Killing Hermaeus Mora

Vincent suddenly finds himself suddenly in a dark place filled with books and a dark lake that Vincent didn't want to go near. He walked a little bit around the place as he found himself in a plaza and looked around finding some Daedra floating around not caring who he was as if ignoring him out of fear when he suddenly looks at his hand and sees how his body was slowly generating an aura.

The Twin Dragons began to growl as making suddenly a Dragon with blue scales appear in front of Vincent. The Dragon was feeling fear. Vincent could feel it as Twin Dragons were ready to rush at the blue scaled Dragon.

{You are here to meet Miraak right?} asks the blue scaled Dragon as Vincent looked confused at the Dragon.

{Yes, but what is a Dragon doing in Apocrypha?} asks Vincent back as he was curious to know.

{We are only souls that Miraak once absorbed. He absorbed only three Dragons before me included then he was put down. Now we are prisoners here in Apocrypha because of Miraak. I will take you to him if you kill me afterward. Do we have an agreement?} says the blue scaled Dragon as he wanted to be free again even if he had to be absorbed by Vincent for that to happen.

{We have a deal but you won't have to carry me,} says Vincent as he turned into a Dragon and the four Dragon began to fly in the green sky of Apocrypha arriving at a giant tower that was rising out of the dark lake.

Vincent could see a person standing there with two other Dragons that suddenly shivered out of fear when three Dragons far bigger than them landed on that tower and Vincent then killed the blue scaled Dragon and absorbed his soul as he then looked at the other two and the man wearing a mask.

{So you are the Last Dragonborn. You don't seem like a challenge to me,} says the man with the mask not noticing that the Dragons behind him were retreating a little as the twins suddenly lashed out making the realm vibrate as they rushed at the two Dragons surprising them as Vincent transformed back and the souls were entering his body as the Twin Dragons were part of his soul.

{Many said that before and I'm still standing,}says Vincent as he was in his Drachen set and had his spear in his hand and says, {This is my fight don't interfere}

The Twin Dragons were laying wanting to see this fight. Vincent got in position and says, {Let's see if you are as strong as the old man says.}

Vincent rushed at Miraak while Miraak used magic to hold him back as he used his Dragon Aspect shout. Vincent evaded Miraak's fireballs as he was closing in to him when Miraak used his Bend Will shout and Vincent stopped on his tracks.

{It seems even you can't fight against my-} says Miraak as Vincent suddenly interrupts him.

{Is that all? I heard lesser Dragons shout stronger. Let me show you why I almost never shout,} says Vincent as he suddenly used his Bend Will not only bending the will of Miraak who was frozen from the fear he was feeling but even reality was beginning to bend in the realm of Hermaeus Mora.

That caught his attention when suddenly tentacles appeared in the air filled with eyes and he hears, "It seems someone sneaked into my realm. This time Sheogorath won't be able to help you."

Vincent suddenly changed clothes surprising both Hermaeus Mora and Miraak as he was suddenly wielding Auri-El's Bow and Sunhallowed Eleven Arrows in his Quill as he summons Durnehviir and the Twin Dragons knew this was their queue.

They launched themselves towards Hermaeus Mora when Durnehviir materialized in Apocrypha he didn't even have a clue what was going when he saw Vincent pointing his arrow to the sky and heard, {Durnehviir, I need you to kill Hermaeus Mora to take his place this way you can free yourself from the Soul Cairn and slowly recuperate to enter Nirn alone without my help.}

{You trust me too much with this much power, } says Durnehviir as Vincent already releases his arrow making the sky illuminate from the power the bow and the arrow could produce combined making Mora weak toward the attacks of anything.

{Move now old bone before I change my mind,} says Vincent as he took three more arrows from the Quill and shoot them at Mora as the Twin Dragons were immobilizing him. Durnehviir flew directly into Hermaeus Mora as he ripped a hole into the Daedric Prince and he began to absorb its existence as slowly the tentacles and eyes all disappeared inside Durnehviir who was now in a cocoon made of his old skin.

{It seems it is done now I need to wait but before that,} says Vincent as he turns to Miraak and continues, {You have done some serious crimes against me and my peop-}

{I surrender,} says Miraak as he kneels in front of Vincent, and Vincent turned his back to Miraak and suddenly a sword that was like a tentacle with eyes like the one Mora uses to have touches suddenly a black armor as Vincent turned around now carrying a giant black sword.

{You think I didn't know that this could happen. You see the Twin Dragons right. They are connected to my soul all they see I can see too and now,} says Vincent as he makes a hand movement and the Twins rush at Miraak as the begin to rip him apart making his soul disappear forever, {Too bad, I could have used him for something good like entertain Durnehviir.}

Vincent now was watching and waiting for Durnehviir to come out of the cocoon as some hours pass a Dragon with Dark Green Scales came out of it.

{Durnehviir?} asks Vincent seeing the Dragon.

{Yes my lord but now my name is Hermaeus Mora. I'm honored that you trust me this much,} says Durnehviir who became the new Hermaeus Mora as he continues, {I had to fight against the old Mora before becoming him completely. Now my rotten flesh has restored and I'm in a new appearance in front of you my lord.}

{You did good Mora,} says Vincent as pets Mora a bit even if Mora was embarrassed by it because the Twins were looking at him when Vincent petted the other two too before saying, {I should try to summon you in some second to see if I can still summon you like before into Nirn.}

{I will await your call but for now, I would want to rest for a while to collect myself. It's quite hard to absorb the old Mora,} says Mora as Vincent nods.

{Then take your time I will call you in a month. You should have recuperated by then right,}says Vincent as the war would begin next month and he needed Durnehviir for some surprise attacks against the Thalmors. Vincent then took the black tome out and says, {See you soon Mora.}

Mora only bows before Vincent opened the book and he disappeared with the Twins following him. He appears back where he was before reading the surrounded by his people and asks, "How long was I away?"

"Half a day. We should make camp here for today or travel to the Skaal Village that is near," says Wuldimar as he knew Solstheim the best.

"Let's go to the Skaal Village maybe we will find a friendly face there," says Vincent hoping to find Cyntra in the Village.

"Then let's move," says Wuldimar as they begin moving towards the Skaal Village while moving Vincent told them what happened in Apocrypha.

"Don't you think it will be dangerous to give a Dragon this much power," asks Karliah as she was worried.

"It's better a Dragon than a human. Dragons have some honor while most humans don't have it," says Vincent as he remembered the founders of Ishgard who build everything on lies.

"We are almost there," says Wuldimar as they could see some light coming from the direction they were moving to.

Arriving in the village they see the villagers having a feast as a Khajiit was in the middle of the group. Vincent and the others recognize the Khajiit as Cyntra. They approach the villagers and suddenly everyone was alarmed as they draw their weapon.

Cyntra recognizes the group and kneels in front of Vincent who helps her up and she says, "This is High King Vincent Highwind. He is also known as the Dragonking."

Suddenly the shaman if the village came over and says, "The one who defeated Alduin and Herma-Mora."

This shocked the group as Vincent asks, "How did you know I defeated Hermaeus Mora?"

"Because he isn't bordering me any longer," says the shaman as he guides them towards his place and continues, "Only a strong being could defeat Herma-Mora and you are the only one that I can imagine of right now. My name is Storn Crag-Strider. Herma-Mora used to plague me because he wanted the Skaals secrets. But no Skaal Shaman ever gave them away. You should stay today with me even though I don't have much space it is better than sleeping in the snow."

"Thank you very much," says Vincent as they followed Storn into his house. Where they could at least lie beside the fire to sleep when Cyntra entered the house to report and Vincent asks, "So what happened on your end?"

"I encountered some Thalmor. It wasn't much of a big deal except for their leader who was a hard nut to crack. I recruited the smith for our cause as he is waiting in Raven Rock while I delivered his letter here to tell the village that he is fine," says Cyntra as she was sitting on the ground beside the group and continues, "Then I also found a Dunmer near Raven Rock that wants to unbury an old tomb it seems. He needs investors and found out that I work for your highness. He asked for your highness to invest in him."

"I would like to. But war is about to happen. I can give him a squad to keep an eye on him while we go to war to make sure nothing happens to him. Tombs can be quite tricky after all," says Vincent as he was interested in what could be inside and continues, "But maybe we shall sleep for tonight and return to Raven Rock tomorrow we have a long month before us."