The power of the forbidden fruit part 2

"Our ancestor lives here a thousand years ago, it says, that the fruits you ate was from the forbidden tree, same as the fruit Adam and Eve ate with the temptation of the serpent,

There were 30 kinds of fruits, first is the fruit is the one that Eve first ate, the fruit of Revealing knowledge, it has the capability to use some part of our brain, in short the LEARNINGS, then what this treasure chest have was the seven fruits our ancestor have gathered and hide, but unfortunately you just ate it, you took all six.

and I ate the first on the seven, it is color orange like apple,

That fruit makes you become light, it illuminates you like a bulb light and can also produce warm atmosphere on your surroundings

Then, the fruit of thunder, it is the color green, according to my father, this fruit can make you release a high voltage of electricity and can make your body lighter in weight.

The fruit of Hell fire, it is the color red one, looks normal, but it can summon a huge black flame from hell and can burn almost everything, even ice and water.

Thr fruit of Necromancer, this is the stained white fruit, it says, it is one of the powerful fruit that the power is near to Gods. It can make dead peopleor things come to life.

The fruit of Decay,

The Gray fruit, this fruit is so forbidden, it is the opposite of the Necromancer fruit, everything the owner touches decays in a short period of time and even The Necromancer fruit power cannot bring those decayed body to life.

The fruit of Air, that is the purple one, this fruit when you have this power, you can control any types of air surrounds, according to our history, the ruler of our clan traditionionally eat these fruit and pass to the chosen one, it means this is one of the most powerful fruits and that is why if you notice, it was placed separated from the others.

And last together with the feuit of air is we believe the fruit of time, we only have limitted information for this fruit according to our records, because when this fruit was eaten, the owner can bring back to the past or to the future, my father said that the last generation of our clan the bearer of fruit of air talked to the one who ate this fruit, father said, this fruit is cursed and the owner of this will have an eternal sorrow, according to father, he heared if from the leader of the clan that the man who owns this fruit beg to die, father said the age of that man was morethan 3000 yrs old, older than our clan. Father says to kill the owner of the fruit of time, we need to use all of the special abilities of the six fruits however it will took the remaining lifespan they have, so it ends up like this, when the fruit owner dies, a seed will fall to the ground extracted from bones and blood.

My father told me that when the six owner of the last generation dies, the seven seeds compressed into one, and the my grandma, the wife of the clan leader dug a whole and plant the seeds, now on how to pant this is horrifying, because you need to water it with blood and fertilize it with a live souls, it means as long as it is not having fruits you need to kill a person everyday.

So since, I am the last clan leader and the only one alive before our clan wiped out, i decided to keep this fruits away."

These are the explaination he said while sitting in the treasure chest.

Then I've ask him, why did you eat one of the fruits?

He answered "oh yeah! You got me there. Because of the Clan war!" and not only that, my father told me that before his father died, he told grandmother about the future, that the fruits don't stop to pass generations by generation."

I've ask again," what clan war?"

He answered " there were 12 clans here, they said that 15 out of the 30 fruits are gathered here because they said that this is the promise land."

"There are only six clan left, our clan has been elimminated, because before father become the inheritor of the fruits, and our clan leader, he was killed by his friend, and my grandmother and mother scape together with me. Those are the other clans doing, they killed father by manipulating the mind of his friend and then they've attacked us, so gathered all the forbidden fruits grandma and mother escape and every time we switch place. Mother told me that grandmother is a professional assasin before."

"I will tell you the story behind the clan war"