A Gift

On the Lotte New York Palace rooftop was a young light-skinned bartender, mixing and serving drinks to the VIP clients on this special occasion.

It was New Year's Eve; they reserved the entire penthouse for a grand celebration.

It was midnight, The Ball in Times Square had dropped as everyone raised a glass and cheered whilst watching it on the big screen inside the solarium.

"To The New Year, cheers!"





A couple of hours passed as the party raged on. There were a few bodies lying around; lights out. They drank a little too much, but that's not a problem. They will only get yeeted off the roof to splatter their guts on the roadside.

Relax, I'm just kidding, no one would do that here~

"Aye Yo Miles! Isn't it a little late? Go take a nap at least, I'll cover for you." Said Luke, a tall Caucasian man. He was wearing a black n white tuxedo, with a bowtie and vest instead of a tie and jacket; his long sleeves-rolled-up and shirt tucked in neatly with a shiny swiss silver wristwatch. He looked charming and pleasing to the eye with his slick-back blond hair, blue eyes, stubbled beard, and athletic body.

Luke, a 23-year-old playboy, he's dated many of his high profile clients and got them hooked on a leash... other than that, he's great at mixing drinks and a superb listener.

Miles and the rest of the staff also wore similar tuxedo fits, most preferred to keep their jackets on since it was evidently cold during this time of winter.

Miles was working at the same station as Luke, serving up drinks and conversing with the guests.

"Nah, it's only 3 in the morning, I might do another hour before taking a break," Miles said in response to Luke.

Miles, an 18-year-old senior in high school; light-skinned, 6 foot 4, devilishly handsome with bright hazel eyes, soft angled eyebrows, big lips, and sharp jawline. He had black short dreads with a fade. Miles' had an ideal lean athlete's figure, define muscles, with rock hard 8-pack abs.

Luke was the same height as Miles, they're also best friends, working together for the past 2 years.

"Aight then, cover for me, I wanna release some pent up stress from today's workload. Be back in an hour!" Luke said to Miles while walking away into the building with a busy lady on his side, holding her close by the waist.

*Yawn* Mile audibly yawned whilst blocking his mouth with the back of his right hand.

"One more hour to go~ You got this. Push through." Miles unenthusiastically encouraged himself to stay awake as a client sat down on one of the high stools of the bar.

It was an elderly man, maybe in his 60s or 70s. He wore a black n white suit that went well along with his waist-length white hair, and long sagely beard. His wrinkly eyes and hands gave away his elderly age.

"How're you enjoying the party? I hope our service is up to par with your standard." Miles greeted the elder with an enthusiastic smile that contradicted his earlier sullen, sleepy state.

"It's been grand. Don't worry, this service is far above my expectations." The elder responded with a contempt smile of his own.

"What can I get you? Would you like to start with a cocktail or is there something specific you'd like? We have everything from cocktails to Hennessey."

"Let me get your strongest Hennessey, please. Thank you."

Miles raised a brow and nodded to himself, surprised at the elder's choice of starter. "Coming right up!"

Mile looked to the shelves behind him for the Hennessey section, conveniently right behind where he stood.

Pouring it half full into a heavy-bottomed glass, he passed it to the elderly man.

"This one's on the house, please enjoy," Miles said with a smile on his face. He then poured a glass for himself to accompany the old man.

They conversed for quite some time, as 1 glass turned to 2, and 2 turned to 5.

The old man then asked, somehow still sober, "What would you do if you had all the power in the world?"

"I would do... what makes me happy," Miles responded with a drunken smile.

"Then here you go, do as you wish!" The elderly man exclaimed as a pitch-black swirling matter appeared out of nowhere in the hands of the elderly man. Proceeding to put it inside Miles' body, it disappeared without a trace of it ever being there.

Miles, who was leaning against the counter, barely supporting himself, collapsed on the floor, straight to Lala land.

Meanwhile, the elderly man seemed to have aged 30 years in a matter of seconds; his face became gruesomely wrinkled and weak, almost like his face was melting; his entire body became weak as he shrunk from healthy to skin n bones. The light in his eyes vanished and his body disintegrated into nothing. As all this happened, the elderly man kept a content smile on his face until his last breath.