Returning to Skyrim

The next day Vincent and the others left the Skaal Village while being accompanied by the shaman apprentice that Storn sent with them because she could be useful in the future while Vincent was thinking that Storn was sending a bride with him after hearing from Karliah and Serana that he married at least one girl of each race for now.

"Is it true that you are married to countless women?" asks Frea as she was curious if the rumors were true.

"Not countless. I have five wives and I respect each and every one of them. It was my first wife's idea of me marrying one woman of each race to show the people that I don't discriminate about their race even if I still need to find Khajit and Argonian as well as Breton and Redguard," says Vincent as he walked in front with Vyrve and Wuldimar.

"So you have already someone in mind for the Bosmer candidate. I know that Nocturnal wants you to marry Karliah but you are running against a wall with her and Aela loves her freedom so far I know," says Vyrve as Karliah just sighs when Frea looked at her.

"Mina wants me to marry the Bosmer Priest Anra Oakstone. She always blushed when I'm around her and Mina likes her a lot because she is taking care of her and Elisif when they feel nausea from the pregnancy. Aela because she was my first and Karliah only if she wants and she knows that. I don't force women to marry me," says Vincent as he really didn't force anyone to marry him they either did or didn't.

"Why does it feel like someone put a target on my back," says Karliah as she was taking the lead to not listen to this conversation any longer.

"And there she goes," says Serana as she gets close to Vincent and says, "She will be visited by Nocturnal later only to get scolded by her again."

"Well those things can't be changed after all," says Vincent as they continue to talk while keeping up with Karliah.

They arrived in front of Raven Rock when a group of people joined them. The people were from Wuldimar's clan that waited for them to arrive to enter the city.

As they entered many eyes were on them. Vincent didn't really care he was accustomed to glares since young because he was an Au-Ra in Elezen territory. They continue until arriving at the docks.

Once there the people boarded the ship and the captain says, "Welcome back your Highness. Will we be returning soon to Skyrim?"

"We will set sail right now if we can," says Vincent as the captain nods and leaves the ship to inform the harbormaster that the ship will be leaving.

Vincent was on deck as he finally relaxed and sat down on a chair he put on deck to see the stars at night when Frea asks, "Something wrong?"

"Not really just the calm before the storm. I'm happy to leave but beginning next month war will be roaming in Tamriel and I'm the catalyst for it. The only good thing is that the Empire already surrendered almost a year ago. Only the Thalmor will be our enemy but even then it worries me because we still have a Thalmor Spy in Riften that we can't touch until the war is over," says Vincent as he was waiting for the captain to return when he sees Wuldimar and Karliah return after Karliah recruited some of the Werebears into the Network while the others will be moving near Whiterun for now.

The captain returns with a the Adril who sees Vincent sitting on a chair from afar when he kneels once in front of Vincent and says, "Are you already leaving your Highness? We wanted to invite you tonight if you don't have anything against it."

"I'm sorry Adril but I can't," says Vincent as he saw the disappointed face of Adril and Vincent continues, "War is coming and soon the Red Mountain will be extinguished. I need to make preparation since we will take a week or two to arrive in Skyrim."

"Yes your Highness," says Adril as he leaves disappointed when Vincent stood up.

"But we could talk about a nice dinner after the war is over what do you say. It might not be here but in Cyrodiil instead," says Vincent as he saw a happy face on Adril.

"It would be an honor," says Adril as he leaves happy while Serana looked at Vincent with a smile.

"You couldn't just turn him down, couldn't you. Now the whole family might have to have dinner with his family once everything is over," says Serana showing a smile that could freeze a grown man.

"Now come on we denied his offer once denying it twice would make him feel bad and a laughing stock in the Dunmer community and with someone loyal as him I could think of putting him as Regent of Morrowind if a certain person doesn't marry me," says Vincent with a smile.

"Well, I can't deny it since you speak the truth about that," says Serana as she looked at Karliah who disappeared in the shadows to escape Serana's glare when she hears, "We are on a ship, Karliah. You won't be able to escape from me here."

Serana leaves the deck to look for the Dunmer that damned her family to have a dinner with the Arano family in the future. Vincent only sighs as he says, "Are we ready to leave captain."

"Yes, I commanded my men to take off. We will arrive in a week if we don't get into trouble and the weather is on our side," says the captain as Vincent could see the ship was slowly leaving the Raven Rock's docks.

After nine days they arrived at Windhelm as they deboarded the ship many people were awaiting Vincent there as the people of Windhelm somehow heard of Vincent leaving with the Northern Maiden.

Now with the Northern Maiden back, many people were watching as their High King was standing on the docks as Jarl Brunwulf awaited him. They went into the Palace of Kings and they are something together as Brunwulf informed him of the situation on the east side of Skyrim.

The group then leaves together as Vincent turns into a Dragon and brings everyone towards Whiterun. Arriving there they were welcomed as the people were to live in Whiterun until the village was completely built.

The army soon began to march towards Whiterun while Vincent didn't transform back but went to the Throat of the World and meets with Paarthurnax and Odahviing.

{Its time I want every Dragon in Skyrim. If one is missing he is seen as a desert and will be taken down. We will march in two weeks towards Cyrodiil from there we will continue marching towards the Summerset Isles and conquer the provinces of Valenwood and Elsweyr on the way freeing them of the Thalmors,} says Vincent to both as both nod in agreement.

{I will send the Dragons of Skyrim to the other provinces right away. Odahviing as the General you should be waiting at the border of Skyrim to Cyrodiil with all the Dragons,} says Paarthurnax as he was making a plan for the Dragons.

{I need a group of Dragons to skirmish the ocean around the Summerset Isles to sink ships that sail to the west. I don't need them to run away towards that other continent on the west from Tamriel,} says Vincent as both Paarthurnax and Odahviing looked confused at Vincent.

{Which Continent? Aren't there only Atmora to the North and Akavir to the east,} says Paarthurnax as Vincent told them about the failed experiment of the Divines on another Continent in the west of Tamriel.

They began to discuss how Vincent found out about it while talking with Akatosh as Paarthurnax continue, {That's something new for me. Maybe we should send a campaign towards that continent. Maybe we find some Dragons there.}

{Not for now. Maybe once I retire I will go there to investigate the continent before that corrupted army can set foot on Tamriel,} says Vincent as he was interested in the Horn People that would land in High Rock in two centuries.

Then Odahviing leaves as Paarthurnax shouts informing every Dragon as an army of Dragon began to darken the sky flying into every direction outside Skyrim.

The Emperor was seeing the Dragons fly over the Imperial City as Varen says, "It seems he is beginning to mobilize his force. This move will alarm the Thalmor we should plant some fake troops on the border of Skyrim and Cyrodiil to make them believe we are preparing to defend ourselves."

"Then you know what to do. I will have to talk to my children to tell them what is about to happen now that their father will cease the throne to its rightful owner," says the Emperor as he was about to leave.

"You know that he will need someone he can trust as an advisor even with his wives they can't have their eyes everywhere if you can make your daughter marry him you could secure your family's future by doing this even more since he wouldn't kill one of his wives family members right," says Varen as he gave an idea to his Emperor.

"I will think about that," says Titus Mede II as he now leaves when Varen also leaves sending two battalions to the border with the command not to engage the Nord army coming but to join them as they march towards the Imperial City.

The battalions went out and the spies of the Thalmor reported back what they saw to Summerset. The Thalmor Leader reading the report says, "They are finally moving. I hope they kill each other so we will have an easy victory against both forces."

The Thalmor Leader then commands his second and says, "Prepare the army we will be marching again."

"What about the Rebels?" asks the second-in-command as he was confused about his leader wanting to assemble the army to march again.

"Leave them be we will eradicate them once we win once and for all against the Empire and that said Dragonking," says the Thalmor Leader almost in a trance as he needed to go and finish it as fast as possible.

The second-in-command then leaves the room and to prepare the army hoping his Leader knew what he was doing.