
Chapter 2

@Coolguy: " THIS GAME, They will kill us!!!!!

@King_emperor:" They almost got me.

@Fallen☆Ash:" I almost got hit too, but only in my cheeks.

@Shielo♡:" THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!! NOT A J-O-K-E😥😱

@Thephantom: The hell

@Fuckyou:" its creepy ok.What are we going to do now!

@ColdKnight:" Calm down! This is not the time for us to panic!

@king_emperor:" I don't want to say this, but that's what we have to do now. All we need to do is to clear the mini game, and proceed to RPG.

@Fallen☆Ash:" And beside we are gamers right?When we are online and playing games, we always think that being in the games is better than reality.It is really scary for me too but we need to finish the game to know the truth.

@ThePhantom:" Right!, and there's nothing we can do now.

@King_emperor:" ohh!! Full of confidence a? DEFEAT ME FIRST ok? HAHAH

@FallenAsh:" Ha!! Just wait! Im going to beat you, but not in this game. I'm not a criminal you know?

@cuteako:" Is that UNDERWORLD, Wow! What guild!

@KingEmperor:" Legion

@Fallen Ash:" Lol No. 1 cheater

@cuteako:" King are you the top 1 in the cross server? THE UNDEFEATED GOD.

@DirtyMind:" Wow really! 🤩

@kingemperor:" Yah it's me.

@FallenAsh:" HMMP!!! What, that a cross server!?

@KingEmperor:" And this fallenash is my right hand man A. K. A SERVANT

@FallenAsh:" WHAT!!! I'm not a man!

@DirtyMind:" Then what is your rank fallen ash?

@FallenAsh:" Hmmp 😡 who cares about rank!, I'm a solo player!

@kingEmperor:" And she is the only one who have a courage to challenge me on pvp everyday.

@FallenAsh:" But I'M ALMOST BEAT YOU! Stupid Internet!

@ColdHand:" By the way what country are you from?

@Himechan:" Singapore

@ThePhantom:" China

@CoolGuy:" Philippines

@KingEmperor:" Japan

@FallenAsh:" @KING_EMPEROR japan!!!!

@KingEmperor:" why? OTAKU?

@FallenAsh:" not really, fine!

@ThePhantom:" hmm Bye guys I'm going to log out, I feel so tired today. Since the next game will be on Friday and we have two days to prepared.


Rin:" Me too, my whole body felt exhausted, I need to recharge and prepared for whatever happens in my next round.

-Rin lying in her bed, she closed her eyes, but she can't sleep because there's still something troubling in her mind. But After a few minutes of thinking she fell asleep.


Thursday 10 pm

Rin:"Tomorrow around 5 am, my next round will start and I can't think some strategies😔all my brain cells are not working today?!!" She went to her bed and lay down. "I need to sleep and get up early, but (sigh) whenever I closed my eyes I'm always think I will never wake up again😔.

" Thanks god I don't have work tomorrow, .and I also need to go to the place where nobody's around.

- After a few minutes of thinking, she didn't notice that she fell asleep.

4am. There's an annoying sounds that coming from her alarm clock.

Rin:"Arrgggh"😴 Tsk shut up! It's only 4 am.

Rin get up and prepared all the things that she need and it's only herself, but before she leave the house...

Girl neighbour:"Hey where do you think you're going early in the morning.

Rin:" flinched "Ah. Ja. Jogging

:" huh? Jogging you?! Yawn!! I think I'm having a nightmare right now, I need go back in my room.

Rin:"WHAT?! Can't believe this! My size is only cute size you know?!

-Rin came out of the house, and find a place that nobody's around and nobody will see her.

she stop walking and look around to make sure that she's the only one there. "I think this place is perfect at the same time it's scary, I wish for my luck today and please I don't want to encountered bad people".She get her phone on her pocket to check the time but she noticed some strange apk."Huh?

-She click the apk and it's like a mobile version of Darksociety site



@ColdHand:" Guys be carefull ok!!!

@kingEmperor:" Don't panic, always calm yourself.

@ThePhantom:" If we can survive this round, we only have one step for RPG.!! so let's do our best.

@Fade05:" 10 minutes, Where do I go?

@ FallenAsh:" Everywhere, as long as there is no one will hurt.

@Fade05:" I know. But.

@FuckYou:" THIS is the first round of the game but look at you, you look frustrated right now.

@FallenAsh:" Think that you are not a solo player in this game, we are all in the same position, just have a little confidence in yourself.


She look at the clock of her phone." It's 4:45, 15 minutes, and the game will start.



@KingEmperor:" Just be careful

@claire77:" I don't want to die.

@ThePhantom:" Nothing bad will happen if there is no greedy players here, Remember that every game there is always a cheater.

@KingEmperor:" There's a lot of player's are online, but only a few people are using chat box. whatever you guys doing right now, make sure that you don't regret it till the end And another one don't revealed your information in this site.


Rin:" Well this game looks like for a solo players, I feel pity for who always relying on their guild and that's my advantage I can survive with my own strength. But that is a game and this is reality!! I'm going to die!!


Rein:" Oy!! It's 5 !. She looked around in her surroundings with an anxious face because she didn't know where the enemy will show." Whe-where the hell are you?!!Do you think I'm afraid of you, WE-WELL a little bit but I'm NOT!

- Rin didn't let her guard down until she heard something and it's like someone throw a stone in the river beside her.

Rein:" huh? "she suddenly pick up a stone for self defense.

-She looked to her left side but there was only the river and no ones there, until the air suddenly trembling and you can hear the movement of the trees, the she suddenly heard a familiar laughter.

Because of that Rin quickly walk away, and notice the strange movement of water, she try to walk closer to see what was that. But before she could do that the puppet suddenly appeared and

" WAAHH!" she freaking out and throw the stone in the puppet, then suddenly sit down on the ground and because of that she manage to dodge the bullet "Please I don't want to die!!

-The puppet went back under the water and it's already gone with no trace.

"I'm alive?" she stand up and touched her body "There is no bullet and blood. O my G I'm alive!!what a lucky girl! But I hope I can become lucky whenever I open a chest from dungeon or from world boss drop. Sigh..

What about the others?" she still winded but she get her phone and open the apk.



@FallenAsh:" I'm survived but I'm going to die with heart attack!

@KingEmperor:" Lol so you survived huh?

@FallenAsh:" ha!! Ofcourse I'am

@Sword:" Hello? Me too I'm verry lucky, maybe it's not my time for me to die

@ThePhantom:" So the last mini game will be next week huh? And it will be the last.

@KingEmperor:" yah so be ready for what will happen

@claris34:" I'm still not ready.

@Himechan:" me too

@DarkDevil:" Ha! Don't be so coward! If you still waiting for courage why not just be with the ones in the picture and die already. YOU ALL ASS JUST KILLED YOURSELF.


@DarkDevil:" I'm different from all of you and not spending my time in this stupid chat

@fuckyou:" Here comes the greedy one.

@DarkDevil:" Fuckyou all

@fuckyou: Are you cursing me right now!

@DarkDevil:" 😏 are you kidding ? Thats your name..

@DirtyMind:" ha! Be proud of yourself if you cleared this game, let see if you are still alive until then.

@KingEmperor: Stop wasting your time to argue in this jerk

@DarkDevil:" Lol and who the hell are you? Do you want pvp in real life.

@ColdHand:" Shut up!! No one will die

@DarkDevil:" No one will die? Hahahah Thats stupid!!Many people are dying and no one will die are you stupid?



"(sigh)" What a weird one? There username are also weird is that trending for all gamers nowadays? Or they're only full of themselves. Maybe I'm going back to my apartment or grab some food right now.

She start walking. "I wonder what will happened for the last stage?

She was walking home after buying some foods from convenience store and the sun start to rise,

while walking she saw some people laughing, some children's playing happily and birds that fly freely.

" They look peaceful, I wonder why they are enjoying this kind of reality? Or maybe we being a gamers only rejected being in reality that's why they use all there time playing in their room alone, the sad thing is I'm one of them it's not really sad, being in the game world will make you feel all emotions and also equality. "She looked up the sky." I am right? or not?

-Rin got home, she take a bath and eat breakfast

9 30 PM

"Eh !!!! What happen!

NO OF LIFE: 48,934....