The dance

Sam looked at prince Edgar's eyes which had a playful gleam in them. What was he planning? At one moment he is warning her and helping her, at other times he humiliates her in public. Just when she was working hard to get back her reputation he had to come and ruin it...

So what if she was bad at backgammon, she was not afraid of defeat! Sam was about to get up when she was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Your highness." said a young man standing close to her. Sam saw that he was a scholar at one glance. He did not carry a sword and had a lean frame. He was wearing a white robe and was as delicate as a lily. He also kept his hair long and his peculiar gentle demeanor could not be missed.

"Please let me play in your place." He said in a calm and clear voice. Heaven only knew where this angelic man had come to rescue her from this predicament!

"And who might this young man be?" asked Edgar seemingly curious.

"I am a fifth ranking official working in the capital, my name is Paulo Martinieux." The young man said softly bowing to the prince and princess in turn.

"Then Martinieux, I shall leave it to you," said Sam.

The game started and Sam watched along with all the others.

This time around the atmosphere was rather tense. Halfway into the game everyone began to realize that the mighty prince Edgar was losing... Sam looked at prince Edgar...He seemed to be playing the game seriously, she looked at the scholar opposite him, who seemed to be making some quick effective moves.

When the game ended prince Edgar smiled. "Well played," Edgar said.

Everyone looked at the scholar in disbelief. He had actually defeated the prince!

"It was my honor to play with you, your highness," said Martinieux.

"I am not talking just about the game, but what you did, you waited till I challenged the princess so that you could play in her place and win over both of us," said Edgar.

"You praise me too much your highness." said the scholar lowering his eyes.

"I shall keep my promises," said Edgar getting up. "You shall be awarded a position in court and I will also have the honor of dancing tonight with the person you represented."

That night for the grand dinner, Edgar stood up and made a toast to the newlyweds and the very next one he made to princess Sam. "To the superior Marshal princess, I hope you all can support her and help her save our country from the rebels."

Sam understood that he was trying to pull the Nirono faction to her side by declaring out loudly his support for the second princess. She was thankful to him for this. This should clear the misunderstanding caused by his voting against her in court last time. But why would this prince always confuse her with his actions?

That night for the ball Edgar and the second princess danced together. When one dance was over, Sam tried to excuse herself but he did not release her but insisted that they keep dancing.

"I have helped you tonight, so you can thank me in this way."

Sam looked up at his face, "That doesn't mean you can have your way with me." She said.

"If I were to have my way then tonight you would be dancing the third dance with me," Edgar breathed and Sam's face flushed crimson.

She dared not think about what he was hinting at. According to Hebelone's traditions, the third dance was to be done only with one's marriage partner...She suddenly began to get uncomfortable. She felt his body too close to her and saw his eyes looking intently at her. So even before the second dance could get over, Sam pulled away from him and excused herself.