The leaves from the tree started to falling down, but whenever it touch the ground it turns into an ash.
Rin:"eh?This is your queen?
Miki:"Now I finally understand, when your elder said you can get anything you need from your queen, because your queen is a big tree! This is insane! You guys are insane!
Rin:" Well I'm not shock about this we are on the game! Anything can happen when you are playing online games like the tree can give birth to a cute baby wolf.
Miki:" are you kidding?! WHY ARE YOU depending on this tree! Did you try to live on you own? Stop being lazy and walk on your own feet!
Rin :" hey thats harsh! Why are you angry anyway?
Rin:" So what are we going to do? To help your queen??
Elder wolf:"because the relic are not here anymore, there's another way to healed our queen.
Rin:" and that is?
Elder wolf:"Theres a magical crystal water on the top of that mountain *he look at the mountain infront of them*" you can see a lake that is beautiful and shining just like crystal and in the middle of that lake there's a one flower, please get that flower with a water, I'm sure that one drop of it is enough to heal our queen.
Rin :" that's all? OK leave it to us!
Miki:" wait!I'm sure there's something weird about that mountain because if not dangerous, you can get that flower on your own?. Right.?
Elder worlf:"hm you are right.on the top of that mountain there's an old monster who guarding the lake and its very dangerous that if you touch the water he will not hesitate to kill you.
Miki:" See! I was right! You want us to get killed!
Rin :"hmm.. Ok let's go then.
Miki:"hey are you sure!? You didn't understand what his saying right!
Rin:"Ofcourse if their king died, how can they survived ?
Miki:" QUEEN!!
Rin :"let's go! We don't have enough time!
Little wolf:" please be careful!!
Rin :"Bye*she wave her hand while smiling*
-They now headed to the mountain, and when they reached to the foot of the mountain the heavy rain suddenly pour down.
Rin:" What! We need to take a shelter! Let's go Mi-*she looked at Miki"What was that!?
Miki:"hm?*he hold a big leaf that looks like an umbrella.
Rin:"Where did you get that!
Miki:" On our way, I noticed that the sky was dark and looks like its about to rain.
Rin:"What! Why didn't you tell me!
Miki:" What! Why didn't you tell me *he copy Rin words and gesture*"Why do I need to tell you!? And you don't need it anyway.
Rin:" And why?
Miki:"You already soaked, so why don't you continue? , you don't want to waste the effort of the rain right?*smirk*
Rin :hmmp!!! I would have just fly! Instead of walking!
Miki:" I would have just walking instead of flying with you! I don't want to have another flying crash! And besides your diet plan are not done yet.!
Rin:"Ignorant! You and my guardian have the same attitude and King!
Miki:" King? King emperor? I feel so sad for what happened to him I think he will become a good leader, but he is unlucky on the last stage.
Rin:".. Hmm. *nodded *"But there is nothing to lose because I will continue everything that he started. That's why, let's hurry.
-They walk around the mountain, until they reached the middle. While walking they heard a strong sounds that coming somewhere.
Miki:"What was that!
Rin :" huh! Oh above!
- That was a huge rocks rolling towards them since the lane looks like a spiral staircase, meaning there is no chance to avoid it.
Miki:"We will buried alive!
-They were about to buried but RIN use her magic to fly and she hold Miki
Rin:" Your heavy!
Miki:"Hey, your the heavy one here! Plus your bagpack, can you please remove that!!
Rin:" What! No way! If you want, I can release you and fall down on your own!
Miki:" huh!! try to do that! I'm going to burn you and make you a pork steak.
Rin:"*crying*Your bad! Iam really a chubby person?
Ted:" yah?
Rin:"*pouting*" So your alive huh? Stupid guardian.
Ted:" Ofcourse, why don't you register your bagpack to your watch?
Rin :"huh! can i?
Ted:" Please say your magic word.
Rin :"huh? Hmm. *thinking *wait
Miki:" hey! What are you doing! We can land there!
Rin:"idiot, wait ok!
Ted:" Idiot accepted! It will registered as your bagpack
Rin:"huh!! Wait what! ..
- They go down near to the top of the mountain
Miki:" Why here!, why not on the top!
Rin:"I don't have energy, besides its really near so let's start to walk now.
Miki:" hmmp. Fine
-They start to walk again, but while walking they meet a lot of low level monsters, some magic trap, man eating big flowers.So when they reached to the top.
Rin:" *breathing heavily *"I'm tired
Miki:"stand up! Your the reason why we are in this kind of situation right?!
Rin :" I feel I lose 10 kilo.
Miki:"Are you fooling yourself now?
Rin:"Idiot Ofcourse not"! *she stand up*"Ahhh!!! The lake!
Miki:" let's go!
-They go near to the lake, and they noticed an old man who's sitting beside it.
Rin:"Hey its that the old man that they talking about? It doesn't seem scary at me? HEY OLD MAN! CAN WE GET SOME WATER AND THAT FLOWER. *shouting *
miki:"eekk Why did you do that!
Oldman:" *she looked at the two*huh? Who are you?
Rin:"*she come closer to the old man. *" You looks like not bad person to me!,Can we get some water of this lake? And that flower *she pointed the only flower in the middle of the lake*
Oldman:"oh you can have it, get how much you want. But can i ask why?
Miki:" huh? Really !? I thought we are going to fight?
Oldman:"What fight?, do you think I can fight with this body?
Rin:" TRUE
Rin:"But we heard that there was an Oldman who eat PEOPLE here?
Oldman:" hahahah.. *laughing*"Other people said that because they can reached to the top! Oh please have some more of this water it's a special potion and you can't buy in the market.
Rin:" Really !!
Oldman:"How did you know this place?
Rin:" The elder wolf told us that this water and that flower can cure their queen.
Oldman:"Is there something bad happened to their queen?
Rin:" *nodded*"Their queen is dying
Oldman:" *suddenly cry*
Rin:"Wha- What!! Did I say something wrong.
Miki:" I don't know?
Oldman :"No its OK, you can have that flower, but let me tell you something, this water can cure them but the queen still die.
Miki:" Why?
Oldman:"Why don't you get the flower first?
-Rin and Miki look to each other
Miki:" I'm only a supporter here. *smirk*
Rin:"Fine I will get it!, but I don't know how to swim!
Miki:" Don't worry you won't drown easily!
Rin:"What do you mean by that! That im going to float not drown?
Miki:" Yah!
-Rin walked to the water and its not deep even she reached to the middle, she touched the flower and pull it out.
Miki:"Hey what happened.
Oldman:" the cursed started to break, thanks the two of you
-The lake suddenly become dry.
-They back to the village.