Undermatched War 3

The generals continue discussing, while the uncomfortable silence still hasn't stopped, a huge amount of soldiers sit down somewhere waiting for some action, for it not to come. I listen again to their conversation:

"The information given by Lucia's helpers wasn't true at all! Except for some key parts, that it is demonic." A general spouts out some extremely valuable information. Then another general replies to this comment.

"Yeah, if they had not disappeared we would still have the power to summon them and ask Lucius for help. Wonder, where they went."

"Well- wait. If USEF doesn't work, doesn't that mean it's listeni- SHIT." Haha, it's extremely funny seeing the generals suddenly become scared, realising their mistake. Then I use my powers to scare them some more.

While all the generals become frantic moving stuff around. Gigantic red glowing eyes come through the window, all the generals freeze up, secretaries pass out. Out of nowhere one of the

oldest generals, being also the most fiercest, stands up straight and toggles on the universal speaker connecting the soldiers in the battle field and he screams:


Well, this is bad, I shouldn't have scared them so much. Nothing I can do now. I teleport to the general room. Well, not physically, but mentally. My scary monster-human body was still in the battle field, as the soldiers rushed towards me. But I was mentally in the generals minds, making my body the most scary thing, I use my destruction law to destroy all the generals, making knife like law particles in the process. I feel bad for them, but there's nothing I can do. If I had left them to themselves, they would've still come back to kill me.

Hm, I should probably check my level, haven't done that in a long time.

- Demonic Shark Monarch Lv. 2498/10000 -

Nice! I should be in the upper low peak monarch. Anyways, I remove myself mentally from the room, going back to my physical self, I realise that the ray gun is already on the last second of its activation. This is probably a good time to tell you that the ray gun is 1000 km big, it is extremely huge and can destroy me easily. But of course, I assume monarchs can't be killed so easily by lower beings like humans, I would probably reincarnate again somehow.

I use my ice powers to freeze all the ships, killing the soldiers in the process, I didn't freeze the ray gun, since I am scared that if I do anything to it right now, it might explode. I mean it's just what my stomach thinks.

I just transform myself to the smallest I can be, making it almost impossible for the ray gun to shoot. Without the generals orders, the soldiers controlling the ray gun shoot it instantly, a large area explodes as the ray touches it. It seems as though that the ray gun is actually a black matter gun, I was wondering why it seemed so similar to what the scientists made, it's just a bigger form of what the prototype was. If you're wondering why I know this, it's because when I was eating the island, I was really bored so I just connected with some scientists, talking with them with my mind laws. Anyways, the soldiers assume they destroyed me, since I made myself really small, centimetres big. From that far they don't see my body. But I feel that in their heads they are looking at some radar that finds all lifeforms in the area, so they know I am alive.

This being a really good time to disable the ray gun, since it has already shot its first black matter bullet, I quickly connect to the soldiers controlling the ray gun and make them disable it. I then destroy the machine and soldiers inside with my destruction law. Finally, this weird war is over. I have killed so many, but I know there was no way out, except leaving the planet, or refining the star system to become demonic.

Suddenly, I feel some sort of being teleport 100 meters away from me. It had also had a human form.