Aiden could not help but feel a headache coming.
"Is this another glitch from entering this place…?"
Although he felt anxious, he was not without hope. There was a force log out system implemented by the developers for safety reason. If one were to log on for eighteen hours straight in real-time, which was nine days in-game, it would force the player to log-off, essentially kicking them out no matter what. And once the system kicked a player, they could not log back in for twenty-four hours.
"What a pain. I am trapped here in place without anything to do. I can't even grind my level even if I wanted to..." He sighed. He was a No-Class and did not have any skills which he can use to pass the time. Even more, he never left the beginner zone.
With nothing to do, he laid down on the cold dark floor and listened to the white noise. For hours, he listened to the white noise for more clues, but it was the same as always. The pattern repeated itself over and over again.
Slowly over time, Aiden understood a piece of the pattern.
"It seems like it is counting. And there are gaps between each sequence." Aiden stood up quickly like his head was on fire. He felt enlightened.
"That could be it! Perhaps the noise is a map. The quick change in frequencies are the number of steps, and the gap between the sequences indicates the direction." He was not positive, but it was possible. The idea came from a movie he saw where indigenous people were using music to guide the lost traveler out of the forest. However, this was way more complex.
Scratching his beard, Aiden listened more carefully to the sound with his eyes closed. The pattern had many sequences before it repeats itself. After thirty-five minutes, it will loop again.
Starting with the first sequence, the frequency changed forty-seven times, and then three seconds of silence before another sequence came.
The silence never exceeds longer than four seconds, and the frequency changed can be as long as two hundred times in one sequence.
"Now the issue is whether the three-second gap indicates north, south, east, or west… And it is hard to tell my position without a reference."
Although it was not going to be easy, Aiden felt motivated trying to solve this problem and see what lay at the end of this.
It reminded him of debugging his programs. Although it was frustrating when he was stuck on one, but when he figured it out, he felt a rush of ecstasy like no other.
So he attempted his first sequence. He had a beginner dagger, which was rusty, around his waist, and he dropped it on the ground. Then he took out a light scroll that every beginner player got after finishing their first quest. The light scroll can dimly shine any metal for a certain period of time. The light scroll had infinite use, but it had an hour-long cooldown.
With a voice command, he casted the spell on the dagger.
The lighted dagger was going to be his reference. Then, he walked in one direction while never losing sight of the light. After taking forty-seven steps, he stopped and waited until the pattern repeated. When he heard the same sequence again, he knew he was wrong.
He went back to where his dagger was and tried a different direction.
In his third attempt, the first sequence did not replay itself and skipped directly to one after.
"I was right! My lucky day!"
It was a small achievement, but he felt new hope. He continued doing it for days without rest. When he made a mistake, the pattern will loop from the beginning once again, and he had to start all over. And waiting for the light scroll cooldown reset made it even longer.
Eventually, he had to use his cheap armors as a light source when he made it far enough.
After a grueling eight days, he made to the end of the last sequence, and the sound stopped humming.
"I finally did it. I wonder what will happen now." He was glad it was over. He opened the menu and saw a timer. "I have been here for almost nine days. I have another 30 minutes before I get kicked out."
With little time left, Aiden walked forward in hoping there was something ahead. And as soon as he took a single step, a white light appeared next to his feet, and strangely shaped sword appeared in front of him.
"No way! This is a glitch that can make an item appear. If the Autolycus found out about this, they would die happily since their effort was not in vain. Let me see what the sword is this... I never see anything like this sword on the internet."
Aiden held the sword in his hand. It was heavy and had black-gold aura shining throughout.
Timeless Primordial Sword
★★★★★★☆ - Fabled
Requirement: None
Attack: +520
Defense: +470
Speed: +110%
The World:
- A single target is stuck in time indefinitely and cannot be canceled until death. Can only be used on one target at a time.
End to Beginning:
- Upon the user's death, the user revives without any loss of stats, items, and experience. When revived with this skill gain 200% of all stats. Can only be used up to 5 times.
"This sword… A 6-star sword with a rarity I have never seen before. The known rarity goes from common, uncommon, rare, unique, and legendary. I never even heard of a fabled rarity. Is that a tier next to legendary or is it something beyond?" Aiden could only speculate.
"With this item, I can finally become the strongest player even though I am a beginner. Kuhahaha" He was so happy with the weapon that he could not wait to use it. He took a pose and stepped forward while shouting a skill.
"The Wor--" But suddenly, the weapon disappeared instantly and another white light.
Aiden face turned ghostly white.
"What the fu-- Why did it disappear?! My dream of becoming the strongest..." He kneeled in defeat. "I'm sorry. I failed you guys." He spoke as he thought of everyone from his group that got banned. They would hate him if they ever found out he lost such a valuable weapon.
On the floor next to him, there was a small mirror showing his reflection that had appeared in place of the sword.
"This mirror looked so plain compared to the sword."
Nonetheless, he inspected the mirror.
Goddess Myriah's Tear Mirror
★★★★☆☆☆ - Legendary
Requirement: Wisdom Class, Rank 4-star
Health: +21,000
Magic Defense: +70%
Speed: +50%
Extreme Reflection:
Reflect all magic attack with 200% damage increase.
Compress and Save:
Absorb and save up to 10 spells. When spells are released, increase its effectiveness by 130%
"Hoo, this is not bad either. Although, it does not compare to the Timeless Primordial Sword. And what makes it worse is that it required a wisdom class and to be a 4-star rank. That means it would take at least 3 years before I can use it..." There was not a single player who reached 4-star yet, but the top players were getting close to it.
Although it was strong, Aiden was thinking short-term.
He figured out that by taking a step, he could reset the summoned item. And that what he did.
The mirror disappeared from his hand, and another light appeared on the floor.
"I wonder what item is it going to be this time?" Aiden felt like he was in a gacha game.
Seconds later, a wooden staff came into existence. He picked it up, hoping it was a legendary item or higher, but to his disappointment, it was a beginner item.
"This is to be expected. I just have to keep trying..."