Oyamada Tsubaki ①

Indeed, the police investigation ability is excellent.

I dropped by the police stations before I came Houshouin House, from the police chief to all officials enrolled in the office I even used the Remotes power summoned those of off-duty police officers then change those people's loyalty value to 100. They are no longer national dogs; they are my dogs. Your hand! Woof!

I let my faithful dogs investigate two things.

One of them is the girl who was bullied by Houshouin Seira. And the other one would take a lot of time to say it. Oh well

Oyamada Tsubaki, First-year student who has entered as a scholarship student in our school. There is a Tuition exemption for those scholarship students.

I read the file I received from the policeman.

fumufumu− Apparently, Oyamada Tsubaki is living in abject poverty. Oyamada Tsubaki has no father on the family register. It seems she was born as an illegitimate child. The mother rented a house living with her daughter, just a shack, the mother is earning their living expenses with part-time jobs, but the family budget seems quite painful.

The cause of this is their debt. It seems Oyamada's mother is a good person, and she is a co-signer for a friend's guarantee contract, but her friend doesn't care about her fleeing as it is. Moreover, That friend borrowed was in a wrong place. It was an illegal finance company,

Oyamada Tsubaki is also trying to help her mother by delivering newspapers, but it just a drop in the bucket.

Before she had decided to stop going to school and trying to get a job but by her mother persuaded. Our school takes quite a tuition fee, but scholarship students don't need tuition fee. She has been studying hard and somehow got a quota scholarship.

Really is a hard worker, Oyamada Tsubaki…

Just think of the situations of Oyamada Tsubaki. Unconsciously, I've shed tears.

However, recently Oyamada's mother seems to have fallen sick from over-work, and can't continue it, so repayment of debt is delayed.

According to police information, the amount of debt of the Oyamada family is a little 5 million yen. Original it just about 500,000 yen, but the amount of money increased significantly with the interest of Toichi for only three years. It's a considerable amount. 

Recently the Yamikin has tried to mediate illegal prostitution to collect money in the situation that Oyamada's mother fallen sick unable to pay interest.

They are targeting not only Oyamada's mother but also Oyamada Tsubaki herself too.

However, there are things that I don't understand with just this survey file. Is a relationship between Houshouin Seira and Oyamada Tsubaki.

Seira hates Oyamada Tsubaki, or rather She hates the Oyamada mother and daughter. You could say she has a grudge with them.

Seira's personality looking down on the poor man, I know. But to have a grudge with just this, it's unexplainable. It seems like there is a story behind it…

Out of curiosity, I decided to ask Seira about it.

Kneeling at my feet, face to my crotch Juppujuppu~ and giving me a blowjob.

「Ne, Seira-chan why do you hate Oyamada Tsubaki, can you tell me Why?」

Seira with a desperate appearance crawling and using her tongue licked all over my penis, as soon as heard what I asked, she corrects her posture right away.

By the way, she was naked.

Since then, I have been fucking her non-stop in the Houshouin House. Seira's body is soiled with my semen, and white liquid comes out from her crotch.

「Y-yes! That Oyamada Tsubaki is the daughter of a whore. I hate her because she is a cheap woman with dirty blood in her veins」

「It's not an answer. Are you kidding? do you want to die?」

「Hii..! Sorry! I'm so sorry!」

Then, Seira dogeza apologised. It's a naked dogeza. It's my first time seeing it...

I have not released hypnosis on Seira yet. Maybe from the beginning, I threatened her while fucking her, this Ojou-sama seems to has become a faithful female slave completely.

「you're calling her a "whore". I don't understand what you mean. Explain more in detail…」

「It's Oyamada's mother. That cheap woman was tempting my father! Bitch! Slut! That cheap woman stole the Houshouin's blood, made the Houshouin's blood dirty with this whore! Bitch! Thief-cat!」


「In short, Seira-chan and Oyamada Tsubaki, you two are half-sisters, right?」

「Such a dirty woman is my sister−…!」

「Seira-chan, are you willing to listen to me say properly?」

「S-sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Please don't kill me…」

Oyamada Tsubaki is a dirty woman, and her mother is a thief-cat.

After hearing the story from Seira, it seems like Oyamada Tsubaki is a child result from the cheating of Seira's papa.

Ten years ago, Oyamada's mother was living as a maidservant in the Houshouin family.

At that time, Seira's mother was pregnant, her husband, Seira's papa, was becoming pent up, then Seira's papa and Oyamada's mother had sex.

As a result, Oyamada's mother got pregnant.

Seira's mother got mad when she found out, and Oyamada's mother was kicked out from the Houshouin House. Oyamada's mother, who was chased out had no relatives or friends to rely on, all alone she gave birth to Tsubaki and raised her by herself.

Even if Oyamada's mother fell into that situation, Seira's mother still cannot forgive that child, Tsubaki who is born from the cheating of Seira's papa, she blew all her grudge into Seira from an early age. As a result, now Seira has a grudge against Tsubaki.

It seems I look at a drama.

I decided to call Seira's papa and mama to this room.

pechi-pechi I knock the head of this Houshouin's couple who is I allowed to sit down.

「Naa, Old man, aren't you rich? So you can take care of Oyamada's mother-daughter as much as you want. Isn't she your daughter? That Tsubaki girl」

「ha~a It just that I-I was always scared of my wife…」

「So you said, aunt is the cause of it? How about it Seira's mama?」

I turn to ask Seira's mama. She is pretty good and elegance for her age. Even with all that, I don't have such a feeling to her though.

From what Seira's mama said, it seems she has a grudge against Oyamada's mother.

「… That whore not only tempts my husband but also stole the Houshouin's blood, this

thief-cat… Ah! No, if Etozawa-sama says, I will forgive her! I will forgive her!」

When I was staring at her, Seira's mama takes back her words and says「Forgive」 in a hurry. Seira's papa who is wild with joy hearing that.

「Y-you will forgive them! let's call them back to the family immediately; they have had a

hard time for a long time already…」

「Ah, that's no good, because I want to do something with Tsubaki-chan」

「I-is that so… If this is what Etozawa-Sama says…」

Suddenly, I stop Seira's papa, who is a high tension, said that he wants to pick up the Oyamada mother-daughter.

Even though Seira's mama said 「Forgive」 but the anger within is still not extinguished yet, and Seira's papa who said he wanted to take them in, has started a quarrel between the husband and wife duo.

It is troublesome.

「Ah! Stoop!! Stop this couple quarrel immediately and get along with each other! You two have sex or anything to make up−… ah, stop, stop! Don't do it here, please! I feel awful just looking」

In response to my words, Seira's parents who blushed on the face wanted to make up and have sex in their daughter's room stop immediately. What is this middle-aged couple thinking about?

As for Seira, when she saw her parents suddenly hug and kiss tightly in the place, she has an indescribable face. I understood the situation for the time being. Seira and Tsubaki are sisters with different mothers.

I call the police who summarised this investigation. And I want to meet with Yamikin's president too, who Oyamada's mother is in debt with.

「Yeah~, like as Aniki said Oyamada-san has a debt with us. in the beginning, it was just 500,000 yen, and now interest expands to 5 million yen」

Yamikin's president using a suspicious Kansai dialect. 「Aniki」This guy is calling me. With a loyalty value 100, he began to call me 「Aniki, Aniki」non-stop.

The man next to that Yamikin's president is a man with plenty of muscular. He is the boss of the gangsters who are attached to Yamakin's back.

「Hey~ I heard the story from this guy. We also deal with prostitution girls for the members and the boss in our house before; if we saw potatoes could develop to the shiny jewel, we will put our−… Ah, no, I still haven't put my hands on her yet. I didn't know she was Ani woman… I am sorry, I will cut off my finger」

「Masa! Bring the tools!」 then young people pushing from the gangs rush to come in front of the boss.

Here is a gang office. As I am the only student here, it seems out of place for me, but everyone here by using the remote has pledged to be my servant completely.

But this kind of atmosphere is somewhat scary.

After that, I said my plan to the boss and the Yamikin's president.

These guys obediently nod to what I said. I Stand before these people, and I recall Oyamada

Tsubaki's lonely cute face.

Oyamada Tsubaki has no escape place.

In the school, she receives relentless harassment of Houshouin Seira and harassment of debt collectors when she goes home.

This rental house will likely collapse if the wind blows strongly, a lot of dirty words are scribbled on the wall. All of those are debt collectors wrote.

Harassment continues. Before this, the cat's dead body was thrown to the front door. The police didn't do something about that. Tsubaki thinks it is surely Seira, no, Houshouin's wife pull a hand in this.

I know the relationship between Seira and me. Even oneself is a sister with a different mother.

In such a life, the one who kind to her only then her mother.

For me, she works till she dropped, even is painful my gentle mother still keep smiling.

「You should only need to go to school」 is what my mother said to me… but in this situation, I have no choice other than have to work.

But is there a place where I can work?

I don't want the mother to force herself again. This time the condition of her body is not very good. If can go to the hospital is the best, but even money I don't have…

Walk on the road to go home with a dark feeling.

When I saw my house, I found two bad guys standing there, unconsciously my whole body stiff.

They are slowly approached Tsubaki when saw her form.

Tsubaki because nervous and fear was stiffing there cannot move.

When those guys get near, I start to speak to them, but the sound escape from my mouth is very weak.

「W-what is it…? What do you look to me for…?」

Of the two men, a skinhead man with Aloha shirt opens his mouth. That black eyes without light stare Tsubaki make her felt terror.

「Is it not right, Ojou-chan? Eh! It's money. When will you return it?」

「A-are you a finance company's person…? I am sorry, but the money has not been prepared yet…」

「No "yet". The repayment date has passed so long, and the top person press down too. Thirty million yen, if you can take it off, it also helps us brothers a lot too」

30 million. Just hearing this amount, Tsubaki in a daze for a moment.

It's not right; it was not such amount…

「30 million−… !! W-wait! The debt was supposed to be 500,000. Why is that…!」

「Ojou-chan, do you know the word "Interest"? If you cannot pay back, it will get this much」

It's certainly increased with interest. But the truth is just 5 million.

It inflation to this extent is my instructions.

These guys surround Tsubaki as if their prey with an obscene smile.

When Tsubaki sense these guy meaning, it increases more and more her fear.

「S-such… such much money, I cannot put out…」

「It's alright, The elder brothers have thought about introducing an excellent job to you…」


「Yeah, it's easy to do, just sleep with old men, it's okay」


「The other party has many politicians and presidents, a woman like Ojou-chan they are favourite very much, and those men pay a lot for it too」


These guys demand Tsubaki sell her body as prostitution.

My head went blank. My throat dry, my mouth can't move.

Even if they see such appearance of Tsubaki, these guys just smile grinning ear to ear.

「If you don't want, no problem at all, at that time I will ask your mother then. But she is pretty old already, well, I guess that's limited to the amount of money will be pay」

「How about it? Make her working as a prostitution on the fishing ship for about one year on the sea and treated as a meat toilet」

「…Indeed, it can be earning so-so as well, but they easily break her…」

「Then just throw her away into the ocean, she would be treated as a missing when getting on the ship anyway. Nobody knows about it」

I cannot believe the conversation in front of me. These guys are discussing about throwing my mother into hell.

Mom's body now is not good, she's definitely fallen sick. What will happen if you take her to such a place?… I'm sure she will die.


「Aa? What is it? Ojou-chan」

「I-I…I will replace her place, so… d-don't touch… mom…」

Look at the figure of the girl lower her head, these guys grinning with an obscene smile.

「Is that so? Ojou-chan, you really love your parents」

「Nani, you just keep company with those old-man. Ah, You can continue going to school because some of them like that too」

These guys start talking about work quickly with Tsubaki. Like 「Gathered a woman at the hotel and have an orgy party, have you done it before? or let's go over there?」, 「No, do you want a sadist partner? let's go over there!」, etc.

Tsubaki as if in a distant world just standing there listening to their conversation.

Apparently, the work starting from tonight.

「Well, let's go」 I follow the voice of the man who urges to go as if a robot.

Take a few steps, Tsubaki looks back at her house.

Mom…I am going. Absolutely, I will definitely you…

The words that muttered are weakly faded away.