Wedding Crashers

The same night Vincent invited his wives in one room as they needed to be informed about Mako. He also invited Solona since he needed to ask her the same question that the others answered before her.

The wives voted and everyone was for the marriage between Vincent and Mako making her happy since she only had one mission.

Solona was looking confused about it thinking that Vincent wanted to make her his wife. Vincent smiled at that idea and says, "You aren't here because of that. You are here because I want to adopt you as I did with your cousins."

"Of course," says Solona as she was happy about it when Vincent puts the emblem in her hand.

"From today on you are Solona Amell Highwind. Walk proud Mage then from today on you won't need to hide from Templars," says Vincent as Solona suddenly hugged him.

He petted her head when he says, "You should join the others from now on and no word to Anders about who I am."

She nods as she leaves to join the Hawke siblings. Then Vincent sits down on his chair and sighs.

"Is something worrying you?" asks Karliah as she wasn't a fan of Vincent adopting the Mers until he told them that they were Aldmers.

"Yes, but it's you all that I'm worried about," says Vincent as they looked confused when Vincent sighs.

"I have eyes. I saw how you looked at Anora worried," says Vincent making the women realize what he meant as he continues, "Do you want to save her?"

"Yes," says Mina first while the others nod except for Mako.

Vincent takes the symbol that he gave Varric before and gives it to Mina and says, "You know what to do. It can save at least 10 people."

Mina and the others kiss Vincent before hugging him happily. They took a liking for Anora after all and saw her as their daughter after all that time.

"Now then the last point of today," says Vincent as the door opens and Hrotti enters the room accompanied by a Mer.

The Mer had tattoos all over his body when Hrotti runs towards Vincent and hugs him as well as the others when she was surprised seeing Mako.

"Who is she?" asks Hrotti as she looked at Vincent.

"Mako is your new grandmother. She will be marrying me once we are in Tamriel," says Vincent as he looked at the Mer and says, "And he is the one that the Werebeasts Princess chose as her partner."

"His name is Fenris," says Hrotti as Fenris seemed to challenge Vincent with his stare.

"Do you even know who sits in front of you," says Vincent as the door closed behind them scaring Fenris who wanted to grab after his sword.

"Mage," says Fenris as Vincent smiles and Hrotti stopped him.

"Wrong," says Vincent as he stands up and walked towards both and Vincent says, "You are talking to someone that painted a continent in red so he could conquer it. Boy, you are talking to the First Emperor of the Highwind Empire."

"Grandpa!" says Hrotti angry as she felt Fenris shiver from Vincent's stare.

"What he should know in which family he will be marrying in. Do you think that your father would have gone easy on him? You are the heiress of the Werebeast throne. I was going easy on him," says Vincent as he puts his hand on Fenris' shoulder.

"I don't really care if you want to marry Hrotti as long as you make her happy. But her father isn't like me he will only accept you if you don't show weakness because only the strong can take Hrotti's hand in marriage going by the law of the Werebeasts," says Vincent as he wished Fenris luck and says, "You should leave I want to go to sleep."

Hrotti leaves happy that Vincent accepted Fenris as Mina looked worried and says, "You know that she will use you as a shield against our son."

"I know that," says Vincent sighing as he wrote a letter to his son telling him that he should expect a son-in-law when Hrotti returns as he sighs again.

"I will go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day," says Vincent as he changes out of his clothes and lays down on the bed.

The next morning Vincent accompanied by Mako and Kirvena left the Palace as the leave for the Alienage with Fenrir following them.

Vincent allowed Fenrir to accompany them because he didn't spend much time with the Mabari before.

They enter the Alienage wearing hoods to not scare the people inside it because of their appearance. They followed the way towards a giant tree when Vincent see someone he knew.

He walked over and says, "What are you doing here, Duncan."

"Vincent," says Duncan as he sees Vincent and wanted to bow when Vincent stopped him.

"Don't bow or my identity will be found out," says Vincent as he looked at the Mers walking around.

"Why are you here?" asks Duncan as Vincent smiles.

"I think it is the same reason why you are here. You want to recruit some Mers to enter Order while I'm here to adopt some before leaving Thedas," says Vincent seeing through Duncan who looked pale when Vincent says, "I hope we both are lucky today."

Suddenly and an elderly man approached them and says, "Duncan it's been long."

"Valendrian," says Duncan as Valendrian looked at Vincent and the other two and Duncan says, "They are people that I know. They are here to adopt Elves."

"Adopt Elves?" asks Valendrian not trusting his ears as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I'm here to adopt ten elves five males and females they can't be older than 30 and they can already be a couple," says Vincent being quite specific about it.

"And why would someone adopt Elves?" asks Valendrian thinking that Vincent had a hidden agenda.

"It's because on my continent people are as people not by their race," says Vincent giving a hint to Valendrian who picked it up.

"You are the Ambassador," whispers Valendrian as Vincent nods.

"We can talk about this after the double wedding," says Valendrian as Vincent accepts it when suddenly a man was carried away and Valendrian didn't have a good feeling.

The four watched as Valendrian left and Kirvena says, "That was the son of the Arl of Denerim."

"You know him?" asks Vincent as Kirvena shakes her head.

"No, but I heard rumors from Anora. She hates him quite a lot because of his disgusting personality," says Kirvena as Vincent smiles.

"Maybe we should kill him and relief some of Anora's pressure," says Mako as Kirvena shakes her head.

"We can't except he provokes the Empire," says Vincent as they watched everything while Duncan was sweating from hearing them talk.

Everything was going as it should and the wedding passed quite fast as the Revered Mother stayed for the feast when suddenly people arrived being led by the person that was carried away before.

One person seemed to be trying to stop the man and Vincent could see that it was the guard that Cailan gave him.

But it seems the one leading the persons didn't want to listen as they stormed the wedding and knocked the bride out before taking her and other Mer women.

"We should do something," says Mako as Vincent stopped her.

"Let's see and wait," says Vincent as he had a smile on his face that gave Duncan shivers from seeing it.

The man led his men away while taking the women with him. The Mers couldn't do anything out of fear and began to discuss the situation as a mob began to build around Vincent and the others.

"I came to the Alienage to adopt some Mers. And I won't leave until I have what I got. But I have a solution for the grooms," says Vincent not removing his hood.

"And that would be?" asks a Mer from the mob as Vincent smiled.

"Become my sons. That would make the women you married my daughters and I would be forced to act," says Vincent as not only Duncan opened his eyes wide hearing that.

"Ambassador, you shouldn't involve yourself in this," says Valendrian as Vincent takes his hood off as well as Mako and Kirvena making the others open their mouth wide.

"I will ask just once. Do the grooms want to become my sons. If they do the whole Empire would be behind them," says Vincent when suddenly an elderly man walked forwards.

He kneeled in front of Vincent and says, "I would become your son if you save my daughter and niece."

"You are too old. But what about this. I take your daughter and niece as my daughters," says Vincent as he looked at the elderly man.

"My name is Cyrion Tabris. Please save my daughter," says Cyrion as Vincent took that as a yes.

Then the two grooms kneeled as well as one says, "I'm Nelaros and this is Soris. We will be your sons if you can help us."

"Vlad," says Vincent as Vlad appears behind Vincent surprising everyone.

"Yes, Ambassador," says Vlad already knowing what Vincent wanted to do.

"Prepare the Legion we are marching at the house of the Arl on Denerim. We are taking the women back even if we have to paint the walls red," says Vincent as Vlad couldn't hide his smile while nodding.

The guard kneeled in front of Vincent after hearing that and says, "Please rethink that, my lord."

"I know that you tried to stop that man and his people. Go and inform the King of what happened and maybe he will be able to save the Arl and his son if it isn't too late," says Vincent as everyone felt shivers hearing that.

The guard left immediately to report to Cailan while Vlad already arrived beside Vincent again saying, "The Legion is waiting."

"Now I only need someone that can confirm everything. Mother Boann you completed the Rites of Marriage between the Grooms and Brides. Am I right?" says Vincent as she only nodded and Vincent says, "Then please accompany me to the Resident of the Arl since the Grooms became my sons means that they became people of the Empire."

The atmosphere became colder as Vincent says, "That makes the women my daughters and people of the Empire. If the Emperor heard what happened no one would be able to stop his rage until Thedas is burning and every man, woman, and child is dead."

"I w-will f-follow you," says Mother Boann nervous as she stuttered those words when the Legion could be heard outside of the gates of the Alienage.