Chapter 2 - In broad daylight

I was sweating like crazy and it took almost thirty-minutes to reach my destination. I raised my head and looked towards the huge school building; from afar the skyscraper was mammoth structure -an enormous and edifice rising from terrain. The campus was built fifty-floor with broad walks through a maze of hallways piled with classrooms and academic stations.

Mark: "Jeez, I shouldn't be walking like this… That damn school bus."

I continue on walking, until I could hear voices of people above the distance. I immediately recognized the group of people sitting in the area, three senior students which I known as bullies, I noted the surprise looks of displeasure from those who recognize me.

Seriously?… I just got here, what a heartwarming welcome. I thought.

Snaking across the area, I gave a glare look returning back those gauntlet of narrowed eyes following me; as I passed through them. I knew staring daggers or not, still would put me in trouble somewhere down the road. I just refuses to be humiliated anymore.

Good thing they're not in the mood to jump on me. I thought.

Moments later, I reach the main entrance, where carved granite sign announced.

**First City Providential University** (FCPU)

Two armed guards flanking the large door, one was straight ahead while the other searched me for bugs. I passed between them. Feeling the same sensation I always felt as I pushed through these doors...another long day of school.

Mark: "Ugh… I hate school. I'm sure most people think so."

Inside the lobby, I sensed the faint echoes hushed around me, as if the words were passing through from guidance office above. It was the Mr. Julius office. It was no surprise for everyone seeing me there, sitting and being scolded by the school principal Mr. Julius.

The wall here in the lobby were lined with bulletin boards with massive pinned artworks, photographs, incredible test results, achievements, announcements, reminders, and upcoming events that could only be celebrated within the campus.

As I approach the hall, one of the staff emerged from the office nearby and takes the same path that I took.

I immediately recognize its gorgeous looks; the person is Ms. Rachel Harper. She resembles an innocent smile -not arrogant just pure bliss. Her posture was straight and tall...slim but sexy, white-skin, long-haired with black color, in her mid-twenties Ms. Rachel could outmatch every known celebrity with her looks, brain, figure, and attitude. She's a woman that a man would always fall for. I trust Ms. Rachel a lot, she's my teacher since grade school, not only giving good advices but also helps—treat me whenever cluster headaches attacks, the same reason why I graduated was because of her.

I smiled and greeted as we arrived and entered the elevator.

Mark: "Good morning, Ms. Rachel"

Rachel: She smiled back "Good Morning, Mark." she paused for a moment. "It's been ages since we met. How are you?"

Mark: I whined "Same as usual, my headaches never back down every night…just a while ago, people outside gave me a heartbreaking welcome..." I pressed the controls and endlessly talking inside the elevator "…I had argued with mom last week, and then I walked into a broad daylight for thirty-minutes, since our school bus didn't come to get me."

Ms. Rachel only stared and gave a weird smile, as she watched me grumble. I paused a moment, realizing that I talked too much and felt like a garrulous old fool.

Mark: I changed the topic and joked "Since you're always here to spoil me, everything is rewarded."

Rachel: She chuckled "If your joking like that you must be fine now…but I'm also glad to see you're doing well." she smiled.

She checked her watch wrist and looks worried before glancing over me.

Rachel: "aren't you late in your class?…"

Mark: I scratched my head "I am…Mr. Nelson will scold me to death now…"

Rachel: "I'm also not good terms with Mr. Jake Nelson…Then I'll make sure to visit your funeral."

Mark: I pouted "Come on… don't joke like that Ms. Rachel, you'll make me cry for real."

Rachel: "That would be unusual. Since you've never cried all these years. Even students always pick on you or being scolded by Mr. Julius by an hour"

Mark: I shrugged. "I'm even surprised at myself. At first, I thought I was tough but I'm just stubborn as a kid can be" She laughed.

Rachel: "I wish I was confidently stubborn like you" she said softly.

We gone silent for a second and Ms. Rachel asked

Rachel: "By the way, have you heard the news? Everyone is fixated there"

Mark: "Um...Since I'm holed up in my room…I only heard a few, it's about few people that possess strange abilities. Some of them were branded as Exiles because they escaped and could pose a threat to us civilians."

Rachel: "Everyone calls them as Espers. According to news, one of them was able to use psychic abilities and read someone else minds by touching them…it must be great to have powers like that." She touched her chin. "I'm a little jealous."

Mark: "I guess, neither would be great to be an outlaw nor to be dissected in the lab" I said sarcastically.

She let out a small laugh, and before Ms. Rachel could reply the elevator reached floor twenty-two and halted.

Mark: "Bye, Ms. Rachel." I said.

Rachel: "Tough it out okay? Not for your own sake, but for the ones that you love." She patted my head.

Mark: "huh?".

I didn't understand what she meant, but it was too late to ask. Ms. Rachel left. And I have already thrown the switch.

Without Ms. Rachel that few moment felt like an eternity. The elevator reached floor thirty-one, I hop off the large metal box, and I head to the south wing of endless loop of hallways that lead to my class. With several steps, I arrived at my destination where a small sign is hanging on top of the door

**CLASS A-102**

This is it. I thought.