Miki:"so this is what it looks like at night.
Rin:" This is brilliant!.
Miki:"it is?
Rin:" Of course, so romantic.
Miki:"*roll his eyes*"we are not here for some romance! let's go OK? And Stop dreaming.
Rin:" annoying, hey what about yo- *she looked at the girl but she's gone* "Where is she?
Miki:" huh? *he looked around*, I-don't know?
Rin:" Maybe she's really afraid to this forest,oh well let's start our quest! Let's go.
-They entered to the forest.
Rin:" This is really amazing, All the thing's are glowing like crystal! *look at Miki* "Wait, hey don't take anything again! OK!
Miki:" What do you mean! that it was my fault for what happened to us earlier!
Rin:" yah.who else?
-They walk through the forest until they notice that they repeatedly go back to were they entered
Rin:"Are you kidding?
Miki:" who would have think that there would be a malignant here too?
Rin:"It can't be help. *she look at her watch and the comfort room suddenly came out*
Miki:" What are you doing?
Rin:"Going to turn my shirt inside-out. *She was about to enter the comfort room but Miki pulled her aside*
Miki:" That's only a superstition damn you!! Let's go!
Rin:"Ah wait!
-They start walking again but they are still returning to the place where they entered.
Miki:"* he annoyed*"This is!!!! I'm so angry right now! I'm going to destroy this whole forest so we can pass!
Rin:" Hey! You can't do that! That's a crime!
Miki:"I don't care! *he took out the crystal fruits in his pocket and threw it away* "We don't have time for this!
Rin:" Hey! *she picked up the fruits and saw the moon reflection through the crystal, then she remember what Ted said to her* "Find the reflection.? *she looked up to the moon while using the crystal and.. * " Look!
Miki:"looked up* What? it's a normal moon?
Rin:" when a moon turns into a crystal and it's color red, is it normal?
Miki: Give me that crystal! " he snatch the crystal from Rin and use it. " Woah look at that *smirk*" So it is right that i took this crystal from the beginning!.
Rin:" Proud of yourself huh.
Miki:" Come on let's go!
Rin:" Where? "clueless"
Miki: Seriously? you are the first one who looked to the moon?
Rin: Yah? i only saw a red moon.
Miki:" Jerk ! There's a reflection coming from that moon just like a spotlight ! We need to go to that place! RIGHT NOW!
Rin:" Ok why are you angry!Im just asking.
Miki:" Let's go!
Rin: hmm ? so this is the place?
Miki: Go to the place where you can see the moon face to face.
Rin:" And there's a cliff?
The wind suddenly blow stronger and then a girl with a white dress suddenly came out of nowhere, she walks toward to the cliff and face to the moon.
Rin:" Who is that?.she looks familiar
Miki:That girl. If im correct give me your cup noodles, i want a ramen flavor .
Rin:' What the heck!
:" She is my twin sister
Rin:"Surprised" Hey where did you came from!! you scared me!
-After a few minutes the girl wearing a white become crystal
Rin:" What happen!
:"That's the cursed of relic Crystal.
Miki:* he looked at the one who's talking and it's a guy wearing a violet Rob, he can't tell this is the same guy they face at the shrine village.
Rin:" Reliquary troop?
:" so you know us? That girl name was reflection. In the daylight she become an illusion, this girl is her twin sister and the one who killed her.
Rin:" What?
:" I.
Miki:"You said she was an illusion, So how can you tell if she was the real one?
:"You didn't listen to what i said. She killed her sister.
Rin:" A ghost! Then what do you want from her!!
:" I'm here for the relic and that relic found inside her heart. *point his finger to the other twin*
:" From me! ?
Miki:"How did you know? ! that it's inside her heart!
:" Stop asking a lot of questions and interfering my job! and Ofcourse I'm going to destroy both of them.
Rin:"she blocked the path*" No Im not allow you to do that!
:"Who the hell are you? opposing the member of reliquary troop.
Rin:" if you killed her! Even my level is low I'm going to fight you!
:"*he took out his sword.
Miki:" So he is the same guy! RIN! let me handle this *he take out a gun *
Rin:"Where did you get that!
-The sword of the member of reliquary troop suddenly burning and same goes for Miki's gun.
:" I'll show you what happens when you fight against us!
Miki:"Then show me!
:" Stupid kid, !
The member of reliquary troops moves toward Miki as he fires him with his gun using his fire magic as a bullet, but the man managed to evade it quickly.
He quickly sprinting toward Miki and attempt to stab him, but he dodge it and Miki try to hit the man again with his gun but the man use his spin attack very fast to evade the bullet.
:" Not bad for a low level, but playtime is over. *The fire in his sword grew much stronger*" Fire slash! *He swing his sword towards Miki.
-The girl suddenly appeared infront of Miki.
Rin:' No!
Miki:" You!
:" It's ok, it's really ok!, with this, I can finally meet my sister, I- killed her!! i push her into this cliff, because of my selfishness so it's ok! *she looked at to Miki and Rin while smiling and her tears flow to her cheeks.* "Thank you for accepting this quest"'. The fire take over her whole body and the relic fell to the ground.
:" HAHHAHA what a happy ending,but this time you are going to die !
Rin:" Miki!
- Explosion
Miki:"he opened his eyes and see that he is inside the circle that made of air.
Rin:" Enough! You! I will never forgive you!
:"hmmp you want to die too? Then die! *he use his fires slash to Rin.
Miki:" Rin!
-She split his attack quickly.
Rin:" *holding a scythe that made of wind* I know that your fire is stronger than my wind, but my wind is different.
Its stronger than any element.
:"*the man look at her deeply." I don't have time for this. *he smiled *" Ok its your win for today, and i get what i want *look to the relic in his hand*
Rin:" What!
:"Become more stronger and try to defeat me hahahaha. *he suddenly disappeared.
Rin:" He disappeared?
- After the member of reliquary troop disappear .The ground suddenly shaking.
Rin:" What happen ! An earthquake!!
Miki:" The girl!
-They looked at the girls who turn Crystal and because of the earthquake it's suddenly fell into the cliff.
Rin:" No!! *jump to the cliff and grab the girl* " I will not allowed it! You are not allowed to fall again!
Miki:" Rin! *he jump down the cliff*" Here hold my hand!
Rin:" *he hold Miki's hand and looking at the top of the mountain, she notice a two woman holding each other hands, the two woman is smile at her and say someting but she didn't hear it as she closed her eyes*.