Little Fish

Note: This chapter has a lot of confusing moments, so it is advised to read carefully. If there is something you do not understand, please leave a comment, and don't worry as the events shall be explained in the later chapters.

Only 1 chapter today.


Hei Wang led Feng Xue'er to the core of the Spirit Island, he had a location in his mind where he could gain a potential spirit slave but when a huge mansion came into his vision he stopped abruptly and looked at it with interest.

This mansion was extremely huge. In terms of size alone it was twice larger than the Roman's kingdom's Royal Palace which showed how grand the Spirts were over humans.

If it was just the size that was weird about this mansion then Hei Wang would not even give it a second glance, but this mansion had two spirits guarding its gates which intrigued him to stop and throw a second glance at it.

"Interesting!" He had initially planned to find a Spirit servant for Feng Xue'er, but the appearance of the mansion rose his interest.

In his previous life Hei Wang had visited this place numerous times, but the mansion was already in crumbles by the time humans had found the Spirit World, that was to say that the mansion was destroyed, so seeing it intact and the fact that the mansion had guards managed to capture Hei Wang's interest.

He pulled Feng Xue'er and made his way towards the mansion's gate only to be stopped by the guarding spirits. "Esteemed sir, no guest is allowed inside the Star Mansion without my lord's invitation." The Spirit on the left side of the gate stopped them politely and informed.

"Hmm! I see! Then can you pass this letter to your lord. I came from a far away place just to give him this letter you see, and I am in a hurry right now!" Hei Wang picked a piece of blank paper that was randomly flying in the surroundings and passed it to the dumbfounded guard.

The guard's faced twitched as he took the paper. 'Far away place! Far away place my ass! Letter! Letter my ass! What the fuck is this blank paper?!'

Seeing the spirit's doubt, Hei Wang smiled and placed his hand over the spirit's shoulder. "Don't delay anymore! Go and give my letter to your lord, he might even reward you for bringing him such an important letter!" Even Feng Xue'er, someone who had adapted to Hei Wang's shamelessness was left speechless by his actions.

The guard was literally crying now. 'Big brother! My big brother! Did I offend you in my last life! Please spare me! It would be a miracle if my lord does not kill me for bringing him something so useless!"

Just as the guard was about to ask Hei Wang to not cause trouble anymore, a bell like laughter spread throughout the mansion and a ten year old spirit came running out.

As the little girl reached the mansion's gate from inside, she turned and stuck her tongue out as if mocking someone and ran out towards Hei Wang.

Seeing this little spirit, Hei Wang was stunned. A drop of rare tear appeared on his handsome face as he called out in a shaky voice. "Littl-little Fish! Is it you little Fish!"

"Eh! You know me uncle?!" The little spirit had planned to run away from the mansion but seeing a stranger calling her name, she stopped and carefully observed this stranger. Somehow, her heart grew warm looking at him.

'Strange! Why do I feel this way!' The little girl was extremely interested in her own emotions.

Hei Wang's face twitched as he heard the word uncle, but seeing the little figure he had missed since his reincarnation, his displeasure was immediately crushed as happiness overwhelmed him. "It is you! Oh! How I missed you!" He smiled and ran forward to hug her.

"Little princess! You must not leave the mansion!" Both the guards at the gate immediately turned stern as they approached the little spirit.

"Hehe! Sorry uncle! I have to go! See you later!" The little girl smiled at Hei Wang and dashed away. The guards ran after her, but their agility was like a turtle's when compared to hers and she soon left them in dust.

Spirits grew stronger and stronger the more they lived, but this little girl seemed to be an exception being so fast at a very young age. This only showed her superior Aptitude.

"What do we do now?" Feng Xue'er asked as she looked at the unguarded mansion gate.

"Go! Obviously we chase the little girl!" Hei Wang lifted Feng Xue'er into his arms and dashed towards the direction the little spirit had run away. Strangely this level 1 guy was faster than both the guard spirits. Feng Xue'er acted as usual, 'act' indifferent to his Overbearingness.

In fact, Hei Wang had a reason for carrying her this time unlike the other times. This had something to do with the little spirit from before. If they were not fast enough their lives would be in danger.


Far away, in an unique dimension where the concept of time seemed to be vague, a spirit opened his eyes. On his lap was another spirit who had her eyes closed as well.

If one concentrated enough they would find the female spirit slowly fading away and ceasing to exist.

The Male spirit had been forcefully maintaining her existence until now, but the rate of decomposition had suddenly accelerated leaving the Male spirit both happy and lonely.

"Seems like I have managed to meet you once again making you fade faster. BUT, I won't be eligible to be your Master if I can't even save you! Let me give you a final reward!" The Male spirit kissed the female's cheeks gently and looked at her with great caring.

He then went ahead and rapidly drew strange seals on her body which allowed him to transfer his soul into her. By doing this, he was destroying his own existence, but he did not hesitate anyway.

By the time the Male was finished, the female was nowhere, but his spirit body was greatly damaged. His 14th(transcended) grade spirit body had dropped to -13 negative grade leaving him in a extremely sorry state. It would take him at least a 1000 years to recover and that was to recover to the zeroth grade.

But his face still held a handsome smile.

"I wish the other me knows your value! It would a great thing to fall for you once again! Haha! What am I wishing for! I am no longer me! Whatever happens to me does not concern me anymore!"

Saying till here, his eyes turned gentle once more. "My Little Queen, Your King is coming for you now!"

The vague world dissolved and what came into the male's spirit vision was planet Rumina. In his vision was a dark beauty who Hei Wang both loved and hated, the dark beauty was none other than his twin sister.

Hei Nu Wang was the Male spirit's target.