I'm going to be heading out. I'll be able to tell when my disciples breakthrough. I've placed a seal on them. A tracking seal and a monitoring seal. I've also put a high tier defense seal. Not that they'll need it. just in case a super genius appears or someone sacrificed their talent and potential to skip cultivation levels and get high cultivation....
"Hah! You Trash! You probably wouldn't be able to even get a manual! Even If you made it to the ceremony!"
I sense a Planetary Alchemic Physique. This Is really good. I'll be able to make an Alchemist Guild. I'll also be able to get a gravity cultivator to guard my disciples. If you didn't know. Gravity Cultivators ,When nurtured correctly ,Will be able to fight 2 to 3 realms above their own cultivation realm. That's How good gravity is. If mixed with alchemy then They'll be able to make pills to temporarily boost their strength too and gravity oriented pills! Oriented Pills Are Rare. Even In 10 millenniums I think only 1 oriented pill would be made in that time. If i didn't teach anyone and don't count mine.
"Hah! Even A Mortal Would Be Able To Kill You With No Weapons! You're So Weak!"
It's probably his physique. It makes him look weak ,but if he gains control of his physique he'd probably be one of the strong powerhouses of this realm. Let's check what gravity his physique is giving him. 100 times!!! That's Insane! He's An Orphan Too. He's Perfect ,I need to take him as my disciple!
*Pak!*(Slapping Noise)
"Ah!! Who Dares Hit This Esteemed Flesh Refiner!"
"You think We won't kill you. Even if you are a Flesh Refining Realm Also. We both are Flesh Refiners. You can't take us both On!"
"Hah! Some Nobody's In the Body Refining Realms Think They Can take this esteemed Big Bro Ye On! I'm Already Past End Of Body Refining. I didn't even hit you that hard!"
"What! Past End Of Body Refining! How! I'm Sorry Big Bro Ye! We didn't mean to offend you!"
"Yeah! Senior Big Bro Ye! Please Let Us Off This Time!"
"I Will. I just wanted to have this kid over here. I'm taking him as my disciple. He'll Be joining my Breath Of Life Sect. I just finished building it in the mountains near this city."*Points to kid on the ground*
"Me? Why would you want a useless person like me?"
"Hah! Useless My Ass! You have a 1 in a million hidden physique and you dare talk like that about your self. If I were you and had a teacher like me then I would be able to beat people 2 to 3 realms above myself! Even as a mortal! You're already strong enough to fight 5 Flesh Refiners and tie with them. Your physique is just putting gravity on yourself instinctively to make you stronger."
"Let me tell you something. If you looked through a Line Of 1000 people. Only about 1 or 2 if you're lucky will have a physique. Also If I looked Through a line of 1 million people. I might not even find a physique like yours in it. That's how good your physique is. Now lets go to my Sect."
'He probably only has a few disciples and only a bit are Flesh Refiners Like Me. I'll challenge them to a duel. Heh. He dares hit me. This daddy is almost a Muscle Refiner.'
Scene: At The Sect.
It seems my disciples are halfway through Organ Refining Realm. My New Disciple Has The Strength of a Peak Flesh Refiner Without His Gravity On.
"Alright boys. Stop training and Come here."
"Hm? Master What Is It?"
"Yeah We haven't finished. Why call us?"
"I've called you because you have a new Fellow Disciple. His New Name Is Silver Yuanshi. His Physique is so rare I could sense it without even checking. It's called the Planetary Alchemic Physique. It's a rare physique that instinctively puts gravity on to the owner. Which makes him seem frail and weak. If the physique is controlled then you'll be able to remove the gravity and put it on consciously. Currently if the gravity is removed Silver Is Equal To A Half-Step Muscle Refiner. It Is A Really Powerful Physique. If he starts cultivating His Strength will massively increase."
"Woah! I'm that strong!"
"Yeah. So First Things First. You're Cultivation through Body Refining Will Be Super Easy.It's because your whole body was being refined by the time you were 5. All I need to do is send Gravity Attributed Qi Through the different parts of your body for the different stages. Blood refining Is the only one that'll take a while. It'll still be decently fast."
20 minutes later.
Josh and Jake Have been training harder. Currently Silver is about to break through to Muscle Refining Realm.
Alright. He's A Half-Step Muscle Refiner Now.
"Alright. Well your foundations almost completely throughout body refining are complete. I only need to add Gravity Qi and help you throughout Blood Refining. And You'll Be Really Strong. You Might Surpass Josh And Jake In About 15 days to a month. Instead Of Continuing ,We'll start to control your physique consciously. It'll be super helpful. It'll allow you to also put gravity on others.
End Of The Day
"Alright! Everyone Stop Training. That's All For Today. We'll Continue Tomorrow."
Silver is now able to stop his physique from changing his gravity from his new 500 times. At the end of training tomorrow he'll probably be able to lower it a little bit. Silver Is As Strong As A Half-Step Organ Refiner Without His Gravity. He's Only A Half-Step Muscle Refiner.{A/N: Half-Step Means They're Ready To Start The Stage ,They Just Haven't yet.} Josh And Jake Are Already About 80% done with Organ Refining. At the start of tomorrow it'll be 85%. Probably halfway through training tomorrow they'll breakthrough to be Half-Step Blood Refiners. In about 3 days Silver will be able to remove his gravity completely.