Rin:hey? Any idea?
Miki:"Just give up and become their food.
Rin:'WHAT!, why me?
Miki:" Think carefully, if they choose between the two of us..
Rin:"Wait stop talking! what do you mean huh?
-The wolves starts to attacked them but before they do that.
" STOP!!
-The group of wolf stop when they see who said it.
RIN:"huh? What did you say? *she looked at to Miki.
Miki:"I didn't say anything.
:"Please stop!! Don't hurt them.
Rin:" hey can you pinch my cheeks?, maybe I am dreaming right now? that I can see with my two eyes, and hear with my two ears that this baby wolf is talking to the angry wolves?
Miki:"Ok *he pinched her cheeks* This is rpg remember, what did you expect.
Rin:"Outch!!! Why did you do that!
Miki:" hmmp you said it idiot.
Baby wolf:" Please don't hurt them, they're not our enemy
Wolf 1:"Your highness, what are you doing here!
Miki:" hey? Can you punch my face?
Rin:huh? Are you sure? I'm really going to do that!
Miki: "Ofcourse not!, Try to do that and your going to see your nightmare.
Rin:" hmmp! *she rolled her eyes*"stupid.
-The little wolf explained to them on how they helped him, and after a few minutes of explaining.
Elder wolf:" Thank you for helping our highness and we're really sorry for trying to eat you this morning.
Rin:"What!! You're really trying to eat us!
Wolf:" we are really sorry, we don't know what to do to survive because our queen have a serious illness right now..
Rin:eh? But don't killed human ok we're just a gamer here!! And beside are there any fruits here?
Elder wolf: Indeed, we don't need to go outside the village to survive, our Queen gives everything that we need, a lot of foods, supplies and other things that we need everyday. But one day the member of reliquary troops came and they took our queen's life.
Rin:"huh? I thought its a kingdom because you called this cute one your highness? And then you said.. Hm? Who said that again? *look to miki*
Miki:" *poker face *"Said what?
Rin:" the one who said that they're queen have a serious illness!? But the other one said someone killed it! What wrong with all of you ok!?
Miki:" *sigh* I think we don't need to stay here anymore, let's go and continue our journey we don't have time for this.
Wolf2: "Thank you again for saving our highness but please save our queen too!
Wolf3:"Yah were begging you.
Rin:" What are we going to do now?
Miki:"Let's go. We don't have time for this.
Rin :"hmm. OK we are going to help you!
Miki':" huh! WHAT!
Rin:"But I feel sorry for them.
Miki:" *sigh*"
Rin:" You need to agree with me..I thought you are a good person, but I'm wrong your fake! Hmpp but sorry you can go to the shrine without map right? *smirk*
Miki:" That map must be mine you know!
Baby wolf:" Eh shrine Village? That village is near to our place.
Rin :" huh! Really? *she look to Miki with a smiley face *" We are going to help them right?
Miki:" Fine!
Elder wolf :" Thank you, let's go to our village now, please follow us.
-Rin and Miki followed them, Rin carry the little wolf and it looks like she really likes it.
While walking..
Miki:"By the way you mentioned earlier about reliquary troop? What was that?
Elder wolf: They are a group of dark magician that collecting magic relics and use them for evil doings.
Miki:" Are they players too? I thought its a new develop game?
Wolf 1:"they are different types of relics in this world. And our Queen hold one of them the evergreen relics, but they took it
-After a few minutes of walking they finally arrived to the place that the wolves called kingdom.
Rin:"Hun? It is your kingdom? Are you kidding?
Miki:"But you can only see grass and one lake? And more wolf! AND NO HOUSES!?!
Little wolf:" House?
Elder:"Let's go this way, and meet our queen.
-They followed the elder wolf and go to their queen.While they walking closer to the Queen direction they heard something that looks like someone is in pain. And when they reached to the middle they saw a big tree, its shape like a woman and little by little it turns into an ash.