
Chapter 11

-after the explosion the entire restaurant was destroyed.

Rin:"woah I'm safe. *she escape to the explosion and only got some scratches on her face, she also manage to save two people at the restaurant.

:" thank you! *They go down.

Rin:"eh? MIKI!!!, *she look around to find Miki.*

MIKI:" I'M here * his fire magic surrounded his whole body*

Rin:"What happened to your body! You're burning!

Miki:" I'm fire user!

Rin:"look at your face! It full of scratch! Drink some potion or herb.

Miki:" I'm fine.

Rin:"where did that come from!

Miki:"it looks like it fell from that side, let's go and see what happen!

-They shock when they saw a wounded man lying on the ground. It's not only a simple wound but half of his body was burnt.

Rin:"hey are you alive!.!

Miki:" What happened!?

-They look above and saw a man wearing a violet Rob, and it's flying! .

He has a sword on his hand that have a fire around it.

He just stared at them at first until he raised his sword in front of Miki and Rin, looks like he's ready to attack them.

Miki:" let's go!

Rin:"But this man.

Miki:" that man is dying!, did you forget that our level is very low right now!, we can't win to this guy!

Rin:" What do you mean!, how can we achieve a high level if we don't fight.

Miki:" I know, but not this fight!

-The man released his fire slash using his sword to them,they thought that they were going to die but suddenly Rin learn how make a shield using her wind.

Rin:" lucky were alive!

Miki:"you can create shield?

Rin:" I dunno maybe I learn it because I level up.

-The man hit them nonstop but Rin shield is strongly enough to protect them, he noticed it so he decided to strengthen his fire but before he do that, someone get his attention and leave them.

Rin:" Wha- What happen?! Hey are you OK? *she approached to the wounded man*,

Miki:"I think he's dead.

Rin:" hmm try to use the potion that we get to the lake?

Miki:"*he took out the potion on his watch and gave it to the man

-They manage to wake up the man But failed to healed him.

Rin:" I thought that this potion is very effective!

Miki:"This is not a normal wounds.

Wounded man:" pl-lss-ple-ase my cou-country! If I die who will protect my country!?

Miki:"your a player!? What country did you represent?

Wounded man:" A-Africa.

Miki:"Don't think that you are the only one representing that country!

Wounded man:" But the kids, animals,my family they will all dissappear because of me.

Rin:"No, don't worry.. Even if you die they will not disappear.

Miki:" and why?

Rin: *smile*


Back to the place before they start. Rin and Ted are inside the room.

Rin:"And this place?

-The man whose wearing a white Rob showed up.

:" So you are... Username FallenAsh. Tell me what name do you want to registered inside the game?

:"huh? Hmm RIN is ok.

:" Then before you enter the game tell me what country you want to protect?

Rin:"eh? You want me to choose huh? But sorry my answer is No I'm not going to choose.

Ted:" hey what are you saying?!

Rin:"I love my world. Even other people are greedy! My dream is to travel around the world! I didn't achieved that yet, that's why I don't want you to destroy it!

Ted:" Are you stupid!

Rin:"Yah! I'm stupid!

:"then Tell me what do you want to do?

Rin:" Let's make an agreement! I'm going to represent my world meaning all countries.

:"*smile*" verry well, in exchange you will not revived even they use revival stone, if you die in the game you won't get a second chance.

-They left the room

Ted:" You IDIOT *he pinched Rin Cheeks hard*

Rin:" Outch!

Ted:"What did you said that!!

Rin:"I don't want them to destroy my world!

Ted:" If you die! What do you think will happen!

Rin:"I don't know? Who would have thought will get first blood in the first game immediately?

Ted:" Idiot.


Miki:" did you really do that?

Rin:" It looks like stupid but I know its worth it.

Wounded man:"Thank you! Now I can die peacefully.

Rin:" What! Don't die It's just the beginning of our journey!, Tell us what happened!

Wounded man:" its a group name, reliquary troop they are killing new players, without any reason! I don't know why they do that!

Rin:"oh that group again!

" The medics are here!

Miki:"Let's go! *he pulled Rin away from the wounded man.

-But Rin knows even if someone came to treat the wounded man, he would still die at the end.

Wounded man:" Thank you *He looked at Rin with a smile on his face*

-They decided not to stay in the shrine Village and leave as soon as possible, but before they leave they went to the antique vendor first to say goodbye.

Rin:" Here we are again! Spending the night on the road! *she sat next to Miki*

Miki:" Stop complaining! We don't have a choice! It's not safe to spend a night on that village!

Rin:"I think I forgot something?

Miki:" hm?


Miki:"lol shrine village is not the one you are looking for if you want to learn lightning element.!

Rin:" huh? But the map said it?

Miki:"open you map

Rin:" >depict < eh? What? You see, when I saw this village in the map there's a sign looks like a thunder.? Now its gone?

Miki:"Thats a weather forecast of that village maybe when you see it, the weather is thunderstorm!, idiot.

Rin:" eh!!!!! So how should I know where can i learn other element.

Miki:"is that possible to learn other element? Why don't you ask your guardian?

Rin:" my guardian? *poker face*


Ted:" Offline


Rin:" Forget about him. Sigh. Change topic I wonder what kind of group that reliquary? Are they also a gamers like us? So this is not a new game huh?

Miki:" Haven't you listened to what the guy said before? They are killers!

Rin:" But elder wolf said they are collecting some kind of magic relics? And use it for evil.

Miki:"hmm? Maybe they think we will be a hindrance to them?

Rin:" But we are only in the game!

Miki:"Since we started here this is no longer a game, this is now the reality.

Rin:" hmm... Why are you always hurting me reality! * suddenly lying down*

Miki:"Hey if you want to sleep! Go to your tent!

Rin:" tell me what is your goal in this game?

Miki:" Me? Ofcourse I want to protect my country!

Rin:" hmm tsk.. then I decided! I'm going to become the top of this game. Become number one! ☝️

Miki:"Top? Are you sure you can make it to the top? Well it's not bad to dream high!

Rin:" Ofcourse! No one can stop me! no matter how hard they put behind me! Just Watch me ok!!

Miki:" We can say how much longer we can travelled together.! There are many possible things may happen to us.

Rin:"yah I know *she remember something* Wait, I thought you will show me what you bought earlier?

Miki:"Oh *He brought out what he had bought earlier and its a guitar*

Rin:" Is that a guitar?

Miki:"Yah I love music.

Rin:"Your a singer?

Miki:" Not really. Wanna hear?

Rin:"Really? OK give me a sample!

Miki:" the vendor said this is not an ordinary guitar.


Miki:" She said when you start playing it and sing a familiar song you will also hear the other instruments that play on that song. And she also said there will be a background too I don't understand that part but let's try.

Rin:"Ok *sit*" what song?

Miki:"I don't know? Give me one.

Rin:" hmm? All I know is anime song..ah! How about one ok rock! I'm a fan of them!

Miki:"sorry I don't know them.. ahem how about this.

*Today is a winding road

That's taking me to places that I didn't want to go, woah

Today in the blink of an eye

I'm holding on to something and I do not know why I tried..

Rin:"So your really know how to sing!

Miki:" *. And now I'm itching for the tall grass

And longing for the breeze

I need to step outside, just to see if I can breathe

I gotta find a way out

Maybe theres a way out....

- There was a sudden light flying around them and it looks like a fireflies.

Rin:"What's that!


Ted:" The background of what the vendor says is how the singer feels when he sing.


Rin:" fireflies? It means light and illumination. Who would have thought that your will is clear.?

Miki:" Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Do you know you're unlike any other?

You'll always be my thunder, and I said

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors

I don't wanna ever love another

You'll always be my thunder

So bring on the rain

And bring on the thunder.

-The rain suddenly poured.

Rin:"What!! *she get up immediately and enter her tent but didn't close it. *What the hell! Why did you do that.

Miki:" saying an annoying words behind me..

Rin:"Hurry enter your tent! Or you want to get sick..

Miki:" What are you saying? I'm a fire user. *his fire magic protects his whole body against the water*"See no effect on me?

Rin:"that's unfair! How did you do that!

the water is stronger than fire right!

Miki:" hmmp.. Do you think you're the only one with new skills?

-It only took a few minutes for the rain to stop.

Rin:"*she get out of her tent and look at the sky*" Wow! This is the first time I've seen so many stars, and I can't remember when was the last one.

Miki:"What the hell you said it's your first time? *he look up the sky*" What's so amazing about the stars?

Rin:" Nothing they are beautiful!. They say everyone who dies will become a star.

Miki:"Who said that!. by the way do you like the music before?

Rin:" Eh! You will give me your guitar!

Miki:"No, Don't expect me to give it to you..but I'm going to give you this. *He give a small guitar that look like a keychain. *

Rin:" You think it can make a song?

Miki:"Ofcourse the woman vendor said just think and sing what song that you want and it play automatically.

Rin:" And you give it to me!

Miki:"You like it or not?

Rin:" Ofcourse. Thanks! Can I try it now?

Mki:"No.. We need to get up early tomorrow and go to the next place, so let's sleep *he went to his tent*" Goodnight!!

Rin:"*Eh!! *She looked at the stars and smiled*" Watch me King, when I get back I'll tell you all my best adventure! But for now please guide me.