When they arrive at the shrine village the colorful and big tree suddenly greet them with bowing their crown.
Rin:"Woah! It's moving! Where ever you look this village is full of different kind of trees.
Miki:" There's a lot of player here.
Vendor1:"Come here heroes we have a lots of things that can help you journey.
Vendor2:" Here you can buy some potions and herb.
Rin:"wow!!!it looks like a night Market!
Miki:" nightmarket? What are you talking about.
Rin:"Why? You don't know about nightmarket?. Oh I see you live on the island? Your place don't have a market or mall right?
Miki:" Are you underestimating my place?
Rin:"By the way I'm kinda hungry?
Miki:"its your diet.You don't have to eat.
Rin:"What! I need to eat you know!
Miki:"But before that, you can't buy food without money right?
Rin:" Yah I'm broke right now.
Miki:"We need to find a shop, so that we can sell this seeds that the kid gave us.
Rin:"What kind of shop? Antique shop?
Miki:"Why don't you look at your map!
Rin:" huh! I think we don't need a map to find One. Look *she look at the direction of the shop with a name Riky-Dikk shop.
Miki:"pfft hahahha what's the name again?
Rin:" Why are you laughing! Let's go now OK I'm really hungry!
-They enter the shop, and see a lots of old items and the vendor was there too.
-The vendor look at them, he looks like a bouncer in the club with a big muscle, wearing a t-shirt, simple pants and an apron.
Miki:" A hhahahaha tell me it is really an antique shop? Or a club?
Rin:"hey stop laughing!
Man:"What can I help you? *he lift up the ax that place at the table near him.
Miki:"ah *suddenly stop laughing*
Rin:"No! we are not here for trouble!
Man:"*smile *oh I know I'm going to keep this ax. Did I scared you?
Rin:"ah we want to sell something?
Rin:"here *she took out the seed on her pocket and gave it to the vendor.
Man:" wow! Look what an amazing things you got here!
Miki:"Eh its really amazing?
Man:" I'm willing to pay 50,000 Gilt for each seed.
Miki:"What!! Seriously! *look surprise*
Rin:" really !!
Miki:"Wait! I smell something! Why this seeds have a high value?
Man:" This seeds are from the royal family from the village near here right? How many years are past since the kingdom disappeared? Oh here. *he hand over the money* " come with me.
- They went to a vacant place behind the shop and the man plant the seeds, after he poured it with water the seed suddenly grow to a beautiful pink and violet trees and it also full of fruits.
Man:*He pick some fruits and gave it to RIN and Miki.*"here have a taste.
Rin:"She take it and bite the fruit." Oh it's really sweet and delicious!, and it's shaped like a heart!
Miki:"and this from the violet tree shaped like a shield?
Man:"This tree is the queen and her Knight. Please come back here next year and also bring your friends!
Miki:"So it will be next year for this tree to bears fruit huh?
Man:" Your right..
Miki:"hmm? I think we don't have anything to do here anymore? We need to go and find other things that we need before we leave the village.
Rin:" Ah yah, I remember that im hungry!
Man :"Please come back here before you leave the village, I will give you a lots of fruits.
Rin:" Ok!!
They left the shop and searched for a cafeteria.
Rin:"Oh hey look!! I think thats the shop we are looking for!
-They were about to go to the cafeteria but something get Miki's attention.
Miki:" hey Go there first I'm going to buy something! Make sure to order for me too ok!
Rin:"huh? OK..
-Rin go first to the cafeteria and order lots of different food since she don't know what it looks like, she ordered it all.
After a few minutes her order came and also Miki.
Miki:" Wha- What's this! *looking at the table that full of foods.
Rin:"happy sweat*" Food?
Miki:" I know!
Rin:"i don't understand the menu that's why I order it all.
Miki:" how much?!
Rin:"*smile*" 10k gilt
Miki:" 10k!!!!*he say it with a loud voice, and other people looked at them*"Did you know that you can pay 1 month electric, water and telephone bill!for 10k But you,! You spend it all for food!
Rin:"Why are you angry about? And beside I thought you leave on the island right! Is there any power supply in your island?
Miki :" Are you kidding? How em I suppose to play online games without electricity! Idiot.
Rin:"sigh fine, sorry ok why don't you sit down and let's eat! I am the one who paid it afterall!
Miki:"OK *he sit down*" What's this?
Rin:" pizza?
Miki:'pizza!! Black pizza!
Rin:"chocolate flavor ?
Miki:"*he eat the pizza*"Oh its delicious!
Rin:"See the texture is different from our world but the taste are same. By the way what did you buy?
Miki:"Hm? I'm going to show it to you later, let's eat and find an Inn.
-They eat peacefully but the people outside suddenly make a noise.
:" What's that!
Rin:"hmm? *she look at the window and see a verry bright things that falling from the sky." What's that? A meteor?
-It falls from their direction and make a huge explosion.