The anniversary

The next day Prince Edgar woke up earlier than usual. It was a special day for the whole country, as the King himself had informed him, it was the death anniversary of the late Queen of Hebelone, there were going to be special prayers and such, and all royals were requested to attend the same. So the coming of the younger princess was related to this. Edgar thought to himself.

"Does Princess Samantha always come over around this time of the year? He asked the manservant attending him.

" Yes your highness, it is always around mid-August." he replied.

As Edgar was dressing in a black suit he checked his shoulder in the mirror. The wound was not very deep, but still fresh, the Royal physician had sutured it, but it would still leave a scar. His first scar.

After he finished dressing he was walking toward the south wing when in between he saw a lady in black. It was the second floor and she was looking outside the window keenly. Her figure looked beautiful in the early morning sunlight. Upon getting nearer he confirmed who it was, it was Princess Samantha. Her hair neatly brushed back into a very tiny bun, she looked very different today. The Princess was so much absorbed in the inspection of the garden that she did not see the Prince pass by her.

She couldn't spot a single white daffodil growing in the Palace garden. Her late mother's favorite flower. She got down to the garden and summoned the gardener and questioned him regarding this. The gardener respectfully replied that there was very few this year. If her highness liked she could have the last one of them.

"Yes, I'll have them all!" she said haughtily..

As Samantha placed the last of the white daffodils on her mother's grave, she gulped back a sudden sad feeling which took over her. She stood by her father's side throughout the prayers that followed. That day was a sad and long one for her.