The Hangover!

"Hey... Heeey~... Yuuuuu gooooood~"

I heard a voice call out to me, but it was so distorted and trippy I couldn't make out who's it was.

"AWwwe. What. The. Fuck? My head hurts like hell." I mumbled in pain.

My head started aching real bad, it felt like someone was trying to squeeze my brain as hard as they can. Clutching my head, I started gritting my teeth; trying to not scream out in pain. I wasn't too successful as muffled groans still escaped.

I heard loud footsteps coming in my direction; it sounded like someone was stomping their way here. The sound of stomping became loud and loud until I couldn't take it any longer, shouting,

"Stop fucking stomping everywhere, it so FUCKING loud! Argh!"

The stomping stopped after I shouted at whatever was making those noises. It, what it was, at least seemed sensible enough to notice my distress.

"Miles... hello... Earth to Miles, can you hear me?" The voice whispered slowly.

I heard the voice again, but this time much clearer. It was definitely Luke; I don't even need to open my eyes to know it's him.

"Yeah, I can hear you. Just don't make noises. My head is hurting like a Lil' bitch right now."

I rolled around a little. It seems like I'm on a bed, I can feel a soft pillow under my head and a heavy blanket covering me from the waist down. Either I'm at my place or Luke's. Well, I couldn't care less about any of that right now. This fat headache is killing me right now.

"Hey, buddy, I got some medicine for your headache. Pull yourself up and drink it." Luke whispered to me. He understands me so well, I love this guy.

I pulled my body up, leaning my back against the bed frame, I felt super sluggish and weak. I couldn't bother opening my eyes, so I just stretched my arms out towards the direction I heard Luke's voice. He handed me a glass of water, cold to the touch, and a small tablet, probably the medicine.

I took the medicine and placed it on my tongue before washing it down with the refreshing, cold water.

Ohhhh Maahhh Goooodddd... that was the best glass of water I had in my whole life; felt like it came straight from Heaven itself.

"Yoo... you came in so clutch... the water tastes heavenly."

"It's tap water."

WH-Why u do me like that? Can't you just say thanks and move on. Now I look like a dumbass.

"Love you homie... even if it's tap water." A single tear fell from my right eye, I really do feel like a dumbass now.

"Yeah, yeah... get some rest kid."

Luke exited the room with the glass cup in hand, closing the door behind him.

Miles then settled himself on the bed again, finding a comfortable position and getting the heavy blanket over his shoulder, he went back to Lala Land.


Waking up slowly, groggily, Miles rubbed his eyes, slowly opening them. The morning sunshine entered his vision as he narrowed his eyes instinctively. He threw the heavy blanket aside, sitting on his bed with his bare feet touching the cold hardwood floor.

*Yaaawnnnn* Miles stretched his arms, arched his back, and fell back on the bed. Still half asleep, he rolled around, cracking his back and neck. Feeling comfortable, Miles focused his vision, looking at the ceiling, it was baby blue with white fluffy clouds painted on it. This was likewise the same for the rest of the room.

The window had fresh snow piled up on the outside, most likely, it piled overnight.

The sun was just rising, the beginning of another day.

This is definitely my room. Hmmm...what the hell am I wearing?

Looking at the giant mirror of his sliding closet, Miles saw that he was still in his dress clothes, just without his shoes, socks, and jacket. His hair was a mess, white shirt wrinkly with stains and dirt on it. Overall, he looked like he got run over.

"Aw shit! I gotta go!"

Miles ran like his life depended on it. Whilst doing so, he was trying his best to unbuckle his belt.

He lived in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, in a newly built luxury apartment complex, PLG, in the Prospect Lefferts Gardens area.

Miles didn't have to go far to reach his bathroom, it was in his master bedroom, right before the door that leads to the hallway, on the left-hand side.

Getting inside, Miles successfully took off his belt and pants. Sitting down, Miles sighed in relief as he let loose.

After finishing his business, he washed his hands with his watermelon scented liquid soap, then washed his face with lukewarm water.

*Hapchu* Miles started sneezing, never-ending.

"Fuck! *Hapchu* where's my slippers!"

Looking around his room, near his closet, in his bathroom, he finally found it under his bed.

"Found ya bitch! *Hapchu!*" He quickly put those furry soft slippers on. Instantly he felt cozy, like walking on clouds.

Still, in his formal wear, he went out of his room, making his way towards the living room. Once he got there, he found none other than Luke, chillin' comfortably on his sofa watching Home Alone 2. Miles didn't say much, he just went to the connected kitchen. Opening the top cabinets, he found himself some cocoa-puffs. Then, opening the double door refrigerator, he took out milk. Placing both of them on the dining table, he was missing something from the formula. Forgetting the bowl, he went back to the cabinets and grabbed one before settling himself on one of the comfortable leather chairs of the dining table.

Luke, hearing all the noise coming from the kitchen, looked over, noticing Miles pouring his cereal first, then his milk, which he unconsciously nodded to. (A/N: If any of ya'll pour the milk first, is ya'll dumb or stupid?!)

"Good morning! Sleepy Head!"

"Good morning *Hapchu* to you too, Luke. Why you here? *Hapchu*" Miles said whilst wiping his runny nose with a paper towel.

"Pfff! ahaha! You look like shit!" Luke commented, walking towards the dining table, sitting opposite to Miles.

Miles frowned and mean mugged him as Luke took his seat. Then he just sighed and went back to eating his cereal.

"Do you know how you got here?" Luke asked. Miles shook his head.

"Well, long story short, I found you knocked out cold on the floor when I got back, you were freezing to death, so I clocked us out and took you back here. Are you good?" Luke asked seriously, looking directly at Miles' eyes.

Miles lifted his bowl and drank the remaining milk before responding, "Yeah, I don't remember much, but I was drinking with an old man, I was... maybe 4 or 5 shots in... I blanked out after that. Did you by chance see an old man when u found me?"

Luke shook his head before getting up, taking the bowl Miles was using to the sink. With his back turned, he ordered in disgust, "Go take a shower. You smell like shit and Hennessey put together!"

Miles was about to retort, but he lost his barring when he sniffed his clothes. Luke was 1000% right. Even Miles himself couldn't take the stench coming from him.

Miles then took a long shower to get out all the stench. Brushing his teeth, flossing, and using the mouthwash, Miles left his bathroom. He then quickly got dressed in one of his Panda onesies after drying himself.

He put on his slippers again, with fresh white socks this time. Makings his way to the living room again, he laid on the sofa, legs extended. Miles had brought a box of tissues with him as he still had the sniffles. Luke was right next to him, watching the news.

"Luke, what date is it today?" Miles asked, worried for some unknown reason. His instincts were going off when the news showed a video of kids going to school.

"It's the 4th, why ask?" Luke responded as he looked at Miles in confusion.

Miles' face froze as he gulped audibly enough for Luke to hear. "What time is it?" Miles then asked.

"It's... 10:30." Luke paused between his words as he reached into his pockets to get his phone.

Miles started sweating bullets as he gulped again. His worse nightmare had come to life. Today was the first day of school after the winter recess. But that wasn't even his biggest concern at the moment.

Luke became even more confused. Not only did Miles not answer his question, but he's also acting weirder than before. Having had enough of this, Luke asked once again, but this time with much more force, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you sweating? It's winter!"

Miles came out of his worried state and started explaining, "Bro, that's not the point! The point is, today is the first day of school! Not only am I late for school, I haven't even started my homework! I'm fucked!"

(A/N: Relatable on another level.)