

-They start their journey, until the night reached them, they find a safe placed first.

Rin:"So how can we sleep here!?

Miky:" Take out your tent.

Rin :"huh? What tent? I didn't buy any, it didn't come on my mind that I need tent!, but I buy a lots of food!, I'm really stupid.

Miky :huh?What are you saying? Your guardian didn't told you how to use your watch!? Just push your button on your watch that side one.

Rin:"Oh this?" she pushed it and there's a small box shape holograms from her wrist watch.

Miki:" You can choose for tent, comfort room, and other things that installed on your watch or say a magic word if you are lazy to push it. You can also registered other things but they had a limit.

Rin :"huh!! I didn't know that??!! My guardian didn't explain it to me.


Ted:" hmmp. I told you to learn it on your own.


Rin :"sigh, you're really annoying

-After they set the tent, collecting firewood, Miki use his magic to make fire well his a fire user after all.

Miky:" I have a cup noodles here, would you like one?

Rin:"It's OK I have too.

Miky:" by the way what is your username? And Rin is not your real name right?

Rin:"Yah, I'm FallenAsh that's my user name

Miky:" Oh it's you! Me coolguy, I'm not active on chat but I'm always be a reader.

Rin:"How many players were left after the last stage of mini game?

Miky:" I don't know? By the way how did you survive on the last stage?

Rin:"I got an accident when I'm on my way to my destination, on that time I realy don't know how I'm still alive? Maybe it's not my time yet. How about you?

Miki:" Me? I'm riding on a ship, you see my home is really far its an island, before I can get to my destination I need to ride on a boat or ship, but the ship suddenly sank, I know how to swim, but we all know that the game won't make it easy for us to win, the stronger wave suddenly hit us but lucky me before I get drowned I hold to a big things, I think its a part of a ship.

Rin:"You had a much harder time than me.

Miky:" *shakes one's head* "No, all of us go through this suffering.

Rin:" *smile*"You're right, come on let's eat..then go to bed early, because tomorrow will be our first journey!!

Miki:" You're right.

-They started to eat their cup noodles and after that Miki put out the fire, and they both slept to their tent.

-Next morning, Rin wake up and you can see on her eyes that she still a bit sleepy, but she insisted to get up and came out on her tent, she saw Miki standing next to her tent.

Rin:" Miki? Wake up already? You're so early.


Rin:" Huh? *she looked to Miki, and he looks like nervous over something."What happened?, what are you doing." she looked in front of her, and suddenly she was shocked by what she saw*"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!

MIKI:"I said sshhh, don't make any noise.!

-In front of them there's a group of monsters that look like a wolves, it has a black skin and red eyes, and also have sharp fangs.

Rin:" Wolf? ?

Miki:" I think it's hyena?

Rin:" That's not the question right now!? So what are we going to do, they looks like hungry and angry at the same time. I don't want to be their breakfast!!

Miki:" Ok first calm down, I'm going to count up to three after that you know what to do!? We're going to to run!

Rin:" huh what about our things! *she grabbed her bag pack quickly*

Miki:" Just say Return and all your things will come back in your watch, ok let's start ONE, TWO, RUN!!!!

-Miki ran first and RIN followed him immediately, and as expected all the wolves are followed them.


Rin:"You jerk! You told me you're going to count up to three!!! But it's only TWO!!!!*angry*

Miki:" Why are you angry? Do you want to become pork steak so that they will eat you!! Just run faster! ×RETURN×

RIN:"Are you trying to insult me!?There's a lot of food that you can choose, but compared me to a PORK Steak! ×Return×


Ted:" A hahhahah haha what are you doing!! Running away to a level 5 monster hahha



Miki:"Who are you talking to? Run fast!.

Rin :" wait! *breathing heavily*I'm not use to this kind of things! And I didn't exercise

Miki:"*Poker face*" He looked on Rin body then sigh.. "Yah I know.

Rin:" What!! The hell are you thinking?!

-While they are running at the forest, they saw a light coming from the sun *Its a little bit dark at the forest because the sun covered by a tall trees*

When they finally out of the woods, a deep cliff meet them.

Miki:"THIS is bad*he stopped running and look at the cliff*

Rin:" *heavily breathing*"What are we gonna do now?

Miki:" hm?! *he bend his head and his bangs covered his eyes*"Jump. *he said softly *

Rin:"huh?What did you say?

Miki:" JUMP!!

-Before the wolves reach them, Miki pushed Rin on the cliff.

Rin:"wait! wahhhh!!!!! *she closed her eyes.

Rin thought.Where Am I?.. Im dead?.(smile)No Im still alive.I remember that dead site No! .. Dark site? Hmm Whatever how they called it, that stupid site many people are died because of that, and me who was lucky to unlock the last game..hehe really lucky? How can i say that I'm lucky when im dying right now?.Me falling in the sky,no one will help, there is no one here, but i want to reached you. Please i want to have a link with you please grab my hand.... Please help me


Rin:"Ah.. You're right?! *she smiled with cold sweat.

Miki:" Faster!

Rin:"*She grab miki's hand then she used her magic to get them down safely, but before they go down, she suddenly felt exhausted.

Rin:" I feel my magic is gone.

Miki:'ha!! WHAT!

Rin:" I'm out of magic.


Miki:" Idiot!!

-They finally fell quickly at the ground.

Rin:" You're too heavy, or me?

MIKI:"It hurts, please have a diet I'm making you a diet plan!


Ted:" a hahahahah


Rin: "You shut up!"*she look around*"Who think that we fell on the forest again!?forest after forest

Miki:" let's get move before we meet some kind of monster again!


-They started to walk again, until they saw a lake and decided to take a rest. But while they taking there rest, Rin suddenly heard some strange noise but she didn't now where it come from.

Rin:"What's that?

Miki" hm? What?

Rin:"Did you hear that?

Miki:" No.

Rin:"I think its coming from this side.

Miki:" Hey be careful ok? !!!

-Rin followed the sounds until she see where it came from, and she shocked when she saw a baby wolves and it looks like it hurt.She took it and brought to Miki.

Miki:"It looks familiar

Rin:" The one who's been chasing and wanting to eat us a while ago.

Miki:"Hey! Maybe it's a trap!, why did you took it!

Rin:"Why would they do that to this cute little baby wolf! And its injured!

Miki:"hm well your right?

Rin:" Heal him!

Miki:"huh? Why me

Rin:" I spend all my money in this map you see? I don't have any kind of potion right now.

Miki:"hmm you have a point, ok I will do it. *He bring out the potion using his wrist watch and used it to the baby wolf wounds, after a few seconds it's completely healed.

Rin:" wow! It healed faster than I thought!

Miki:"its not that bad.

-After the wolf healed it become healthy and happily running around them.

Rin: "What a cute one, I think his thanking us! Can I adopt her?

Miki:" Ofcourse not! Do you want to chase us again by that hungry wolves!

Rin:"Ah! *she suddenly felt frightened*" speaking!

Miki:huh? *he looks at the direction that Rin'n looking.

-And it's the same group of wolves that been chasing them. And it looks like really angry.