Makin' Bacon Pancakes!!!!

Miles rested on a nimbus in the middle of space.

Watching shooting stars whizz at light speed across the never-ending galaxy, far, far away.

The Sun glowed ever so brightly as it violently flared up.

The orangish-red energy blasted forth towards Miles on his nimbus.

But the expression on Miles' face never changed. He closed his eyes as the flare enveloped his whole figure.

Chilling on a sandy beach, Miles rested under a tropical umbrella as he sipped on a pina colada.

He had on vibrant beach shorts, no top, and Bahama-blue-tinted sunglasses.

He watched a beautiful natural waterfall crash against the rocks as it made its way down to fill the clear blue lake below. The sound of water crashing, birds chirping, and monkeys swing from tree to tree perked his ears.

The surrounding forest was vast and green. Enormous trees reaching into the sky were abundant, blocking the sunlight, creating a natural shade below. The little glimpses of sunlight made the experience even greater as the beauty of nature became more charming.

Miles stood at the top of the waterfall, looking down at the clear water 30 meters below. He moved back a couple of meters before rushing forth at full speed.

He jumped into a slow backflip, opening his arms wide as he started to descend.

He straightened his hands atop his head as he nose-dived into the lake.

He entered the lake further and further.

He swam deeper and deeper until he reached a new surface.

Looking around, he was in the middle of nowhere with only the vast ocean as far as the eye can see, in all directions.

A bubble entrapped him as it took him air bound.

Relaxing, he watched as he got further and further away from the ocean. It got smaller and smaller until he was so high up the whole green and blue planet was within his view.

The bubble burst as he started falling down, earthbound.

The fall only got faster as gravity pulled him back down, he lit up on fire like an asteroid and crashed.

*bibip! bibip! bibip!*

Awe... what the hell. I was having an amazing lucid dream just now.

What time is it? I don't wanna to get up.


Reaching under his soft pillow, he searched around a little before finally feeling a solid object in obscuring his movement. Grabbing hold of the small object, he pulled it out under his pillow.

He quickly fixed his grip and held it correctly. Bringing it to his face, it unlocked itself.

Ohhh no-no!

"Ahhh! Fuck! MY EYES! MY fucking eyes!"

Rookie Mistake!

The phone was lit up at full brightness; the room was dark; it was a complete disaster.

Masterfully turning the brightness down, Miles still couldn't stop cursing while slowly massaging his closed eyes in a circular motion.

There was no doubt that he was fully awake now.

Getting off his bed, Miles felt the cold from the hardwood floor travel from his feet all the way to his head as he felt a shiver quickly travel up his spine.

"Huhuhu, damn its cold."

Miles quickly tip-toed to his bathroom and took a warm morning shower.

Shower Thoughts:

"Damn! I never got to know what time it was. Shit! I could be running late for all I know."

"Hmm, better wrap this up quickly and get dressed."

"But what do I wear? That's the question. Today is my first day of school after winter break. Should I flex on 'em and go all out Gucci? Or should I keep it casual and gangsta? Hmmm, questions, questions, questions. But not a single answer."

"I'll figure it out after breakfast."




"Bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes,

Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake,

Bacon pancakes, that's what it's gonna make,

Bacon pancaaake!"

(Adventure Time song, written by Rebecca Sugar)

Miles was singing as he flipped his bacon pancake in the air, catching it back onto the pan.

It was seven in the morning and school doesn't start till nine.

Miles was putting his time to good use as he skillfully managed two pans, effectively making two bacon pancakes at the same time.

The smell of bacon wafted in the air as Miles' mouth watered.

Huhuhuhu... I'm finna eat swell today! Hell Yeah!

Luke walked moments later, being assaulted by the whiff of the bacon he smiled and walked towards the kitchen area.

"What are you making? It smells like bacon."

"Bacon pancakes! Makin' bacon pancakes!" Miles repeated his song.

"I see. Good Morning by the way." Luke went and sat on the sofa after checking what Miles was making for breakfast. He turned on the Tv, continuing the Dragon Ball episode he left off from.

"Yeah, Good Morning!" Miles said cheerfully, with his back to Luke. He was rinsing some fresh blue barriers, raspberries, and peaches.

Miles quickly plated all the fruits in their own individual plates and put them in the center of the dining table.

Turning back to the pan on the stove, he quickly took the golden pancake with his spatula and stacked it atop the already tall stack of bacon pancakes. He did the same for the second pancake in the second pan.

"Would you like coffee or tea?!" Miles loudly spoke looking at Luke. The volume of the Tv was pretty loud so it would be hard to hear If Miles spoke normally.

Luke turned the volume down with the remote in his hand, responding he said, "Tea, green tea. Make like 3 cups of it."

"Ight, come eat breakfast, I finished my bacon pancakes."

Miles put filtered water in the water boiler and switched it on. He then went to the fridge and got the whipped cream and some red wine. Placing everything on the table and sitting down.

The maple syrup was already on the table, along with the knives and forks which he had placed beforehand.

He poured some red wine into his wineglass and dressed his pancakes in maple syrup and whipped cream.

"Luke! Get your ass over here!"

Luke then turned off the Tv. Walking to the water boiler, he opened a shelf above it and took out green tea bags coming straight from England.

Making his green tea, he went and took a seat in front of Miles.

"Why the wine?" He asked.

"Ohh, you know how there's always this welcome back meeting they do in the morning? Yeah, that shit. I'm trying to be a little tipsy so I could easily get through it without a problem."

Luke nodded in understanding as he poured maple syrup on his pancake stack.

"That's stupid, but whatever"

"Hey! It's not just because of that. Red wine goes quite well with bacon pancakes if I say so myself."

'fucking idiot' Luke thought.