Chapter 1 - Rise and shine

It's been six-months since I've come to my school as first-year high school. Since I'm a guy who always gets in a trouble, of course my suspension had been also into a whole new level. not that I'm obsess to get in to a fight. I didn't have to, it will always found me. At my seizures of headaches not to mention; occurs on really bad timings for sure those bullies will poke me until I'm pissed for their nasty pranks. For them, I'm vulnerable as a disabled kid can be, although I'm used to this kind of life, but not the people who cared about me...particularly my worrywart mom.

It was around six of morning and the sound of the alarm clock was an irritating intrusion into the comfortable haze of sleep that wrapped its arms around me. I lift my hand out from beneath the warm cocoon of blankets to hit the snooze button. I kept my eyes closed; trying to let the haze reclaim me, but the damage had already been done. I was awake now, Barely.

I was about to prepare myself when flashes of memories surfed my head —for the three past days I was suspended for starting a fight for the second time this month. Because of it I had argue with mom. Neither good nor bad, there are limits of my temper taking those pranks, which is nasty as you can imagine. But I hate it the most when they gang up on someone weaker and make them helpless (such people like me). Which always make me want to jump on them; even I'm really twice smaller or even having a cluster headache at the moment, though it's definitely not a good idea in the first place.

So basically I was Lying from my bed for days due to suspension; for commencing a fight. Beating a senior bully from my school three days ago, and for the second time this month. I know it's really confusing right now, but don't worry because we're on the same boat.

Mark: "Okay, What happened was done, fuzzing over it is pointless and time to wake up." Fretting myself.

But after all my prattle. I crawled again over my dingy bed, scooch under the drab covers, and close my eyes like nothing happened.

Mark: "I just need five more minutes."

Few moments later until I hear my mom's voice that echoes around my bedroom.

Celia: "Hey Mark. Time to wake up! You don't want to be late for school, do you sweetie?"

I heard her clearly. Mondays are pits. I thought.

Mark: I rolled my eyes. "of course I don't want to be late." Raising my head, I open my mouth just to say that, and decide against it. I bite my lip, yank the pillow over my head and tried to nap again.

Celia: "Then get your ass out there and take a bath. You're trying to sleep again aren't you?"

Her footstep echoes down the stairs and pauses outside my room.

Celia: "You'll be suspended again at this rate. What do you think about that?"

I peep under my pillow. She looms in my doorway, her fist is set on her hip while gaving me her strange smile. So she resembles a curvey figure, white-skin, dark-brown eyes, and straight hair stretching halfway down her back. Long story short, she's my mom and her name is Celia Ashe. In her mid-thirties mom still look young and gorgeous...long enough to be sexy, but short enough to remind you that she was probably smarter than you.

I fluff the pillow under my noggin.

Being suspended means no school, no school means no trouble. I thought.

Mark: I wag my eyebrows and said. "A suspension would be bad for me because?

Celia: "I would make it that way."

Mark: I pushed off my covers "Fine. This is me, getting up."

Celia: "Good." Mom stomps away.

I showered, pull on some sweats and sleepwalk into the kitchen, seeing the familiar appliances. Everything looks so peaceful and quiet. Another typical Monday morning before another average day at school. But because I'm lucky, my average day is going home with a bruise. if not; a detention class.

I sat quietly beside mom, was on her magazine reading silently about one of the greatest scientific discoveries on earth -The Espers, Mutants created by a government corporation, they look human at least. The only difference is that, they manifest psychic abilities. Espers were just recently discovered a month ago but it was said that, this experiment started many years ago. It became trending in news, magazines and social media just in a flash. At first I was shocked about it, everyone did. Many don't believe unless they see it actually in footage of news coverage. Few common people are uploading their video about how their abilities occurred, but I'm not sure if legitimate nor true. But then for some reason it was deleted and banned days ago, and posting similar motive would get you in trouble.

Currently the foreign governments and experts—despise and sees them as an anomaly, mutants, and a threat to our society. There are 40 currently known Espers that are being confined at the U.S Government Army. It is said that a few have escaped the lab and refused to be captivated. Those Espers that escaped are forcefully to be surrendered, making them known all over the nation, "Exiles". That's what the people call them.

At the time being Exiles are being hunted by the law and the order is simple—Fire at Will. Which is not surprising to us because they can pose a large threat to a normal human. Besides we fear those who are different and powerful.

Later on, Mom dropped the science magazine in the table and took a sip of coffee before glancing over me.

Celia: "So, how are things in school?" Her eyes studied me closely.

Mark: I swallowed "It was probably doing fine." I guess. I thought.

Celia: "Guess being suspended for three days is fine?" Mom pouted, making great effort to hide her anger.

Mark: "Wait…Haven't we had this conversation?"

Flashes of memories surfed through our heads as we remember the last argue didn't go well. I wish it's going to be smooth this time, we both fell silent knowing the conversation is pointless. Mom exhaled, trying to keep her cool.

Celia: "Fine, We'll talk something else." she took a sip of coffee to change her mood and asked again.

Celia: "Have you made any new friends?"

I started pouring my milk and cereal as I replied.

Mark: "Are we really talking about this?"

Celia: Mom nodded "of course, I want to know if you're hitting a beautiful girl lately."

Mark: I shrugged disappointingly "Sorry mom. I only have best friend since first grade." Yup. there's only one person old enough to be remembered as a friend- Claire Howland.

Mark: I touched my chin and joked "Your good-looking son has no one to introduce for you today."

Celia: Mom looked partially comforted and gulp down her steaming coffee until it's empty "If that how it is, what can I say."

Celia: "Do you feel well?"

Mark: I nodded. "Healthy as a horse."

Celia: "Did you sleep well?"

Mark: "Not even a bug bite..."

Celia: "How's your headache?"

Mark: "Getting better..."

Celia: "Did you study last night?"

Mark: I nodded my head. "Yup, just a bit..."

Celia: "Is that so? You'll have troubles

catching up your studies."

Mark: "I'll hit the books later..."

Celia: "hmm…Really?, I highly doubt that." She asked again. "Any troubles?"

Mark: "Nah...I'm good, I'll tell you when I have one..."

Mom can't hide the discomfort in her face, she knew the rest of my answers was a lie but she can't do anything about it. The truth was, I can't sleep last night. I tried. but the my cluster kept ticking that made me awake for the night. Though I'm used to it… I can't just tell, she'll just become more worry about me.

Mom started cleaning the dishes. after a few moments, I finished my breakfast which consist of milk, cereal, and waffles.

Celia: "Hurry up you'll be late for school, drink your medicated medicines, make sure you don't forget anything before you leave, and by the way..." This time, mom can't hide the fret in her face.

Celia: "Right now, everyone is on the edge after that recent news about the Exiles...," This time Mom really looked troubled. "Then I heard rumors, around four of them are hiding in the city."

I hurriedly finished my breakfast, drink my medicines on the table and stood to kiss my mom.

Mark: "I'll be safe, don't worry too much mom."

Celia: Mom kissed back "Bye, sweetie. You should get home before six or I'll get worried, and please no troubles okay?"

I began collecting my things and headed to the door

Celia: "Oh. And by the way, the school bus won't come to pick you up today."

What?!…. A good way to start a day, huh? I thought.

Mark: I sighed exhaustedly "Thanks for telling me. Bye, mom." I waved and left.

Celia: "Take care, okay."

Mrs. Ashe was smiling as she watches her son exit the house.