Mango pudding

The next day morning Princess Sam went straight to the Royal chef after breakfast. Two of her shipmates followed her to the kitchen with a cartload of what looked like mangoes. She went to the chief chef and presented to him the mangoes. "These are the mangoes I procured from the South Islands, you know what to do right?"

The chief chef smiled and bowed, "Yes your highness!"

It was a known fact that the younger princess was fond of mango puddings, and around mid and late August they would have pudding thrice a day for all the meals, and by the time she left, anyone who looked at another pudding would want to puke. Then the cycle repeated next year and so on. This change in the menu was brought about by the Princess herself. And the chief chef although seemingly annoyed was secretly happy that along with the mangos he would get to experiment with the other tropical fruits and items which the Princess brought every year.

On the latter part of the day, Princess Sam was seen roaming the streets of the capital on horseback. She rode a black Friesian, whose black mane contrasted well with her buff coat. She was going on about lazily when she spotted something on one end of the street, a bunch of young men tied together on a strong rope. She knew immediately what it was.

"Where is the owner?" she roared pulling out her sword.

A middle-aged man was seen coming out of the shop, he shivered as he bent down and begged for mercy.

"You know very well that slave trade is banned in Hebelone?" she asked in between gritted teeth.

"How long have you been doing this, that too in the capital right under his majesty's nose?" she looked at the faces of the malnourished slaves, her rage blinded her senses. This man-made money out of selling humans! She raised her sword to attack when her hand was suddenly stopped by someone behind her. She tried to shake the handoff and turned to see who it was that dared to stop her.

"If it isn't prince Edgar the great! " she looked at him mockingly and shook his hands away.

The Prince who was sitting on a white Arabian stallion, ordered the Royal guards to arrest the slave trader and free the slaves. The guards followed his command and took the prisoner back to the Palace.

" You can't punish any citizen then and there. the Prince explained calmly. "Every citizen of the country must have the right to trial under law, Even royals are no exception. You are not allowed to take law into your own hands."

The Princess understood what he was saying. She even began to get embarrassed about acting upon her anger.

" I understand. I made a mistake." she made a reluctant but strong admission. The Prince admired her courage to quickly apologize.

He chuckled. "I can't believe a pirate has such a strong sense of justice".

" We don't do any injustice, and we attack only those who attack us." she said before turning her horse around and preparing to leave.

" That's a wonderful horse you got there. Wanna race? I used to do it all the time with my brothers."

The Princess smiled at this prospect. His stallion looked in perfect shape, but when was the last time she had a match.

" The winner gets the other's pudding. "she said before tugging at the ropes.

Both horses fly at their top speed. The Prince cannot believe how evenly matched they are. Ultimately Sam wins. Her horse is the first to reach the Palace.

That night for dinner, princess Nataliya watched as Prince Edgar pushed his pudding toward Sam.