World chaos

Suddenly, the whole world was in a roar, weird creatures found all over the oceans. There were absolutely large whales dying on the shores and even some of the world's best ships, which the USA owns, were sunken because of something mysterious.

Cities near shores were suddenly surprised when a Spinosaurus came in and killed 37 people, injuring 50 in the city of California. More of these happened and happened until people decided to take action.

They made precautions near the shores, made shelter bunkers all around the cities, and somehow stood afloat from this new madness.

But after a few weeks, 27 Rhamphorhynchus dinosaurs, flew outside of a near shore in South Africa. The creatures killed 167 people, injuring thousands. These dinosaurs came in groups and pretty fast became killing machines.

This infuriated the world into killing these dinosaurs. In the USA they made a group of people who were called in when a dinosaur spotting happened. They come with guns and kill the creatures.

In Russia, they used police to kill the creatures. After a couple of months, they got everything to work. There weren't any big casualties like before, but something happened.

A huge Allosaurus swam from the ocean to the shore of Britain, it killed hundreds of people and went back into the water unscathed. This was a huge thing for the world, how a single creature can kill thousands if it wanted to.

Like history is, it repeated itself and about 50 large Deinonychus swam until it reached Brazil's shores. They massacred over 2,740 people, injuring thousands, and about this time the world's ships were crumpled into the thin paper.

Every single ship was sunken into the waters by the dinosaurs, the world couldn't transport food supplies through the ships and slowly the world was losing to the battle of dinosaur vs human.

While this was happening, a cute 50+ meter megalodon was swimming around looking at every creature with weird eyes.

Are these dinosaurs? That's really good! I have been waiting for a better food source than normal animals.

I have eaten a few megalodons these past 3 months, and have been absolutely getting bigger. My diameter is now a terrifying 24 meters, my length is 88 meters, an absolute beast of a long way! I really want to level up to fight into the trench.

O! Another megalodon! Come here, you little chum!