The Duel

The Royal Palace was in great excitement. The news of Princess Sam coming back was already the talk of the capital. Everyone had long ago accepted the fact that the Princess was a vagabond adventurer, and far from a lady. Some saw her as a stubborn pirate who would occasionally drop in the Palace to make use of her status as Princess. She had several fans and haters throughout the Palace and beyond. But it was generally accepted by all that the coming of Princess Sam always added excitement to an otherwise boring palace life. Even the king was said to dot on her though not very approving of her ways. Now the news of the duel with the new Keirish Prince spread like wildfire. The Palace maids and Royal guards, along with the Royal family gathered at the courtyard where it was going to take place.

The king was not present. He had laughed at it and had said he had something more important to attend.

The two royal contestants stood opposite to each other and it was a spectacular sight. Prince Edgar was dressed in all white. His suit and his golden hair made a sharp contrast to princess Sam's black pirate attire and black hair. It was like a fancy fight between light and darkness. The Palace maids squealed and the Royal guards talked loudly in excitement. They were conflicted as to whose side they should take. The truth was Princess Sam already had a fan base of her own in the palace. But with the coming of the new Prince, she had lost a major chunk of her fans. The Prince was just too irresistible. He was the actual fairy tale version and ladies swooned over him and called Princess Nataliya lucky.

"I see that you are already quite popular ." princess Sam drew out her sword.

"And thanks to you it's going to get a boost." the Prince too drew out his sword.

The Palace maids held their breath and looked on as the swords clashed. Some of the ladies covered their eyes. In the beginning, Sam and Edgar seemed evenly matched. Soon their fan groups consisting of royal servants and guards began to cheer loudly for them both.

When Sam found that the Prince was being careful not to hurt her, she grew angry and attacked with all her might. She attacked so vigorously that she made a cut through his shoulder. Everyone gasped as Edgar's white cloak reddened with his blood.

"Sam!" somebody shouted and everyone fell silent. The owner of the voice was standing in the balcony dressed in a heavy purple dress and her head with beige blonde curls was looking at Sam and Edgar. It was princess Nataliya. Sam looked up at her beautiful sister and smiled.

"Don't worry I won't hurt his face." she said.

The second half of the match went very well for the prince's faction. Because this time he had stopped going easy on Sam. Edgar began to attack and soon got past her defenses. The princess could barely keep up. Being so busy in defending she had no time to attack back. She soon ran out of breath. "Now that's more like it." she said in between her pants.

Soon the Prince seized her sword, pushed her on to the ground, and directed both swords to her throat. The whole palace cheered loudly with Edgar's victory. The Prince waved at his fans and gave Sam a mocking smile. Princess Nataliya blushed as some royals congratulated her. Sam got up from her position and took back her sword from the Prince.

"What is your name?" she asked him.

"Edgar Jethrome Aussain"

"I went easy on you this time because of a certain someone." she whispered.

"Yeah right." the Prince chuckled.

Princess Sam motioned everyone to keep quiet.

She raised her sword in the air and announced out loud. "I the second Princess of Hebelone, approve of Prince Edgar Jethrome Aussain, and shall henceforth not question his involvement in the matters of my country.."

All of Sam 's fans laughed and cheered at this. And Sam looked up and winked at her sister, who blushed again before disappearing back into her chamber.