Marching towards the Imperial City

In two weeks the men arrived at Whiterun and from there Vincent marched with them towards Cyrodiil many of the people got excited while others thought that it would be a rebellion like Ulfric's Stormcloaks before.

They marched through Falkreath Hold arriving at the border when one of Vincent's spies arrive and Vincent asks, "Did something happen?"

"Nothing the Dragons are waiting at the border. Then there are two Battalions waiting there too," says the spy as Vyrve and Wuldimar were listening to that too.

"We got information that they are there to confuse the Thalmor making them believe that the Empire will be going to war against us. I really hope they jump on this bait from us so we can destroy the Dominion Army as fast as possible. I don't want to fight a long and exhausting war," says Vincent as the troops continue to march.

Back in the Imperial City Titus Mede asks, "Are all Legions back in the city?"

"Yes, once Vincent arrives and you hand over the crown we will march with him towards the war and finish the Dominion," says Varen as he was standing in front of his friend.

"Well then my friend, it's time that my old bones find some rest and you find your new place beside the new emperor," says Titus Mede as he stood up and walks down while saying, "It's time to enlighten the Elder Council about what will be happening in the next few days."

"We should or some heads might roll but it would be best not to inform Amaund Motierre. He always was too ambitious maybe Vincent will kill him as if nothing or he will be intimidated so hard that he will shit his pants out of fear," says Varen laughing out laugh imaging it happening while Titus laughs a bit.

"You will never change will you," says Titus as they arrived at the Council seeing that many weren't there because war was about to begin. He told the remaining loyal people in the Council about what was going to happen once the High King arrived at the Imperial City he would give the crown as well as his throne over to the rightful owner of the Empire and bearer of the Amulet of Kings.

Many now understood why the Empire only send two Battalions instead of a Legion to suppress the army. They already ceased the throne to the rightful ruler the one who awakened the Dragonfires once again. They nodded as Titus says, "Then let's have one last assembly before the Dragonking arrives to relieve me of this burden. I want everything to go as fast as possible so we can concentrate on the Thalmor and finish them in a fast victory."

Vincent once arrived at the border the Battalions joined him as well as the Dragons while Odahviing was missing because he was sinking ships that were traveling towards the west as Vincent told them.

They continue to march resting over the night as they arrived at the Imperial City. It took them two weeks from the border to the closed gates of the Capital as suddenly the gates opened and Varen, as well as Titus Mede, welcomed them.

The Nords were surprised by what was happening as well as the Legions when they saw the Emperor taking off his crown and kneel down in front of the High King of Skyrim. Vincent helped Titus up as well as Varen when Titus shouts so everyone could hear him "The Rightful Owner Of The Throne Returned. Be Witness Of Today Then From Today On The Highwind Dynasty Began."

Then Titus put the crown on Vincent's head as both armies kneeled before the new emperor as well as the civilian as Vincent entered the city with Vyrve and Wuldimar as he commanded the army to rest outside because they will be moving again tomorrow morning.

Vincent arrives at the White-Gold Tower as the Elder Council was awaiting their new emperor and when they saw the resemblance Vincent had with a Dragon they knew why Akatosh would make him emperor.

They kneeled when Vincent says, "Is the Grand Chancellor present."

"He isn't," says Titus as he knew every one of the Elder Council when Vincent puts his hand on Titus's shoulder.

"I think he is. I don't need a Chancellor that runs away once everything goes downhill. You will be my Grand Chancellor," says Vincent as he walked over to his chair and sat down.

"Varen, you will be my third General. I want you to take a Legion and take over Hammerfell. They won't give you much trouble since they already surrendered but I want you to catch any Thalmor, not Altmers but Thalmors and question them even if torture is required. I will give you Vlad. He should be helpful in this matter," says Vincent as Vladimir appears from the shadows not hiding that he was a Vampire.

"Vyrve take another Legion and attack Elsweyr. Do the same as Varen. You know what to do," says Vincent as Vyrve nods and Vincent turns to Wuldimar while saying, "Wuldimar you will take the Nord Army and lay siege on Valenwood. Do the same as the others just expect that they will defend their land."

"Yes, my lord," say all three receiving their orders.

"Good since I will now distribute the Dragons to help you in four groups. One group will go with each one of you," says Vincent as everyone looked confused at Vincent.

"What will the last group do?" asks Vyrve wanting to know that.

"They will invade Summerset Isles with me. I have an army lying in wait there. I will take the Isles while the Thalmors are defending Valenwood and Elsweyr. They most likely are already waiting at the border for us to fight but once the troops begin to move tomorrow they will know what is going on that's why I will fly tonight with my group of Dragon to meet the army in Summerset and conquer my wife's rightful land back," says Vincent as he was having a face full of determination right now making everyone see that Vincent wasn't crazy but confident that he will pull it off easily.

"So be it," say his generals as they wanted to prepare to march tomorrow.

"You should give a speech to the people outside giving them hope about what is going to happen in the next month has a meaning," says Titus as Vincent nods and they went upwards towards a balcony. People were surrounding the Tower as they were curious about what was going to happen now that the High King was Emperor.

"From today on we are at war with the Dominion. We will begin to march tomorrow to finally free us from their claws and them once for all. We will fight them until the last one falls and the Thalmors aren't anymore. Once this is done peace will reign in Tamriel again under my lead and we won't have war as long as a Highwind sits on the throne I promise you that as the son of Akatosh and last Dragonborn," shouts Vincent as he raises his spear in the air and many Legionaries and all Nords raised their weapon giving a War Cry that when through the city making the civilian believe that the war was already won as many soldiers were hitting their chests awaiting to finally fight against the enemy.

"It seems the moral increase by your speech but we will have to train you in this since that speech wouldn't be any good only in front of civilians," says Titus as Vincent nods knowing he wasn't good with speeches since Elisif would normally hold them or write them for him.

"I should inform the Dragons about the situation," says Vincent as he jumped from the balcony and many people began to panic when suddenly a giant Dragon appeared instead of their Emperor and many now knew what he meant with 'Son of Akatosh' as the giant Dragon flew over their city towards the mountains.

Once there he informed the Dragons about the situation and they were reluctant but agreed to it to follow the commands of Vincent's General.

Then Vincent returned to the Imperial City and mix between the people without them knowing since he had a hood on and his tail was in his pants as he walks on the streets of the Imperial City. Once he returned to the White-Gold Tower he was presented to Titus Mede's family since they still were living there as they had dinner together with them and his General.

"Since you are the Grand Chancellor you should take the estate of the previous Grand Chancellor once the war is over. That should give you time to move since after the Thalmors are gone I will move the troops towards Morrowind and Black March to get them back into the Empire by calming the Red Mountain down with the help of my wife Ysayle and the Dragons and hoping that the Argonian won't fight out of fear that the Dragons burn the Hists down," says Vincent while planning already his next move after defeating the Thalmor.

"Thank you, my lord," says Titus as he bows and they continue talking as Vincent was sitting beside Titus's daughter who was quite young with only barely twenty years.

Vincent was thinking that Titus was planning to make his daughter marry him while Vincent took a better look at Lytara Mede who was beautiful without a doubt with her long brown hair that was braided and her brown eyes that were almost shining. But he didn't know much about her to make a decision since it's Mina who decides who enters the harem while he just brings them to her.

She was quite polite and wasn't really mad about her father's decision of handing over the throne while her brother Titus Mede III was angry since he would be the next in line if his father died. The other children of Titus were neither for or against it since they wouldn't win much from it since they are merchants or soldiers.

After finishing dinner the children of Titus left the table and he could see that Lytara picked some of Vincent's attention when Vincent says, "Too bad Mina isn't here. She could easily have decided it but now we need to wait until the war is over. Well, I will leave now and take the New Moons as a sign of good luck to enter Summerset unseen."

He then stands up and says, "Everyone knows the plan. I want everyone to march beginning tomorrow. I will conquer the capital of Summerset as fast as possible so I want you to entertain our mer friends until I attack from the back."

They all nod as join leaves the White-Gold Tower through the balcony as he began to fly towards Summerset while a group of Dragon followed him.