Taking the Women back

The people were scared of seeing the Legion in their armor ready to battle. They waited in front of the Alienage making the people think that the Elves did something to the Empire when suddenly eight people came out of the Alienage.

The Legion made way for the first three and incircled them as they opened up again after the three were in armor. Then they follow the mother that was accompanied by the one that seemed to be their leader.

Vincent was now in armor that made the Legion know that they would taste blood today if they are lucky. Mother Boann was leading the way while everyone followed.

Valendrian and Cyrion only followed because they wanted to see that everyone was freed from the hands of the Arl's son. Duncan followed because he wanted to see how Vincent was going to handle the situation while the two grooms were now Vincent's sons.

The guards tried to stop the marching Legion but backed away when they felt the aura they were radiating making clear that everything on its path will be killed.

Mother Boann was not scared but terrified of what was going on and in what she just got dragged into when they arrived at the Arl's Manor.

They saw troops stationed around the Manor as the Arl was in armor. He didn't know why the Ambassador was coming for him but he knew that it wouldn't end well as the aura that the Legion radiated was terrifying his troops.

"Why are you here Ambassador Highwind?" asks the Arl of Denerim nervous as he was ready to fight.

"We are here because your son kidnapped four Mer women. If something happens to them the Empire will go to war treaty or not. The Emperor won't look another way when his people are being raped," says Vincent as he was holding his spear towards the Arl.

The Cailan arrives with his troops and Loghain when Cailan asks, "What is going on here, Arl Kendells?"

"Your Majesty, the Ambassador is accusing my son of kidnapping some Mer women. I don't know what he means," says Arl Kendells as Cailan was holding his hand against his face knowing what was going on since Vaughan had a bad reputation.

"And why are here Ambassador? This should be dealt with by the law, not by you?" asks Cailan as he really wasn't happy about it that Vincent would mobilize his troops just for some Elves that weren't from the Empire.

"I'm here because those two Mer became my sons. This made them people of the empire," says Vincent as Cailan and Loghain looked at the Elves seeing that they had clothes on that were too elegant making Cailan become even angrier with Vaughan.

Cailan knew that the Elves would only dress this way if they are about to be married. Now Cailan looked angry at Loghain to make him find a solution for it when Loghain says, "Even if they are people of the Empire the women aren't, am I right."

Cailan liked the way of Loghain's path in that conversation when suddenly Vincent shakes his head.

"There you are wrong they are already married, aren't I right Mother Boann," says Vincent looking at Mother Boann who could only nod.

"That's right. Vaughan Kendells interrupted the feast that was going on after the ceremony was over," says Mother Boann as she didn't dare to lie at the moment.

Now Cailan's and Loghain's hands were tied except they wanted to start a war when Vincent says, "That makes three of the women people of the Empire even more they are the grand nieces of the Emperor. If something were to happen then you won't be facing only this fraction of the Legion but the whole might of the Empire, treaty or not."

"Uriel, I hope that your son didn't begin a war that we can't win," says Loghain to the Arl as he was nervous since he got a message from Bryce before telling him how strong the Empire was.

"We won against Orlais another Empire won't tell me how to live my life," says Uriel Kendell as he was too overconfident.

"I want the women and if something happened to them we will depart with a promise that we will return one day with our full might," says Vincent cold when he lifts his hand.

"If they don't come out in the next two minutes. We will storm the Manor and the city taking Denerim over as compensation for beginning the war," says Vincent as everyone was nervous now.

If what Vincent said was true then war was unavoidable if something happened to the women when suddenly Loghain makes his troop point at Uriel and says, "Uriel get out of my way or we all are going to die today."

Uriel sees the panic in Loghain's face making him lose his overconfidence when suddenly Vincent's hand stretched two fingers out and says, "Exactly two minutes don't let me wait."

Loghain suddenly rushed into the Manor of the Arl not giving face to his old comrade as he wanted to save Ferelden. Uriel saw how fast Loghain entered the manor with Maric's Shields.

One of the fingers returned to the palm making one finger stand signalizing that doom was coming. Cailan was quite nervous about it since he was thinking about the stories that Vincent told him.

Loghain was still not out when Vincent's other finger returned to the palm making a fist as he says, "You either stand in my way and die or walk to the side and you will survive."

This didn't sound like Vincent was negotiating but giving them an Ultimatum as he and the Legion walked forward without fear. The Legionaries draw their weapon ready to kill as their bloodlust was so intense that the men in front of them suddenly fell over from fear. Mother Boann as well as Duncan, Valendrian, and Cyrion had to wait since they weren't people of the Empire.

It seemed that they won't have to fight as the people made way out of fear the only one that didn't was Uriel Kendells the Arl of Denerim when Vincent's spear came for his head. Uriel closed his eyes and out of fear he pissed himself before realizing that the spear stopped in front of his head.

"Not even worth being killed by me," says Vincent cold as he looked down seeing that Uriel pissed himself.

He pushes Uriel to the side and walks inside as Cailan could only look when Uriel looks at Cailan and kneels, "My lord please you must do something. He will kill my son."

"Then you should have put some restraints on him. It would have happened sooner or later, either by his hand or by that of an Elf wanting revenge," says Cailan seriously as he was telling the truth.

He tolerated it for too long that Vaughan did what he did and now everything caught up to him. Loghain saw that Vincent entered the Manor without spilling one drop of blood making them know he didn't kill anyone for now, but he was scared that Vincent would turn 180° and kill everyone.

"You still haven't found the women?" asks Vincent cold so cold that the room felt quite colder than it actually was.

"No, we are still sear-" says Loghain when Vincent stops him.

"Vlad, where are they?" asks Vincent as Vlad appears behind him.

"They are in the Dungeon. He still hasn't raped them but he could be at any moment," says Vlad as Vincent looked at Loghain telling him to stand aside.

"You heard the man. All move to the Dungeon. If someone tries to stop you kill them. Be it noble or not today we will paint the manor in red," says Vincent as he could read between the lines while Loghain didn't when Vincent says, "Vlad stop him. But don't kill him. I want to torture him myself."

"Isn't it too much. He still hasn't touched them," says Loghain as Vincent turned to him pointing his spear at Loghain.

"He has touched them. What he didn't do was rape them yet. He might have tortured them before he wanted to have fun," says Vincent as Loghain was now pale.

He wasn't thinking of that since he was too busy saving Ferelden from a catastrophe. Vincent then continues on his way as the Legion began to kill anything that was on their way nothing that was in their way and was breathing was forgiven.

Loghain sees the trail of corpses and the faces of the Legionaries as they didn't even flinch when they killed making the people in Maric's Shields realize that they wouldn't be able to stop them even if they tried.

They arrived where the women were kept as Vincent breaks the door using his foot sending the door flying against a wall.

He scanned the room and found two of the women were pretty much done for if Vincent wasn't there as they had been cut in many places making it seem that they wouldn't survive to see the next day.

Vincent looks at Kirvena and says, "Get Anra here. I want her to test the women is they are still pure."

Kirvena nods as she leaves while Vincent walked to the two women that were hanging on the wall. Vincent puts his hands on both women and bright light began to surround them.

"This should help for now," says Vincent as he was happy that he could save them.

"Mage!" says Vaughan hoping that the people would do anything when Vincent stared at him with fury in his eyes.

"Oh, boy. You don't have any idea who you offended but be sure you will see a tomorrow and the day after but only if you want to call that a life," says Vincent as he released the two women that were unconscious and strapped Vaughan on it instead.

"Vlad, where are the other two women?" asks Vincent as the women appeared out of a corner being scared because of what transpired in this Dungeon.

"You are safe now. The two grooms should be in the rear. One of you is a bridge right," says Vincent as the Mer with darker hair nods.

"Yes, is my Soris really here?" asks the woman as Vincent nods.

"Yes, he became my son making you my daughter. That's why I was allowed to bring my men to take you back," says Vincent as he then turns to Vaughan and says, "But you should leave because the thing that will happen in this room will be too much for your eyes."

They leave as Hrotti appears with new clothes for the women that were unconscious while saying, "Grandma Anra is on her way with Grandma Kirvena."

"Good, take them out of the room. I don't want them to wake up and find themselves in hell all of a sudden," says Vincent as Hrotti puts both women in the clothes she brought before leaving the room while carrying them.

They still had some scars that were visible so he could show evidence of what happened as Vincent turned to Vaughan when an almost transparent dagger appears in his hand while saying, "Let the torture begin."