While They're Going to do that. I'm getting stone and stuff for our sect. Although it won't take long for me. It'll take a while for them. It sucks that they can't automatically put gravity on their body. Welp I have enough materials. I just need those kids to get done and we'll be ready. I'll start clearing out room for our sect ,Breath Of Life ,I also need to make a way to liquidize Qi quickly so I can Water Yggdrasil. I don't know if my Qi alone is enough. Especially at Qi Condensation. I only have a little bit of liquid Qi. I'll think about it later. It only needs a little for now. It'll be fine. I'll have a lot of liquidized Qi When I need it. I can also use my Qi as liquid after It's a solid too ,Only because it's already been a liquid.
I'm currently Placing Stone Bricks Into the ground for the flooring of our sect. I've also made a sacred Hill in between eight mountain peaks. It's made a naturally formed moat area. I'll start pouring my liquid Qi and stabilize it into this world. Once I'm Ready. I'll make it so when I plant Yggdrasil It'll be able to absorb the liquid Qi.
Yggdrasil is currently only a sprout. The moat Is Filled With Liquid Qi. The Kids Are Coming back from their exploration and gathering. Seems They got a decent amount of materials. I'll start building walls tomorrow. I need to finish the flooring. I'm Halfway Through The Qi Condensation Realm. They Aren't Even True Marrow Realm Cultivators. I haven't allowed for them to cultivate anymore currently because I want them both to reach Phoenix Blood Stage. The Ley Line Is A Fully Formed Chaos Line. In a week or less because of Yggdrasil it'll become a complete Primordial Ley Line. It seems I'll finish building the sect before then.
Currently although I reached God Blood in Marrow Refining Realm It's Not The Highest. In God Blood Stage ,There is a total of three sub stages. Mortal God Blood. Supreme God Blood. And Finally Primordial God Blood. I can't get beyond Mortal God Blood because I'm in a mortal realm.
Finished building The Sect.
Alright the sect is built And in one day the Ley Line Will Fully Evolve. I'm gonna wait for that and then I'm gonna allow them to cultivate. I found out I can make the Qi my soul leaks stay in one place. I'm gonna make an immortal abode for my disciples and maybe I'll hold events for people to cultivate and live in it.
"Alright ,we've finally finished building The Breath Of Life Sect. Yggdrasil Is Also Growing. It's 10 feet tall already." Damn. That Means The Ley Line Will Probably Evolve earlier than my calculations. It'll evolve today. In about one hour.
"Okay Kiddo's. In one hour we'll start your cultivation again. I've decided to make an immortal's abode for you two to cultivate in occasionally. Other than that I'll cultivate you personally in my Peak. I'm going to go cultivate for 1 hour until then. Please make sure to stabilize your foundations consciously."
1 hour later
Alright It's been an hour. I'm Almost Finished With Qi Condensation. The kids are currently outside my house. I'm gonna guide them through the Marrow Refining Realm.
*Knock Knock*
"Come in."
""Yes master.""
"Alright ,currently I'm going to guide you through Marrow Refining Realm. In this realm ,you need to be extra careful. Marrow Refining Realm is different for almost every person. Unless they cultivate the exact same technique and have the exact same talents. Then It's usually always different. First things first. I'm going to check to see if any of you have hidden physique's."
*Seal Making**Woooosh**Tinggggg*
"It seems That Jake. You have a Living Sword Body. Good. Josh. It looks like you have Chaos Blood Body. Good ,This is great! Both My Disciples Are Really Worth It!"
"I'm going to guide specific Qi throughout your Marrow's. It's going to hurt a good bit ,but that's only because the type of Qi I need to run through them. For Josh ,It's Chaos Qi. For Jake ,It's Sword Qi. Sword Qi Is A Damaging Attributed Qi. Chaos Is A Destruction Attributed Qi. Please Brace Yourself For Pain."
""Yes ,Master.""
"Alright ,Now that you've made it through the most painful part. I need you to consciously guide the Qi throughout your Marrow yourself. Since you have hidden Physique's It'll come to you naturally through the process. I'll help you at the beginning and then I'll leave it to you two. It'll Help you get used to controlling your attributed Qi."
It's been an hour since I stopped helping them control the Qi. It seems they're now in control of it. I left Just Enough to breakthrough From Marrow Refining Realm. I'll Start Cultivating too.
It seems I'm ready to breakthrough. I don't want to use the Ley Line Too Much Or It'll Dissipate. I'll Allow Them To Breakthrough. I'm gonna start fastening the process of growth for Yggdrasil. I have one single strand of gaseous Qi left. I'll go breakthrough next to Yggdrasil. It'll Help It Grow.
There. I've Finished Breaking Through. I'm Now Past Qi Condensation. I'm At Qi Solidification Realm. I'll Still Be Able To Generate Liquid Qi ,But I'm Making My Qi Solid.
*Boom Times 2!!!!!!*
It also looks like my disciples have broken through to Organ Refining Realm.
More Travelling
"Hello My Disciples. I'm here to give you instructions on Organ Refining Realm. All You need to do is exercise while I put gravity on you. I'll focus on your organs but your whole body will also have gravity on it. For a good foundation ,you'll need to work on your whole body. Most people only use the Worlds Qi to refine their organs. Well ,They can only do this since there is no other gravity attributed Cultivator.