Chapter 9: You Can Keep It

Tristan and Jessie had not met since the events of the past Valentine's Day. They were both naturally workaholics and therefore stayed busy. Tristan was busying himself with the World Trade Center project, and Jessie flew to Europe and stayed there for an economics forum.

It was not until over a month later that Jessie called Tristan and asked him to meet at the gym.

Tennis was her favorite sport. First, the outfit could highlight her prominent feminine shape; and the movement was both elegant and lively, which could display her youthful side. Jessie was a good player and was confident in both her appearance and skill, but today she was out of form and had serious errors, obviously incapable of displaying her full range of skills.

Tristan remarked of her casually, "You are under par today. Why is that?"

Jessie said she had been tired lately.