Underestimated Fight


As I was looking at this warning, I for the last time before a fight look at my level, weird, only 2499, it seems that levelling up gets harder the more you evolve, but I think that refining and devouring things might be the easiest way to evolve as a monarch, but I'll need to test it out a bit more until I'm sure. While I was thinking about this, I noticed some things in the background. A small golden light moving around at light speed, it then stopped and transformed into a man. The divine monarch I presume, he looks quite elegant with long white hair, golden eyes, a suit, very gentleman looking. He looks at me and asks me a simple question:

"Did you do this?"

I answer. "Yes."

He then somehow uses some law to strangle me a bit, I fake it looking like I am actually in pain and dying, but in reality I used transformation to put some of my internal body parts a bit lower so as to not actually get hurt. As he was strangling and strangling and I was still faking being in pain. He showed a confused expression, what is going on, why is he not dying? That's what he's probably thinking in his head. I use this opportunity where he is completely focused and thinks I am only a simple, not powerful being to strike him deep in his ribs with my hands. It worked! The divine monarch coughs up blood, which is almost golden, while he's coughing up I strike him again with my other hand into his other side of ribs.

"How? You are only a simple being in my domain! You shouldn't have reached the monarchs! No one can!" He screams confused as ever.

I think a little and reply. "I can."

As soon as I say that he launches at me, throwing thousands of strikes within seconds. I block each one, since I am almost the same level of monarch as him, which is quite lucky, if he were stronger by just a bit I would be probably dead right now. Anyways, he strikes me a lot, I block, I then use my ice law to freeze his arms, doesn't work. I use my destruction law.

- Destruction law can't bypass monarch domain. -

Oh, it seems his refining of the star system has made it so I can't use the destruction law. Well, I transform into a shark that can eat a continent, 5000 km in width and 1000 km in diameter and use this time to completely eat and swallow the monarch. When I put him in my stomach, he freezes up, not moving at all, weird. I then transform my body so, that my he would hug all sides of my mouth and slowly eat him. He died?! That was fast? Why did he die so fast?

- Congratulations you have killed a Divine Monarch, awarding 671 levels! Current level: 3170/10000 -

- Reaching mid peak monarch, unlocked Bloodline Skill! Gravity Law -

Amazing. I have finally found a way to leave this forsaken place and venture out, in the process becoming stronger and finally getting to my planet Earth!