Divine Crystal

Divine Crystal: A drop of condensed blood of a Divine Being. Nourishes all bloodlines under the Divine Rank to a certain extent. Has a small chance to evolve the current bloodline to the next level.

Hei Wang eyed the blue crystal and sighed. In his previous life he had taken the shortcut towards higher power and had accepted the Dark Goddess's help eventually becoming the Dark King who stood at the apex of humans.

But even after reaching the peak of human limits he was nowhere close to the peak Gods at that time.

Accepting a God's help was essentially putting a barrier to your achievements. Sure, you can get stronger at a faster rate if a God backed you, but then, you will never be able to surpass the Gods and thus won't be able to reach the true peak if you took this path.

The Divine Crystal was a precious resource as it was the condensed blood of the strongest race in the universe, but Hei Wang had no intentions to use it on himself.

He calmly took the Rare non attribute Elixir crystal he had obtained from the Goblin cave out and placed it before the smiling shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper did not know the true effects of the Divine crystal but the crystal had been passed down by his ancestors and he had only placed it on display as a decoration. He even placed a high price of single Rare Non Attribute crystal to make sure that no one would buy it, but what had just happened?

Hei Wang had taken the Divine crystal and dragged Feng Xue'er away before he could react leaving his smiling face stiff.

Hei Wang dragged Feng Xue'er out and ran away like the wind. Only after he was sure that the shopkeeper was not following them did he stop and relax.

Since the shop keeper had not followed them, it meant that he didn't know the actual value of the Divine crystal. Along with the payment of a Rare Elixir crystal, the shopkeeper most likely would not disturb Hei Wang anymore.

"Hehe! What a great deal!" Hei Wang excitedly yelled and hugged Feng Xue'er while kissing her cheeks fiercely.

Feng Xue'er did not struggle away, but her eyes were heavy with coldness.

Hei Wang did not mind the coldness in her gaze and simply stuffed the pea sized blue coloured Divine Crystal into her mouth who swallowed it without any questions.

As soon the crystal entered her mouth, it turned into a warm stream of pure energy and flowed throughout her body passing along the veins.

After a whole rotation, the warm stream of pure energy reached her heart and assimilated into her bloodline.

Feng Xue'er found her bloodline improving with each passing second and looked towards Hei Wang in surprise. How could he give me such a treasure?

"It's my gift for your beauty. Thank your parents for giving you such a beautiful figure. I might be a heartless man, but I know how to appreciate a beauty when I see one, especially if the beauty is going to stay forever with me!"

Feng Xue'er did not know what to make of Hei Wang's words. He seemed to be hinting that she should use her beauty to take advantage of him.

But what she did not understand was, since she was already his, why not force himself on her. Sure he does kiss her sometimes which makes her want to kill him but he had never truly crossed the line.

Feng Xue'er soon shook her head and discarded her thoughts. She was just 16 years old and did not understand the complexity of the human mind. Anyway, since he was not forcing her, she was more than happy to stay away from him.

Hei Wang used his Spirit Eyes on Feng Xue'er once more and observed the changes. The main change was the quality of her Royal bloodline. Previously, her Royal bloodline had increased her Aptitude by three times and max level had been fixed at level 17, but now, her Aptitude had been raised by four times, and the max level changed to level 18.

Her bloodline had still some ways before reaching the next level, the Emperor bloodline level, but it was start.

But the main gain wasn't the improvement of the bloodline, but the erosion of 'Curse Of The Wicked'. Hei Wang was little surprised to see this Bloodline curse only half depleting when faced with the all purifying Divine blood. Just how strong is this curse? Hei Wang's brows furrowed.

They still had half a curse to deal with, but it was better than before.

Once Feng Xue'er had completely absorbed the Divine crystal, Hei Wang strolled around the town while explaining about the Spirits to Feng Xue'er.

"The spirits are born from the core of the Spirit World and have a tendency to take orders from other races making them perfect material as slaves."

"But the essence of all life had always been profits. Naturally, this rule applied to the Spirits too. If the spirits sees no profit while serving you, it will be very hard for you to enslave them."

"Even though they revere us, their own self interest comes before us. If killing us would give them more profits, then they won't even bat a single eye while killing us. So don't be naive to think that the spirits are harmless!"

"As for the connection between Elixir stones and spirits, all you need to know is that the Elixir stones came from them in the first place and a non attribute elixir crystal is more important than Attribute crystals."

With that, Hei Wang tossed a crystal in air, and smiled. "Come with me! I will give you a demonstration! It's time for you to learn about enslaving the spirits."