Little wolf:"hey your here!
Rin:" Yah and we get this. *she showed the water and the flower.
-The wolf suddenly become happy when they see the flower.
Miki:"*sigh* Stop.
Little wolf:" Is there any problem? *he looked confused *
Rin:"*shakes one's head*" None, but we found out that this water can't revive your queen, but they can heal all of you.
Little wolf:" huh? What do you mean? That my mother will die!
Rin:"hmm. Yah
Elder wolf:"But im sure that this water and flower is the only potion that can heal our queen!
Rin:"Your right, this potion is the effective way to heal, but not to your queen.
Wolf:" What! That's impossible! Or maybe you get the water for your own needs!
Miki:"pissed*WHAT DID YOU SAY!FINE! *he get the water to Rin*" Let's see, what will going to happen!. *He poured the water into the tree.
The tree shinning like a piece of gold, it's beautiful at first but little by little it disappeared.
Wolf 1:"What happened!, What did you do to our queen!?
Miki:" What!
Elder wolf:" What happened! Where's our queen!
Little wolf:" *crying*"no mother!
Rin:" hmm why are you crying?
Little wolf :"What will happen to us now!
Rin :" *smile*"Your queen mother sacrifice everything she has, but now her job is done and it's time for her to become happy right? Do you want your mother to become happy?
Little wolf :"ofcourse *smile*." huh?
*his whole body suddenly glow.
-Not only the little wolf but also all the wolves glowing and they transform into a human form.
Rin:" What are you saying that the queen will die even if we pour this water on her?
Oldman:You're right, because it's a part of the curse. And besides their queen are already die long ago.
Rin:" WHAT!!
Miki:"Why are you shock!, its obvious that it's only preserved!
Oldman: And to break the curse they need to exterminate the tree using this water.
Rin:" But the whole village rely on that tree!?
Miki:"tsk.. That's why I told them to stop relying on that tree!
Rin:" Hey your annoying! But, Who is the one gave them the curse?
Oldman:"*smile *" Let me tell you a story, under this mountain there was a beautiful village that rule by a beautiful queen. One day the queen fell inlove to an ordinary beggar, they start to love each other.
" But one day the queen suddenly disappeared without saying anything to the man and after a few days the man knew that the queen is pregnant, he felt angry and helpless at the same time. And because of that he curse the kingdom without any thinking, but later he found out that the child was his.
Miki:"What happen? Little wolf is like an infant but you look old?
Rin:" Wait. Your that man!
Oldman:"Yah, this is the payment of what I have done, but I'm happy right now because you guys came to break the curse. Thanks to you I can finally die in peace, remember to plant the flowers when the tree is gone. Thank you tell my son I'm sorry, and I love him. *he disappeared with a smile on his face*
-End of flashback
Rin:"See your Mom and dad really loves you, so you need to become strong ok! Because your a child now.
Little child:*smile* OK I will
Miki:" You see we have a mother too, on earth? They give us everything we need
Little child:"Did your mother die too?
Rin:" No, she's not die yet, but other people abuse her. Oh here *she give the flower to the little child*"Plant it
-The child took the flower and plant it, after he plant the flowers it become a beautiful big tree with a lots of fruits. And beside the tree they see an image of a man and a girl sitting happily, but it's dissappeared immediately.
Elderman:" Thank you, from now on we will start our life without relying on others.
Miki:"I think we need to go.
Rin:" oh yah the shrine village is waiting.
Little wolf:"Thank you for helping us, here take this.*he gave it to Rin and Miki*
Rin:" THIS? A seed?
Miki:"*poker face*" What are we going to do with this seed?
Rin:"Thank you, we need to go now!! LET'S GO! *she grabbed Miki's hand and walk away*" Bye!
-They left the village.
Ted:"LEVEL UP. QUEST Complete!
Rin:" Huh?
Miki:"So it's a quest huh?
Ted:" the price that you get to the child is a high value item, you can sold it to the market.
Miki:" So the bonus item, is the potion? *smile*"That's good.
Rin:" Whats good! Did you forget that you refused to help them right?
Miki:"Huh me?, what are you saying let's go. *he walked away*
Rin:" Hey! *she followed miki*
-After a few hours of walking they finally arrived at shrine village.