
Chapter I

12:00 am

In the Middle of the night where everyone

sleeping so deeply and calmly, there is a woman sitting in front of a computer. You can only heard the beautiful sounds that comes from her keyboard and mouse.

Everything is silent, Everthing is peaceful, Everything is perfect, Every thing is..

:Wha-Wait hey!!HEY! "She click the mouse and tap the keyboard as fast as she can  but sadly she failed to beat  her enemy" WAHHH GAME OVER!

-She stand up suddenly and tap the ESC button of her keyboard to exit the game, she looks very angry and disappointed at the same time. Well, who will be  happy after defeated 10x in one day? At the same time and at the same person.?

:"WHA-why the hell! Why I've always been defeated by this KING_EMPEROR666, and what an annoying username? Thingking very high of himself?! and beside that 666 is he a member of an occult!.She sat down again infront of her computer, and calm down a little bit, she didn't open the game instead she starring in her computer screen.

"This is boring, No different from any other games that i used to play, they are all the same.She put her hand in her chin and think so deeply." You need money to become more stronger!!, well being wise is enough but the more money you have the more you can get rare items and rare friends!.

She started to feel angry again. "What the hell! where is the equality?!! And other than money, some players are using weird apps, to become the GREATEST LORD CHEATER. "Well I'm using some mod apps too but im not realy good in computer I only know how to play and install games just how the hell they do that. damn it! Tsk.

She suddenly felt sleepy but because of her habit that she must be awake until 1 AM, Just because her school starts tomorrow and she want to enjoy her holiday by playing online games overnight, she decided to went to the kitchen and grab some coffee and snacks, and when she came back...

She look confuse. "Huh? A message? But  i don't remember that i open my gmail account?  moreover I also don't remember that i installed any new apps.?

She sat down in front of her computer and without any thought she open the message.

" So this is. Putting the cup of coffee and some snacks aside."It's from DARK SOCIETY?

" Hmm? I don't remember that i have a friend who's name is strange, Except for that KING EMPEROR with triple 6.What an annoying guy!!!He's really pissing me off.'Remembering her late game. "Ok back to this message, "What the hell, is this a team? Or wait maybe or. MAYBE!! WOW!!! 'She suddenly become excited." An invitation from the top  GUILD! HA!! so they finally realized how good I am!..

"HMMP.. if they want to recruit me just beg me first... LOL.

"Hmm, She look confused." But in my 2 years existing in this game i don't remember this guild name? Maybe a new guild?, well why do i even care anyway? If they want to recruit me just say it right away, but I'm a solo player and since I enter the game I don't have any permanent team or Guild mates.

-she scroll the message until.




"wha-she suddenly laughed." Hahhaha what a weird guild?hmm..

But it's true that in a game you need MONEY for rare items and rare weapon,ok and rare friends.

"Also LIFE. Hmm.thingking' "Life points?

"FREEDOM When no one aim to target you or let's say disturb you from playing games, doing PVP or doing mission.

She smiled suddenly but there's a little bit sadness in her eyes." But actually when im playing online games or watching anime I  don't feel lonely at all, I can feel my freedom, even they are not real what a sad life i have.

" Haha Ok ok next next!! I'm not crying right? next is COUNTRY what? game map?, and the last is LOVE.. You need to love your avatar, because sometimes it represent our self or our personality?!  Ok then it's a YES.

she click YES and the other message pop out

She looked amazed. "Wow what!!! This is amazing! The first message was gone???,, Oy wait is it a VIRUS? OMG i don't have any anti virus right now!.


" Of course hero!!


"Eh WH---at!!!! DIE? it means i can't refuse?what's wrong with this message. SIGH." Well why do i even care, this is only a message or maybe an ads.?

-When she clicked YES the screen of her computer become all black.

"Hey hey Wha! WHAT happened?? Don't tell me it's really a virus!.

She panicked a little bit but after a few minutes the DARKSOCIETY appeared in the middle of the top on her screen.



"Username? Is that all they need to know?No email or Password?? Hmmm what a strange gmail oh no it's a site?

" seriously it is a joke, it's not funny ok?. Hmm

"But i don't feel scary at all, maybe i think of it as a prank only. She smiled with determination in her eyes. "Then  fine, prank or not who cares anyway. Im gonna use my username that I always used.

Username: Fallen☆Ash


Welcome to the Game , It will start tomorrow at 12 am GOODLUCK PLAYERS.

-The site suddenly disappeared and all the messages are gone as if nothing just happened.

"Wha---what! The-hell- WHere ?This.

She stand up suddenly and.. " IT'S REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!!



" Ah sorry.

Rin shut down her computer and sleep peacefully in her bed.

-The next morning

Rin get up from her bed with a messy hair, and when you look on her eyes, it seems like she don't want to go to her job.

She looks very sleepy" I don't want to go to office , its boring all i can do is sit there all day  and analyze some financial reports, I hate analyzing. We'll im an Accounting staff after all, and I don't like it! but it can't be help Yawn "I have to go for my BRIGHT FUTURE!!!!! Yah for my future

Rin stood up in her bed, take a bath, brushing her teeth and have a nice breakfast, what a great life. After that she went to her job.

After a few hours of sitting, tapping her computer, recording some financial info. and talking to other employees. She didn't notice that the times passed quickly, she took her bag immediately and run fast as wind to go home.

After a few minutes, She finally arrived at their house, she went straight to her room and as always, she open her computer immediately and log in to the game that she always played.

"EHHH!!! Stupid Emperor isn't online today!!, I spend my whole day to think some strategies on how he kneel in front of me!! HMMMP! This is annoying,

She went to the bathroom to change her clothes, while changing.

" Wait". She suddenly remembered something." Last night, it was like i was dreaming that i read some kind of strange message on my Gmail then it suddenly disappeared. What a strange dream?

But Give me a break it's actually true and it's not a dream, but i think it's 100%scam and the worse is, it's some kind of virus that can hack your email /account and use it in some kind of evil doings!!!, This is bad, REALLY BAD!! What if they connect it to my facebook and use all my sexy photos in some kind of obscenity.! PFFT. Hahaha LOL sorry but I'm not sexy, my weight is over 60 who cares i have my computer and phone don't need anyone. Hahaha ok back to my computer

She laughed so hard while going out to her bathroom

'Sigh" since it's only 4 o'clock, I think I'm going to online for only 1 hour.

Rin opened her account and  after she login to the game, someone send a message to her.


"Hey ash looser, where are you?

" WHa!! YOU STUPID EMPEROR!! so you finally online huh? Hmmp.. hahhaah it's good that you showed up yourself!!! I already have an strategy on how to defeat you.. THANKS TO MY VERRY INTELLIGENT BRAIN, i mean WISE!! -Brain.

"What are you saying? Im not showing up myself we're just on the chat you know?

" hmmp. Anything you want to say, but I'm 99.9% SURE!! THAT YOU THE KING EMPEROR, THE TOP ONE OF THIS SERVER WILL KNEEL BEFORE ME!! AND also lay your gold weapon at my feet, i really like your weapon!! HAHAHAHAAH (typing to the max?)

" what the hell are you going to the war or something?, but stop dreaming ok? As if you can do that

" Are you kidding of course i can! Just go to the arena NOW!!

"I already here, just let me bully you already ok., I have something to do you know.

" WHAT!!

Rin go to the arena, and after a few minutes of fighting, FINALLY after 2 years of playing, after accessing to all servers of the game!! Finally! The strategy that she thought helped her to the road of victory!!

:" hahahaah victory is MINE.. It's finally MINE

"Ha!! Remember that this is your first victory, we already played 120 rounds remember?

"hmmp.. no matter what you said, I'm already winning this round!!, just called me queen already!

" Fallen looser is enough for you.

"hu! So bye bye king emperor with triple 6, better luck next time!

Rin was about to release her final blow, But suddenly her avatar stopped and then.


" NA-wha-WHAT!!!!!!!!! What the heck is happening? *she remember something*

" Wait? *she looked at the calendar* "Seriously?! Today is the due date of my Internet bill!! What a great timing!

Sigh... My first ever victory for almost 2 years of playing. *crying* Now is gone!

She sit on her bed and  you can see the tears in her eyes, she look disappointed,so she decided to sleep and turn her victory into a sweet dreams.

12 am

Rin suddenly woke up, and notice the light that comes from her computer.

"hmm? That light? Is that from my computer? But i shut it down before i go to bed. Tch Sigh

She was about to stand up but she suddenly realized that she is staying in her apartment alone, so she suddenly  lay down again

" Wait.. Im the only one here? Then who? Hahaha maybe i just forgot to close it?!! Yah yah. I forgot to close it! Stop scaring yourself stupid me.

She come closer in her computer and try to  shut it down, but before she click shut down,the site that she saw last night suddenly appeared.

"wow!! So it's real huh? 'she sat down in front of her computer and type her registered username.

The site suddenly opened,:

To the left side you can see the number of online players, and it's only 50,000

At the bottom there's a

NO. OF LIFE:50,000

NO. of death:0

In the upper right you can see the username, rank and money.and

At the lower right you can see the chat box.

In the middle you can see the: ◇DARKSOCIETY◇


°RPG - it's unlock.

"so it's really a game huh?" But it's only two games?, and only 50,000 Players? because it's a new game? Right? Hmm. I think I'll wait if someone talk to the chat box?

-Rin wait a little bit but she got bored, and decided to get something to eat in the kitchen and when she came back.

" huh?


" loading huh? Is the Internet slow?

After the loading, There's a pictures of unknown people suddenly appeared, but that was only temporary and it's suddenly disappeared.


NO. OF LIFE: 49,997/50,000

After a few minutes, the pictures appeared again just like the first one it's suddenly disappeared.

NO. OF LIFE:49,994/50,000

" What the hell is this!!!. What's going on?, Are they showing the pictures of those players who log out in this site?? I think i need to log out too.. This site is strange and creepy" She pressed the ESC button


. "what!! What happen the ESC button doesn't work? Are you kidding?!


@coolguy: hmm. Hello?

@himeko: Did you see that pictures?

@coldknight: I think they're attention seeker, so don't mind them!

@fuckyou: But the number of life was reduced, and it's added to Death

@coldknight: The hell. There is no game that kills people you know. It's only in anime.

@claris34: who knows? But I feel something wrong in this site.

@coldknight: lol who cares about your feelings!!

@claris34: THATS RUDE!


Rin:" so I'm not the only one who saw that creepy pictures! and not the only one online in this site!!



@King_emperor: " If you feel it is dangerous, then why don't you guys try to exit?


Rin: oy, wait someone is familiar here?! Don't tell me, it's the same one.



@thePhantom:" But it's cool!! and creepy at the same time. Because this site is only open in the midnight right?

@DirtyMind:" Yah it's creepy, and cool, AND as you can see this site can works without Internet.


Rin:" suddenly realized" now I'm death! its true!!!

I don't have an Internet now!!



. @KIng_EMPEROR: Then let's try to log out, and clear all your history.

@ayan06: yah that's all we have to do now, but if anyone wants to stay, then stay.


-Rin decided to shut down her computer, but before she could do that, there's a message that  suddenly came out.

◇Darksociety Message and Rules◇

"Running away? You sign the contract and enter the game, so be responsible, players.If you want to be free, then you need to clear this game, one game is equivalent for one week  of your LIFE.

-The first stage of this game is" action" and it's only a mini game so please be patience and wait.

Because the real game will start when the rpg are unlock and it's happen in the next fullmoon. So all you need to do is to survived until the next fullmoon. Please enjoy the mini game first.

After that, her computer suddenly shut down.

Rin:"What the hell! shutdown on it's own!! It's really scary and it's not funny anymore! Just who the hell create that site!!! Stupid hacker!!!

" But is it true that those in the pictures are dead? Wha-" she slapped her face " Ofcourse not, it is not real of course, so stop thinking stupid things!!, but but But where did they get those pictures? Don't tell me they are  watching us.? "she stand up and look in every corner of her room.

" sigh "just calm down?. 'she sat down again and open her computer,

As she waited for her computer to open, she suddenly thought something that she want the most.

"But im not totally scared? I'm just shocked for what happened today right? . The truth is I'm excited for what will happen next and for a long time that i become a gamer I always been looking for a game that is unique and entertaining, Maybe this is what I'm looking for?" she look in her computer and when it's open she noticed a strange apps on her desktop. She click it and the DARKSOCIETY sites open.



@coldhand: This is bad. Seriously bad!, How do they killed the players?

@shielo♡: I want to know too, and seriously they even left the apps huh!

@Fallen☆Ash: me too

@king_ emperor:" There is a familiar name here.

" @fallen☆ash: It's me stupid emperor 😡, where is you triple 6 I thought it's your pride.

@king_ emperor: LOL you really like following my steps. Huh?

@fallen☆ash: the hell Remember that I'm almost beat you earlier!!

@king_emperor: ALMOST is not considered as DEFEAT you know?

@thePhantom:" hmm guys, I think let's try the mini games, and see what happen,? If it is true that they can killed people,

@dirtymind:nahh it's bad idea just saying.

@king_emperor: but i think that's the best we can do now. If we really want to know, what's really happening here.


Rin click the action game, it's seems like a simple games like Y8 and it's only have 3 stages. The last stage is unlock, and there's  date beside it. The date will be, before the day when the fullmoon show

RIN:" Ok ? What now?" She clicked the first stage.

WARNING: Make sure that you can avoid them. Goodluck (the computer screen monitor suddenly turn black)

RIN: What! them ? Who?

MEssage:  If you can escaped from them, you are automaticaly cleared the first step.. You don't need to fight, all you need to do is to avoid them.

RIN:Avoid? "she suddenly stand up"  WHERE!! !!!!

- Rin waited for what was going to happened.. But it's failed.

Rein:" what the hell nothings happen?

-She waited a little longer again until she heard a footstep from outside, she didn't open the door but she tried to looked at it in her small window but saw nothing,

since she leave only in a cheap apartment  she can easily heard a lot of noise from outside even from her neighbour.

The footstep suddenly disappeared, she tried to looked at the window again but there's no one outside so she decided to open the door and.

She saw that there is someone standing in the dark.No it's not actually a person. She saw it clearly it's not a person, it's a puppet with red eyes, and it's smiling at her, But the thing that she notice was it's holding a gun that pointed at her.

Rein" HUH!!!!! Im going to die! "She feels like her brain has stopped working." What should I do? ... It feels like my brain doesn't work anymore, but body can't move?

-The puppet suddenly fired the gun to Rin but it's only hit her in the edge of her cheeks and the landlord suddenly appeared on the other side of her apartment.

Owner:"Hey why are you not sleeping? Do you know what time is it?

She can hear the puppet laughing and disappeared in the dark, with no trace of bullet everywhere.

Rin:" eh? Wh-what the?she didn't see and heard anything? " she looked at her landlord, with a disbelief eyes, her whole body is shaking until she  felt the  blood shed in her cheeks, she touched it and ." BLOOD!!!! OUTCH!!!! OUTCH!!!!!(she's crying)" What the hell it's really hurt!!!!!

Landlord:" What happened? Are you OK?

Rin:" Oh yeah.. I'm going to sleep bye! *she suddenly closed the door*

Rin suddenly shut the door and returned to her computer, she felt her heart throbbing so fast and her whole body is still shaking on what happened and then The word congratulations suddenly appeared on her computer screen, it's also indicate the date and time for the next round.

"I don't know what expression should i do after all what happened, should i laugh? Cry? Or scared? Sigh.." Just calm down ok (look at the clock), so it's next week huh? I think it's the second stage for this mini game.".. She pressed the home button and the site shown again some pictures,which means that  the No. of life decreased as the No of dead continuously increasing.
