"
"No Talent."
"No Talent."
Man there's no talents here. I thought the place where the white house is would nurture a good amount. but there's only one great talent.
"Next. Put your hand on the orb. *Whispers*Hobo."*Crack**Shingggg**Wooosh*(Shatters into dust)
"Ah. It broke!"
"You just broke something that costed thousands of dollars! How can you even pay for it!"
"Stop. I'll Pay for it. I have a replacement too. Leave her alone"*Shiiiiing*
"Y-Y-Yes S-Sir!"
Yes! A Really Good Talent. This One Is Fit For Ruling. It even shattered Into Dust! He's Also An Orphan! Perfect! I'll raise him into a great leader!
"If any orbs break I'll pay for them. If the ones who break them are orphans ,bring them to me. If I find out any of you disobey this order. I'll kill you immediately....Hey you. Come with me ,I'll bring you to my personal higher tier orb for testing. Anyone Else who breaks it also come to me for testing personally."
In Ye's Room
"Welcome to my room. This way please."
"Yes S-Sir."
"No need to be afraid. Your not in trouble. It's just the orb couldn't identify your talent or it was too great of talent to be shown and it broke. It's Most likely both because of the way it broke. Here we are. My special orb."
"Un." 'I don't understand but I think it's good'
"Alright put your hand on this orb."
'Ah. It seems weird. What if it's a trap!'
"Don't worry. It's not a trap. It's a higher tiered testing orb. Please go ahead."
"Ah...? Okay."
"Ah. It's too Bright!"
"Oh My!!! It's Gorgeous!" I need this kid as a disciple. He has a talent for Chaos Energy. I'm so glad he's an orphan!
"Um. Miste--"
"Big Bro Ye."
"Um~~. Big Bro Ye?"
"What Happened?"
"Ah. I just decided to take you in as my disciple and raise you to lead america."
"Oh. Okay.....WAIT WHAT!!! THAT'S A BIG DEAL!!!!!!"
"Oh. It is?"
"Yes! It really is!!!"
"Well. It's true. You're gonna be the next leader of North America. Let's Wait and see if other orphans shattered the orb."*Starts Salivating at the thought of training His new Disciples.*
Hm. There was only one other orphan. He didn't have as good as talent as the first one ,but he still had a lot of talent in sword arts and sword Qi. He might be a good sword deity. I decided to train him. Though...Not as a leader of a continent. As a mighty powerhouse of my new Sect. Breath Of Life Sect. I decided to grab the world tree's seed and I'll plant it as the foundation for our sect. Yggdrasil. Hopefully I'll advance quick enough to nurture Yggdrasil. I'll Make sure to get more orphans.
"Hey you two are the only ones worthy of being taught by me. Since you guys don't have last names You'll take my Sacred Last name."
"You'll Be Josh Yuanshi And Jake Yuanshi. Yuanshi is your last name. This is how you say it as an american. But in china or japan introduce yourself as Yuanshi Josh And Yuanshi Jake. Josh ,You'll Be leading the U.S.A. And Jake ,You'll Be The Hidden Elder Inside My Sect. You'll basically be a secret Trump Card. Jake You have an affinity to take you all the way to sword saint and maybe make it to sword deity. Josh You'll Lead U.S.A. because you have an affinity with Chaos energy and Sacred Fire. I'll train you in the arts of Alchemy and Chaos Cultivation. Rejoice! If you had taken any other master your potential would be limited. Josh Would've stayed in the slums and Jake would've Been Stuck as the patriarch of a low leveled sect because alchemy and chaos arts aren't known to anyone but ,I and nobody would be able to utilize your innate talent for sword Qi."
""Woah~~~! Master is so cooooool!!""
"Well ,Let's get started ,First we'll find a place to lay down our foundation as a sect."
"We're here." In the mountains. I discovered an untapped Ley Line Of Chaos gathering here. In about a few days to weeks a fully formed Ley Line Will Appear. It will begin to gather all kinds of Qi and it will become a Primordial Ley Line. "We'll Build The Breath Of Life Sect Here. In about a month the Ley Line here will fully evolve into a Primordial Ley Line Naturally. I should be able to help it become even better By Planting Yggdrasil here. Alright boys. Time to set up shop. We'll begin building in a week. Better get cultivating so we can lift more. I'll teach you both different suitable ways for you two to start cultivating. I'll make a seal to naturally generate and gather Chaos Qi Around Your Body Josh. And Jake. I'll start introducing you to sword Qi naturally to get your body used to it. It'll set your foundations. You're body will naturally absorb a minuscule amount of Qi into your cells and refine your Flesh. This Should Allow you to Get through Flesh Refining Realm. I'll Start to Refine my Qi."
My students are almost finished with Flesh Refining Realm. I'm about to finish Qi Refining Realm Realm.
*Boom Times 3!!!!!*
"Oh. It seems we all broke through at the same time. I'll use my new refined Qi to wash you all off." *Wooosh**Splash*
It's Time To Really Start Training.
"Alright Kids. I'm ramping up the training from here on out. No disciples of mine are going to be wimps. I'm gonna use Qi to slowly break your bones. It'll Refine your bones and get you used to enormous amounts of pain."
"Master! That's Absurd!"
"Yeah! We Can't Do That!"
"I went through it though As A Child. Let Me teach you something as your master. If you don't face suffering through your journey. Is it truly a journey? I think anyone who hasn't suffered pain or loss didn't try hard enough or isn't motivated enough! Let Me Show You Something! Even Though I'm The Strongest Currently and I'm 12 ,I too ,Went through hardships!*Takes Of Shirt* These Scars Are Proof I tried. Proof I survived my journey to this point. If a cultivator doesn't have a scar ,Even A Small one ,It means they didn't Try Hard Enough! It will be a tough journey!!! But you must survive! If you can't endure this then.... You won't be allowed in my tutelage anymore. You'll be stuck as trash and never get anywhere! I have currently Finished Qi Refining Realm And I'm in Qi Condensation Realm. You two Are at Bone Refining Realm. I'll push you to your limits. You'll Train until you can't move anymore. Now let's hurry up! We don't have all day!!"
*Snap*Snap*Spliiit*Crack*Chink*Snap*Pop*(Bones Breaking and re attaching.)*Click*
"Finally We're Finished! I thought that hell would never end!"
"I know Right. We're Already past Bone Refining Realm! Master Is Really Awesome. It Only Took Us A Few Days! We're Finally In Marrow Refining Realm. This Is Easy!"
"Don't take it too lightly. This is one of the most important parts of cultivation. Its What Decides If your able to get past The Body Refining Realms! Most Cultivators Would Poorly Go Through This Realm Thinking It Wasn't important! They All Were Stuck At Blood Refining Realm Mortal Blood Stage!" The Should At Least Get To Tiger Blood Stage. At Most Phoenix Blood Stage. Hopefully It's The Phoenix Blood Stage. I'm Gonna Make Them Wait To Solidify Their Foundations. They Might Make It To Phoenix Blood Stage.
"Alright Boys. We're Gonna Stop Cultivating. It's Time To Build The Sect and get you two some experience!"
""Yes ,Master!!!""
"Let's Get to it! Josh ,Take this weighted axe. It's Important to train your body to withstand your Qi. Get Some Wood. Jake Take This Weighted Sword. I want you to go Hunt Some Animals And Maybe if It happened A New Qi Beast."