Oyamada Tsubaki ②

Just like a sleepwalking, Tsubaki got on the car with those men and they brought her to a place somewhere in the basement.

Dim red light.

Unknown tools using for everywhere. Like Syringe. Whip, Dildo, Washbasin…

The bed is equipped with a restraint and if you look closely the room has stains here

and there even if you washed it, it won't fade away.

Tsubaki made a hard effort to looked away from those stains. It surely bothered because those stains look like the blood…

Tsubaki still in her uniform was told to waiting here.

Tsubaki was trembling in fear while waiting…

Make a confession while trembling with regret and obligation feeling. Don't know what she confesses to, but surely is a confession to the horrible things maybe happen from now on. 『Will the pain pass as quickly as possible』, 『Will my screams are suppressed even a little』.

Before long the door open.

Biku− Tsubaki become stiff when facing toward the door and saw the man who came in.

A greasy, half-naked middle age man. The face is wearing a leather mask and hand hold needle with the vicious shaped. He doesn't wear clothes, no, should say he wear only one. Is wearing a disposable diaper for adults.


With the strange figure of this man, a short scream leaked out from the Tsubaki's mouth.

See such a state of Tsubaki, the diaper man showing a devilish smile in the back of the face mask.

「Gufu…gufu…A young girl came again today…」



The man began preparing tools while looking Tsubaki in the side from time to time.

Tsubaki has cold sweats at the back from his nasty sight.

In front Tsubaki, the man lighted up the alcohol lamp and began to put the needle with

vicious shaped above it.

The needle that roasting with heat gradually become red.

Although don't ask he began to explain with a pleasant.

「Gufufu…Today, I heard a fine piece is coming so I'm firing up a little bit. Do you know this? It's Chinese torture tools, you just stabbing this needles at the pain points. It so painful~… you know~, the guys who done by this are screaming and crying, even begging me to kill them too. gufufu…」

…Tsubaki doesn't understand what the words the man is saying.

『I wonder what he is saying. Why is he talking so much fun?』

But when the content of the man talking 「How do you want to torment with?」, Tsubaki understands immediately and a small scream leak out from her mouth.


Tsubaki is shivering the whole body. The man laughed even more pleasant when saw her shivered.

「It'll be fine, I'll cherish not to faint until the last minute…Okay, it should be the time. Where shall we start with…your legs? or belly?」

The man grabbed a burned needle with pliers and then go around Tsubaki.

Scary, It's so scared.

For Tsubaki that lived as a simple and ordinary girl, this scene was too much of stimulation. Her mind becomes blank from fear, Sho wawa~…and the lukewarm liquid leaking from her crotch.

「Oyaoya, pee yourself is still early~. I have to punish the child who wetting one's pants.」


The body doesn't listen to what you say.

When the man came near, Tsubaki had only to tremble and desperate pale face stand there.

The man step by step come closer. It only makes her fear raise up. slowly…




Here, it's time for me enter the stage.

「Oraa! This is my second time having this kind of feeling! Oraa!!」

Don! I open the door and enter the basement. Tsubaki trembling all over the body while leaking pee and a fat mask man wear only disposable diaper walking around Tsubaki. What is wrong with him? Amazing!

The masked man has a puzzled to me who suddenly came in, but he quickly rethinks and then angry shout…

「Who are you! This is a private club…non-member can't enter this pla−…Guhaa!!」

「Hentai Punishment Punch!」

It seems because of my order the boss is so enthusiastic (Right, This man is the

Yakuza's boss). While the boss show an excellent reaction I hit him to fall down and take

this opponent to grab the Tsubaki's hand.

Tsubaki cannot keep up with the changes in this situation.


「It was really dangerous Oyamada Tsubaki. Well, let's go」


While Tsubaki in a confused I forcefully raise her up and pull her along.

When we go out from the basement there is a long corridor. Someone heard a fuss and come to look. There are two bastards, they are the men who brought Tsubaki here.

「Hey! Brother is not a bit too hasty?」

「Do you know this place is? Don't think you can return−…」

「Villain Ascending Kick!」


Two yakuza fall down after doing a good reaction.

I feel like I overdo it, but Oyamada Tsubaki doesn't seem to notice.

Hold the Tsubaki's hand and lend to the exit. As I climbed the stairs and went outside,

it was on top of the building behind the business district.

Then, The one who comes next is…

「I'd be in trouble Etozawa-san. If you're selfish to do this kind of thing, business can't stand like this」

Coming out of the shadow building slowly while using a suspicious Kansai dialect.

Tsubaki trembling. He is the president of the Yamikin.

President look at Tsubaki with gloomy express said…

「Ojou-chan also trying to run away… if you don't want to work then I let your mother do it, are you okay with this?」

「T-That… please don't…」

Tsubaki muttered weakly.

Eventually she released my hand and muttered sadly…

「Etozawa-senpai… right? Thank you for coming to help, but I have debts need to return… for mom, I…I have to do it…」

Tsubaki bow down and give me thanks with the soft voice.

「When I was bullied by Houshouin Seira, you came to help me… right? Violence is not good, but I was glad… Even today you came to help me again, I… Even I'd be having a rough time, I think I can do my best… because I have the best memories that senpai came to help me…」

One by one, the words of Tsubaki speaking from the bottom of her heart…

「When you took my hand and lead me exit, it was the happiest in my life until now…

Thank you…and goodbye…」

Tsubaki trying to walk away from me to Yamikin's president. I look at her back and said…

「Are you in debt? Oyamada Tsubaki」

Tsubaki doesn't answer. It was Yamikin's president who replied instead.

「That's right! Her mother become a guarantor for a friend and has taken over the debt, now the debt raised to 30 million! How!! Can you pay for her!? This amount can make a person's life going crazy, you know!!」

「Yamikin Divine Punishment Attack!!」


I ran to Yamikin's president and hit his face with my full strength. I hit Yamikin's president to fly bumping to the trunk over there.

The inside things of the trunk exposed from the impact.

Piles of wad money are spreading there.

「Here 30 million, with this I buy Oyamada Tsubaki. Do you have any complaint?」

I grab wads of money from the trunk and hit to Yamikin's president face. The president collecting those scattering money in a hurrying manner「Ahh! Money! Money!!」 with a good act. Wouldn't you be an actor?

The Yamikin's president gathered the money and held the trunk quickly but he seems to think deeply and said…

「…No, that's not enough, you make trouble to our business, hit our customer and employees, all of those consolation fees is 100 million!! How! Can you pay back!?」

Yamikin's president said with a victorious face. I smile lightly and snap my fingers.

This is my reply.


Timing with my movement, the sound of the helicopter has approach our. Helicopter flying high above our.

「W-What, What's happening! What's going on!!」

「It was 100 million, you can receive it」

Three trunks are dropped from the helicopter. It fell to the head of the president without aim. Guhe~e… it's the president let out a voice such as a frog get crushed.

The inside of the trunk become exposed by the fall impact. Of course the bundle was spread everywhere. It's a bunch of cash ordinary people will never see for the rest of the life.

I turn around and look at Tsubaki and said…

「Good, Let's go!」

「Etozawa-senpai… who are you…?」

「I? I'm a meddling person who…」

To confused Tsubaki, I answer while making the pose I had practice in advance. Turn 45 degrees!


I think. Maybe.

Later, when I calm down and look back, it was really embarrassing.

「A meddling person who passerby」What the hell!? So stupid I am.

Just think of this, I really want to find a hole to hide, but I thought I should have

some fun, I forcefully calm down myself.

I telephone Yamikin's president and Yakuza's boss with words of praise, the other side

greatly full of gratitude.

「It's not bad. When you see someone need help just help them」 I said this to the phone

and the boss's respond 「I will do as Aniki said!」

…His adult disposable diaper figure was so frightened.

It's just an aside, but afterward boss and his subordinate become 「Wanderer of Justice」 help the weak and crush the strong, the way of living became famous. With this way of life after death, some reporter summarized to a book even made into a movie, because it is a different story I will leave out from this.

Now is Oyamada Tsubaki story.

In a plain six mat apartment, I'm sitting on the tatami floor.

Sunshine warmingly, outside of the window.

"It was a nice weather" as I thought I look over my simple castle.

As if in the old student rent such a simple room with a low dining table and minimum household furniture.

This apartment I was renting in my name. I was renting the whole apartment and from now on I live in a room together with Tsubaki.

Outside the window you can see Tsubaki bath in the sunlight taking the laundry in the garden of the apartment.

After that time, I took the Limousine that I had prepared and arrived at this traditional apartment.

I who paid out 100 million, prepared a helicopter and even used the Limousine looking to this apartment and said 「From now on you're live here」, Tsubaki in the mind blank.

She doesn't know the true identity of me. It's strange, even having such amount just living in the apartment.

「I want to live by myself for social experience…」

「Well, that's right…」

「But since it's the first time live alone. I would like Tsubaki be my maid to take care of me, if possible」

「Ah− Yes! I will do it! Etozawa-senpai has not only help out our debt but also look after my mother too…」

Tsubaki's mother was suffering from tuberculosis. It's diagnosis of the doctor I sent.

Although it's a disease in the past but it still remains to present, you would die if you don't do it well. Although I decided to get her taking care with great importance in hospital, it's supposed to get well even without taking care of nutrition and treatment.

From that event, Tsubaki holds a great gratitude toward me.

Her mother has been hospitalized, Tsubaki will be left alone at home so I tell her to live with me as my maid. She would be want to do something to repay my kindness.

I said I don't mind about those amounts of money but Tsubaki who has a strong sense of responsibility will do anything to return. Well, I don't think 100 million is easy to return.

Ah, 100 million I get from Yamikin's president. It seems his money gained from the illegal way.

「If this money use by Etozawa-san, this money will be happy too!」 Yamikin's president said. Is that okay? Oh well, it's just to show-off anyway.

Gachaa− the door of the room open.

Tsubaki holding the laundry came back.

「Welcome home, Tsubaki」

「Ah, I'm home… Master…ehehe」

Tsubaki laughs shyly.

Tsubaki's appear now is not in a school uniform. It's a maid uniform!

I say it again. It's a maid uniform!!

A class maid dresses reminiscent of the old Victorian era of Great Britain.

Long deep navy blue puffy skirt, above wore a white apron.

Clean and pure. Maid-san dearu!

And she calls me 「Master」. It's the result I requested but it seems Tsubaki is enjoying called me like this too.

Small body with bangs covering her eyes. Even like this it still can't be hidden her cuteness at all, it's no exaggeration to say Tsubaki now is a maid angel flew down and stand in this six tatami mats room, what am I saying?

When I look at Tsubaki which folds the laundry while humming a song, Gu~u suddenly the sound come out from my stomach.

「Ah, sorry Master, are you hungry? I will prepare it now…」

Tsubaki cheerfully standing in the kitchen. I look at her back absent minded said…

「…It look like a newlywed couple」

「!! M-Mou~… Master…」

Tsubaki whole face red turns around while still holding an egg but somehow relaxed, embarrassing with a smile that can't be hidden.

I eat the meal that prepared by Tsubaki, in the evening we go out together to a public bath because the apartment doesn't have a bath.

We meet at the exit of the public bath and go back together. On the way we go to the shopping district on the way to buy ingredients for dinner. Tsubaki face turn red when the master at the vegetable store called her 「Madam」. But she smiled happily.

In the night we sleep on the same futon.

Since it's a six mat apartment, when you change clothes, one will go outside the room.

Tsubaki bashful crouch down to conceal her body when I pretend to make a mistake go into the room when she changes clothes. Her lovely panty with average breasts appear are permanently stored in my brain's HDD.

「I can't asleep unless we sleeping together」 when I said this, Tsubaki came next to me with the determined face but when I do nothing to her, in the Tsubaki's eyes show somewhat disappointing.

I hug around the small body of Tsubaki and sleep. She smells nice and her body so soft. It might be my imagination, Tsubaki's breath is rough.

Next morning. Tsubaki makes breakfast with a bad mood.

Take school together.

When the class is over, Tsubaki will come to pick me up in my class.

She looks so happy, such as a puppy greeted its master.

And then our relationship get better and better.

I check the Rimokon on the third day.


Etozawa Kotaro boost 3/3


Oyamada Tsubaki [CONCEIVE・MODE]ON

Affection… ■■■■■■■■■■  99

Romance… ■■■■■■■■■■  99

Lust…          ■■■□□□□□□□  28

Loyalty…    ■■■■■■■■□□  78


Well, It should be okay.

Get Along Operation Active!