Between sisters

That night Sam and Nataliya had a heart to heart talk. They talked about old times and caught up on the new things. Both sisters loved each other though they were stark contrasts. Nataliya was the perfect example of a lady, she carried herself properly, was very beautiful to look at with her clear blue eyes and long blonde hair, well behaved, and lived her life peacefully.

Samantha on the other hand was the exact opposite with grey eyes and dark hair cropped to her shoulders which was convenient for a fighter, her friends were harmless drunk pirates, her ways questionable.

Nataliya was happy to have her vagabond sister back in the Palace. She listened to her stories in the sea with great interest. Sam questioned her sister regarding her newfound Prince.

"So how did you fall for him?" Sam asked her teasingly.

"He is the most handsome man I have ever seen and how brave and kind he is,why did you have to fight him, first thing upon coming here?"

"Ah, so you love him more than you love me? Do you really think I would let a weakling marry my sister?"

"But you should not have hurt him"

"So you were not worried about your sister getting hurt?" Sam asked complainingly.

"Of course he would never hurt you."

"Well, he must have done something great in his past life to deserve you." Sam said.

"You better dress properly tomorrow, you know what day it is don't you?" asked Nataliya and Sam nodded.

"Why did you think I came ?" Sam asked before they hugged and bid each other good night.