War of the clans

"there were 12 clans here before, each clan has its fruit, we own the fruit of air. We are the top clans amongst the 12 because our ancestor believe that we can use the special abilities on it's full potential, so we eliminated the first five clans that is why we have the 5 other fruits. When we collect the fruit, we plant it and nurture it with their slave we captured on each every clan. Our territory spread like wild fire. We owned the half of the area before on our golden age. They said that the third leader of the clan has blood lust, he can control any typea of air with one kilometer radius, he was once called the demon. "

"Every generation on our clan, the leader are died on it's 50th birthday, then the body disappeared and only a shinny seed remains, we believed that every souls of the user remains in it."

Now the son of the former leader will be the next inheretence because of the bloodline talent.

The last war we almost ended wiped out due to steong clan, we are out numbered, that is the necromancer user. Every dead body is bring back to life and fight as their ally, so when they killed our people, they turned it into their side, and they are all undying, they still can think but they can't move their body on its own.

Then our clan discovered that if we decay the body they can no longer be resurected, so the place filled with rotten ashes and the smells of death, then finally our clan capture the fruit owner by using the air, the 3rd leader manipulates the air around the necromancer, according to story, the necromancer hold his neck like he is hard to breath, then after 3 mins he went down to the ground and a fire tornado came out of nowhere and burned the body, the only remains is the seed.

The 3rd leader power is increadible and mysterious. I am thinking, he killed 100 lives in an instant because he take away oxygen in the selective surroundings, then create a high temperature atmosphere so he can burn the body,

The other 3 clans are afraid on us so they leave with no trace to keep their safe. They said that the demon, the 3rd leader of the clan, can use ice and fire, but the secret is the real special ability of the 3rd leader is the air.

One of the special skills of the 3rd leader is to compress the air and it can explode kilometers away without any trace of the body."

Then the man stop talking! It looks like he is thinking... And then he ask me.

"Hey you, what fruit did you eat? "

Then I replied but I change the topic " wait! If you are the leader, why you eat the fruit of light? And not the fruit of air.?"

He answered me "yeah! You have a point! When we are escaping from the other clan, mom got killed and grandma took care of me, in order for me to escape feom death during the raid of the other clans, she forced me to eat the fruit of light." she said, I must carry all of the fruits and put it somewhere that no clan can find it, she said, She don't want me to have the fruit of air because it is too risky to control the power of the fruit. She also mentioned that the special ability of this fruit only triggers when the deep emotional state happen, and it needs a lot of practice to control the special ability, but once triggered it can be definitely usefull."

"So what fruit did you eat?" he asked again.

Then I answered.

"yeah, yeah!!! I ate the fruit of air."

He is shocked. "really? He asked me.

"Have you use the ability already? He asked me:

I replied, "I guess so"

Now he think again.

He asked me, "do you know who ate the other fruits? I need to know who ate the fruit of time so I can go back to the past and prevent the assasination of my father."

I raise my hand slowly" I was"

Then he was shocked, he said" really? How can you possibly eat 2 kinds of fruits.. This is insane! So you mean, I am correct literary that you are not from here, that means you are not from this time? "

I said " yeah!" I'm from the future. The reason why I went here is to see, what kind of ability I have, then luckily i saw you and thanks to you, you explained almost everything"

He said " well, now I know who ate those 2 fruits, I should do something! Now you need to train those ability with me" then we should gather all your friends before the other clan caught them."