Chapter 8: Are You Afraid Of Me?

Detecting that she was ill at ease, Jimmy asked amusedly, "Are you afraid of me?"

Kate shook her head immediately.

Jimmy said, "They say I am too hot to be a policeman, so I have to pull a long face at work to match the outfits. Luckily I can still be who I am when I get rid of the costumes." And he made a face to indicate he was just joking.

Kate burst into laughter and asked casually, "Don't you need to go to work today, sir?"

"Don't be so polite. Just call me Jimmy."

As for speaking, he glanced over at her and continued, "You prefer me in uniform?"

Kate was struck dumb. "Oh, no, I was just asking."

Jimmy said with a casual air, "I thought you liked uniformed temptation."

Kate didn't catch him. "What?"