Years went by.

The days were getting crazier and crazier. Bigger and smarter creatures went and left, the world slowly succumbed into chaos.

Africa had the biggest creatures and the scariest ones, there were also the self-named Godzillas as huge as the empire building. They were absolutely killing humans to extinction.

Slowly the human numbers went down and down, as the last humans stopped themselves from the craze and trapped themselves for eternity, our large noodle megalodon was just swimming around eating every being on the planet.

He noticed something terrifying, every coast he saw was absolutely bombed to nothing. There was no evidence of humans anywhere and he felt the planet's pollution take waste as it was probably from the nuclear bombs that were dropped.

He ignored this and continued hunting, months went by and years. The megalodon was getting huge every second, but one day the growing stopped.

- New skills -

- Bloodline too big, new bloodline required for growing. -

I am now a length of 1,240 kilometers and my diameter is 520 meters. I am absolutely huge, I have upgraded every skill to its max and now I need to upgrade my bloodline?

Easy, but first what are these new skills?

- Controlling weather 50 SP 0/5 -

- Air manipulation 75 SP 0/5 -

Both skills are pretty self-explanatory.

Well, I have definitely gathered some skill points this past 3 years, I can upgrade some of these.

How many skill points do I have?

- 525 SP -

Oh ok, well, I can upgrade both by a bit,

After configuration, this is how many points I used up and on what.

- Controlling weather 50 SP 3/5 -

- Air manipulation 75 SP 5/5 -

Now, it's time to try these out.

First, I tried controlling weather skill, this allowed me to make thunderstorms and rain + a ton of other things around my radius which after upgrading 3 times was about 10 kilometers so pretty huge.

Then we got the air manipulation which allowed me to control the air around me within a 17-kilometer radius after upgrading fully. This meant I could kill off a ton of animals pretty easily and pretty fast. Very useful.

Now, it's time for some experimenting with some portals.