New advisor

The very next day Martinieux was summoned by the second princess to the palace and officially appointed as her advisor.

Sam allowed Martinieux and commandant Astor to meet in the military training unit. Astor came down the stairs taking her whip sword out.

"He is only my advisor Astor, don't try to accomplish comradeship through combat." Said Sam laughing.

"If you want to compete how about a poetry contest or recollection of history or..." Martinieux nervously suggested.

Upon seeing the delicate young man Astor looked him up and down before putting her whip sword back in its sheath. Sam laughed and Martinieux gulped.

"Haha, never mind you two. Each has their own area of expertise, both of you are useful to me." Sam said making both of them sit down around a round table before taking a seat herself.

"Let me remind you of your position ...Mr.Martinieux" said Astor. "You are the official advisor of the second princess, so in the future, if the second princess ends up making any mistake you will be the first one to hold responsibility and take punishment ....from his majesty the king as well as ...from me."

"I am fully aware, I shall guide the princess to the best of my ability," said Martinieux with all seriousness.

"Good that you know, now hurry up and tell us which is the best way to pass the budget." Said Sam.

It seemed Martinieux had come prepared. He said, "The minister Nirono's faction takes up one-half of the ministers allowed to vote. They are supporting the Keirish prince in the hope that he will become king in the future. Since the Keirish prince has already openly supported you and the war, they will definitely side with you in the budget manner, princess."

Sam nodded her head in agreement, "But what about the rest?"

"The rest of the ministers are also united. They are the support for his majesty himself and serves as a balance against Nirono's faction, also they have long supported the king in avoiding wars, so you cannot expect them to vote in your favor."

"But can't they see the situation we are in right now? I do not understand, if his majesty has already approved of the war, why do they stand in the way?" Asked Sam tilting her head and sighing.

Martinieux explained in his gentle voice. "That's also because they do not want to spend their budget and resources on the war, but in their own departments of trade, foreign affairs, education, agriculture... the minister for defense is in the Nirono faction, makes sense that the opposite faction does not wish for the budget to go toward the Nirono faction for it might affect the performance of their own departments."

Sam patted Martinieux's back encouragingly. "You are pretty useful...Now tell me which all ministers from the opposite faction can be coaxed into siding with us ..."

"If princess can convince the minister of agriculture, then two other ministers loyal to him will support you making you gain three extra votes," said he.

"Minister of agriculture Hesse?" Sam got up and smiled. She knew the daughter of the said minister. They could be called childhood friends.

"Then it's time to pay my old friend a visit!"