Fellow shark fight

The huge megalodon was very fast, it swam and swam until I and he landed on a shore. I didn't know what shore this is but judging from its size it's definitely a continent's or a large island shore.

There were some people, of a specific race, all of them were black, so looking at this, I thought they were probably of the African race. That means I may be on one of Africa's shores.

All of them ran away from the site, while I was fighting the megalodon, a helicopter came and went, there were also some people with guns popping up, but all of them also ran away.

Not thinking about the consequences of my actions, I activated the earthquake skill, which was now level 2!

The whole shore and probably further was shaking improbably, while I was thinking what a good way of massage this is. I thought this would be good in this situation, but it's such a bad skill to work on singular bodies it doesn't even work.

Then I just used my sprint skill to tear off one of its tail, the shark screamed in pain, then I ate its stomach and it started to die, as it was dying, I ate more and more of its body until I ate the whole thing. While swimming back into the ocean, I noticed some bodies of humans dead.

I was already used to seeing humans die, but this was very scary for me.

This ability is definitely an AOE skill.

I have noticed bigger and bigger monsters leaving the ocean, just ignoring me, they seemed to go in the direction of one of the African shores I saw.

Also, I saw multiple dinosaurs somewhere also ignoring me, but I killed them so no big deal.

While the shark noodle was thinking about this, 3 huge Godzilla type creatures landed on one of the shores of the USA, all of them had special abilities allowing them to fly, this was so weird...

Thousands were killed in this tragedy, but a nuclear bomb defeated them. It was horrible to think, the nuclear bomb may lead to some fallouts. The nearby cities of that shore were bombed down, killing hundreds of thousands of people. The USA was being held for killing them by recklessly using a nuclear bomb.

The news was on the rally. . . .