
Chapter 3




@claris34:" One of those is my brother, he died in his apartment this morning and according to the police it's arrhythmic death syndrome, what should I do I'm the one who knows what's really happened to him , but I'm scared to tell them the truth?!

@ThePhantom: Calm down, I know it's hard to lose someone you love

@DarkDevil:"lol why don't you follow him to hell?

@ThePhantom: Stupid! What the hell are you saying! You should have died first, You greedy stupid dark devil.

@DarkDevil:"Didn't your parents teach you that weeds don't die easily ?


@KingEmperor:"Phantom Don't waste your time in this person, just focus on the game


:" Tsk what the hell is wrong with this dark devil! Many people are dying just because of this stupid game but he's Acting like spoiled brat! Where the hell this imbecile came from? Hmm?


:" A message huh? "she click the message to open.

Message: Congratulations players for getting into the finals, now this is the last stage for mini game let's connect it to the RPG and here's what you have to do.

-First the money you can get for the first and second round was 5 million converted to your money you can claim it right in front of your house tomorrow morning.

Second the last game will start on Friday morning, all you need to do is go to the directions we are going to give you, of course each of you have different directions since all of you are from different country? Right ?.

You better get to your destination before the sunset or killed yourself before we exterminate you. Goodluck players we will send your destination on Thursday night.

-We will use your phone for update - DELETING....


The next day..

Rin got up from her bed and without any thoughts she went in front of their apartment, she saw three briefcase and immediately brought it to her room.

And when she open it.

:WOW. "her eyes were shining."MO-Mo-too much money!"she touched the money to feel if it's real. "I don't want to say it, but I can't die right now! wait Don't tell me this will be the compensation for our lives?

"*sigh* but maybe just maybe when my time was come and I can't get back alive, it's OK right? atleast I have some money to left them."she slap her face."Stop thinking stupid things RIN! no one will die here this is not your time!!But for now I have to prepare myself for the last part of mini game, I only have today and tomorrow morning,so I need to go to the mall to look for some stuff that I need." smirk. Hehe Of course number one was FOOD!, A lots of foods I don't want to starved myself! And next is...

-She went to the mall and bought some things that she could use like foods, bag pack, new shoes, shirt, and pants.

9 Pm.

:"I can't believed that I bought all of this, with my own BLOOD!, and with my own SUFFERING! *crying*

-After she fixed all her things, she start to write a letter for her family and leave it outside their house with the money before she went to her destination.

"OK all done, 100%sure that I can't survived over 1 year! And next step will be" *lying down on her bed and took her phone *"No one is online today, Are they doing the same things like what I'am doing right now?, Are they feeling nervous?

" But me I don't know how I feel right now, don't feel anything maybe I have an Alexithymia, I remembered I always distance myself from others just because they bully me for being fat and I always tell myself that it's OK, oh come on its only a words as long as they can't give me a hard time it doesn't matter, because I know if you can withstood and overcome all the pain you will gain the strongest heart, stronger than everything else*close her eyes*

- DING, there's a message from DARKSOCIETY apk.

"huh? I think it's the location" she opened the message and she's right, it's the location for the next stage, it's not far from her home but she need a vehicle before getting to her destination.

"WHAT!! It's not far, it's VERRRY FAR and I have to take a bus.*sigh* well I didn't expect that this will be easy, nevermind I going to sleep right now and woke up early.


Rin wake up as soon as she heard her alarm clock ring, she packed all her things and go to their house its not verry far from her aprtment but still she need to take a taxi. She put the briefcase that full of money in front of their door..

"It's really hard to say goodbye, but I don't want to implicate them just because of this game, But I promise I'll be back alive,and become stronger than anyone else.

-She leave the house before anyone could see her.

"First I need to take a bus, I think my travel hours will be 5 Hrs ! What the hell is this location! And Its on the top of the mountain!!

-Rin take the bus and sit in the middle. After a few minutes the bus starts to leave and the sun is already shining.

"Its verry far, and I feel already tired." her phone suddenly rang.


@Coolguy:" Goodluck guys, I'm going to my destination right now and it's quite far!!!!

@King_emperor:", Goodluck, and always be alert.

@Thephantom: " I feel nervous right now, but the amout of money they gave to me I don't know how I feel!!! It's priceless!!!!

@DarkDevil:" I wonder if they could give me money if I killed you with my own hands.

@ColdKnight:" Idiot why don't you killed yourself first.



"Early in the morning this Devil. *look out the window of the bus and smile*" This is my first travel experience alone, that's not because I hate to travel and I know that travelling is meant for exploring new place ,and a stress booster and it's also meant for enjoyment. But it's not necessary that all people like and enjoy travelling. I would prefer to pass a weekend by playing online or mobile games, read some manga or watching anime 24 hrs and chill out at home rather than travelling. But I think it's more enjoyable if you travelled and make happy memories with a friends. Pfft. I remember I don't have one!?

-After few hours Rin reached her first stop, since she was not familiar to the place she start to ask someone on how to get to the top of the mountain.

"What! I'm going to take the bus again! Hmmp. Even if I complain it doesn't make sense *sigh*

While riding the bus again her phone suddenly rang," huh? message?



" What! !

"Oh no the rock from the Mountain IT'S FALLING!!!" the one passenger said.

All passengers started to have a panic attack, the driver was tried to avoid the falling rocks but he didn't notice that the other side of the road was a cliff.Rin doesn't know what to do, she always experience it from online games and without knowing she lost consciousness.

Rin:"For real?

-After a few minutes she regain her consciousness.

"I'm alive? Outch my whole body it's painful I-can't move" .Her body is full of scratch and there's a blood on her forehead"Im verry close to my destination".she tried to stand up but failed."So this is the end huh? I didn't achieved anything yet I'm really a loser." Her phone suddenly rang, she took it on her pocket.


@ThePhantom:"are you guys alive? I got an accident but I'm totally fine right now!

@cuteako:" I don't know

@Fallen Ash:"Me I don't know if I can make it, Im still alive but somehow.

@KingEmperor:" Turn on the mic.

@Fallen Ash:"Huh? Theres a mic? Where?

@KingEmperor:"on the right.

@Fallen Ash:" Ok got it.

The mic was on▪️

@KingEmperor:"You need to make it" His voice was shaking. "I'm not going to make it I only have a minutes, my car will going to explode and I'm stuck inside.Thank you for being my rival *his voice was soft *" thank you for everything make sure that you will arrive at your destination and promise me something,that you are going to win this game and when you make it to come back make sure to visit me at my grave and tell me everything, I'll be waiting for your story, make sure to protect everyone.This time I will admit that this is your victory.

*crying* "I will idiot. She heard a loud explosion.

She tried her body to stand up and crawled until she got off the bus. The surroundings are full of blood, she start to walk away, her body is still aching but it doesn't matter her goal is to go to the top. After a few minutes of walking, she make it to the top of the mountain and their was a big tree there, she leaned against the big tree and fell asleep.

The sun has set and the full moon was rise.