Rin woke up and went out of her tent immediately and saw Miki's preparing their food.
Rin:"Goodmorning. *she looks sleepy*
Miki:"Goodmorning my ass. Come here and eat! Then prepare your things we are going to travelled early!
Rin:" Why are you in hurry?
Miki:"No, But we don't have to waste time. We need to get stronger right away if ever we face a high level again!
Rin:" *Sitting next to Miki* "But I want to learn this game first.
Miki:" I thought you were dreaming to become the top player?
Rin:"yah *eat her cup noodles*"
Miki:"You need to higher your CP first before your level!
Rin:"What! Your wrong! You need to experience everything first that's why level up! And arrange your status.
Miki:" CP!
Rin:"Level up!
Ted:" Why are you arguing about level and CP? Those two are equally important? And You two are different player but same country.
Rin:"Ah your right! *she look at Miki*" Why are you arguing with me early in the morning.
Miki:"No Im not! So what is the next village we are going to visit?
Rin:" Hmm. Depict *map came out*"Lets see sky Village but before we get there we need to overcome this.. *her hand followed the path on the map*" Wait its verry long? A tunnel?
Miki:"*he looked at the map*" No, the place on the map name Crystal forest, its obviously a forest not a tunnel!
Rin:" Fine.
-After eating, they arrange their things and themselves and ready to travel again.
Rin:" do you feel what I feel right now?
Miki:" No we have a different taste.
Rin:" That's not what I mean! It's hot!
Miki:" its global warming our planet is breaking. And You should be glad that it burns your fat. *smile*
Rin:"What did you said! We are not on our planet.
Miki:"Not sure about that. And why do you ask me if I feel hot? I'm a fire user
the hot stuff doesn't have any effect on me even if you drop me in the volcano.
Rin:" I want to try that later! But before that *she get suddenly excited* I wonder what crystal forest looks like!
Miki:" huh? The name is obvious.
-After a few minutes of walking
Rin:"There! Finally! I have to see that forest with my own two eyes! * she run into the forest*
Miki:" sigh..why do you need to see the inside, its obvious that it's pure crystal. *he followed Rin*
Inside the forest
Rin:"Wow!! From trees, plants, fruits, flowers are made of Crystal!
Miki:" let's go!
Rin:"Can we have a souvenir here?
Miki:" I wonder if these is a real crystal.?
Miki's Guardian:"No its a revival stone.
Miki:" What revival stone!
Rin:"revival stone!?
Ted:" Its weird but not all these crystals are use for revival, they all look like the same but the others use for crafting armor and weapon.
Rin:" RPG!
Miki:" We are inside the RPG?!
Rin:"Do you think it's okay for us to get one?
Miki:" let's try. *he try to pick up a crystal fruit from the tree*
And as he picked it up, the ground suddenly shaking.
Rin:"What happen?
Miki:" Run! Run!
They ran, and the ground seems to be breaking.
Rin:"No! it looks like the whole forest is fell into the sink hole.
Miki:"Fly! Let's fly
Rin:" Ok! *she use her magic but. *"No what happen! I can use my magic!
Miki:" What!
They fell into the sink hole and thought that it was their end but....
Rin:"*she open her eyes*" Where?
Miki:"I think we're back to the beginning?
Rin:" So this is?
Miki:"outside the forest, this is bad there is no other way to the sky Village. *looking at the map*
Rin:" hmm? How about let's fly from here?
Ted:"You can't do that, there's a barrier on the top.
Rin:" Then what are we going to do?
Ted:"Ok a clue, look for the reflection of crystal.
Rin:" eh! That's it!
Ted:"When I teach you everything you can finish the game quickly and you said knowledge first right!?
Rin:" Yah.
Miki:"Let's wait until dark and let's see what will happen.
Rin:" you pick some fruits right? Did you throw it?
Miki:"Oh no.. *he took the fruit in his pocket and that is no longer a Crystal but a real fruit! *
Rin:" Eh?
Miki:" it means that forest is just an illusion.
:" A hello!?
They look at the one who speak and its a woman wearing a white dress and have a black hair and black eyes.
:"Are you traveller?
Rin:" Who are you?
:"Did you try to go through the forest? Sorry but, this time you can't pass.
Rin:" Why?
:" Try it again tonight and see if you can reach to the end of the forest, by the way my house is near here you can stay if you want!?
Rin:" *she looked at to Miki*" Ok let's go.
Miki:"What was that look for? ! If you already decide on you own!
-They go to the woman's house and it's just simple hut and have a small field in front of her house.
:" Sit first, did you guys have eaten already? I'll cook some vegetable soup.
Rin:"Eh vegetables soup!? I don't like vegetable but thanks.
-The woman left them first to prepare something for them to eat.
Miki:" Do you think we can trust that woman?
Rin:" yah and beside there is nothing we can do, but to wait until midnight.
Miki:" right.
-After a few minutes the woman came with food.
Rin:" wow it looks delicious.
:"here partner it with some bread. Sorry but this is all I have.
Miki:" No problem this is enough.
:"*she sit in the vacant chair.
Rin:" Are you the only one living here?
:" At first not but now I'm the only one here.
Miki:" What happened?
:"our parents died in an accident, I have a twin sister but she suddenly disappeared when she entered to that forest.
Rin:" What did your sister do in that forest alone?
Miki:"But if your sister also fell into that hole, did you think she just go back to the entrace?right?
:" she wanted to find the revival stone to revive our parents. But when she entered the forest she never came back, I don't know what happened to her and I also buried my parent body.
Rin:"When did you last seen your sister.?
:" A years ago.
Miki:"*she looked at to Rin:" This feelings I know what she's going to say!
Rin:"Ok!! Leave it to us! We are going to find your sister when we entered the forest tonight!
Miki:" I thought so! This girl!
:"Are you sure!
Rin:" Yah!!
:"Thank you! But please be careful because..
Miki:" Because that forest is dangerous and there's a scary monster watching inside the forest.
Rin:" Wow, how did you know?
Miki:" This is just the same as the first quest we completed.
Rin:" yeah it's same but different story. We are going to do this quest right!!!
Miki:" Do I have any option?
Miki:" fine.
-They went to the Crystal forest again and saw a beautiful lights coming from the forest.
Miki:"That crystal, it's shinning! *he took the fruits from his pocket and it become crystal again..strange.