Sailing back to Tamriel

The day passed fast as Vincent said his goodbye to Anora remembering her that if she needed help not to hesitate to use the emblem.

The people now with the Highwind family name were beginning to know each other. Some understood themselves and others didn't but they could coexist making Vincent feel a bit of anger as he summoned them all to the deck.

"I heard that some of you are still holding on the feud between Men and Mer. Let me tell you this. You won't go far in Tamriel if you can't look past it since in Tamriel many races live together in harmony," says Vincent having an angry face on.

"Those that can't see past it will find out sooner rather than later that society won't accept you. Not because you are a Mer but because of your intolerance. So forget everything that happened before because in Tamriel you will all begin with a clean slate. Take this chance to become something better," says Vincent as the Mers that he was talking about began to look to the ground.

"Now go to sleep. Tomorrow we will leave Denerim," says Vincent as they all leave the deck to enter their rooms.

Vincent was looking into the sea again when Mina says, "We will begin to teach them about our culture beginning tomorrow. It will take a month to reach Tamriel after all."

"Yes, it would be for the best. Teach them also in history while you are at it. Once we are on the ocean they will awaken their Magic and then we will have to teach them in magic as well," says Vincent as he turned to Mina.

"What are you thinking about?" asks Mina knowing Vincent wasn't alright.

"After finding out that other people of another world came through I was thinking about Ishgard again. How it might look like now. I know that my friends are dead but still," says Vincent as Mina hugs him.

"Don't worry about that we will find a way one day," says Mina as she also wanted to show the place Vincent called his home to all her children.

"Anyway, I still have to ask one person if she wants to become my daughter," says Vincent as Mina smiled.

"Should I call her?" asks Mina as she knew who Vincent wanted to ask.

"If you could," says Vincent as Mina kissed him before leaving to get Morrigan.

Vincent was waiting when Morrigan arrives at the deck and asks, "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask you the same question as everyone else on the ship," says Vincent when Morrigan opened her eyes wide in confusion.

"I heard that my mother made you quite angry. Why would you adopt me?" asks Morrigan as she thought it was a farce to get back on her mother.

"I don't judge the children because of their parent's actions. My son isn't on the throne because I gave him the crown but because he worked for it. I see in you the same potential as I see in Elissa, Daylen, and Anders. That's why I want to adopt you," says Vincent as Morrigan began to think about it.

"Your sister became my daughter. She now lives in Akavir with the Dragons she used to rear. She was quite happy to tell you the truth," says Vincent as Morrigan was surprised by that.

"Which sister? I know that my mother was known to have many daughters but I thought they were dead," says Morrigan seriously.

"Yavana is alive and kicking. She lived in Antiva in a swamp as you did in the Korcari Wilds," says Vincent he sat down.

"Why did my mother never tell me?" asks Morrigan herself as Vincent was waiting for her answer.

Morrigan was overthinking everything right now with the information that Vincent gave her as she came to a conclusion and says, "I will become your daughter in exchange for protection."

Vincent now laughed out loud from hearing that as Morrigan looked at him confused and asks, "What is so funny?"

"The part where you asked for protection. Do you really think I would give up on one of my children only because he is in danger? I protect every one of my children be they my biological or adopted children," says Vincent as he looked at Morrigan who was red in embarrassment of not thinking about that.

"Well then, daughter. Look up you are a Highwind from now on and this is proof of it. Make me proud with every action you will take from today on," says Vincent as he gave Morrigan an emblem that she could put on her clothes when Vincent says, "We will have to find you better clothes once on the continent."

"You will share your room with Mina and the others from today on since you wanted protection from Flemeth," says Vincent as Morrigan nods before leaving while Vincent sat back down on his chair.

"Time to return home and train my children. I will have to make a compound where once Ivarstead was," says Vincent to himself as Ivarstead didn't exist any longer.

The village was abandoned since the city was a better place to stay the same could be said about Riverwood and Rorikstead in Skyrim. Many people rather live in cities behind a safe wall now.

"I should inform Naosane about it so he can begin with the project until they return the first houses should be completely built," says Vincent to himself as he sends a letter to Naosane.

"We aren't continuing the war?" asks Vlad as Vincent shakes his head.

"Not for now. I want the Qunari completely into our society before we continue. I will dispel the Veil a year after that happened and chaos will most likely reign in Thedas as the Evanuris will be fighting against the Men," says Vincent as he was revealing his plan to Vlad.

"And once everyone is weak we enter the picture," says Vlad as Vincent nods making Vlad say, "As always a great plan, my lord."

"I know," says Vincent as he looked quite exhausted.

"You should sleep for a while. You haven't since we boarded the ship," says Vlad as Vincent waved in disagreement.

"I will sleep once we are on sea. Until then I will stay awake," says Vincent as it wasn't long for it since it was already night.

He went to his office while Fenrir was following him everywhere like always when he found Flemeth on his way.

"You made my daughter go against me," says Flemeth angry as Vincent wasn't really in the mood right now passing her.

"I'm talking to you," says Flemeth as she put her hand on Vincent's shoulder when she suddenly saw the world upside down.

Vincent's instincts kicked in and he threw Flemeth over his shoulder as she crashed on the floor. Flemeth was surprised by that while Vincent's face was cold before it turned back to normal.

"Oh, Flemeth it's you. Sorry about that," says Vincent as he let go of her before continuing walking towards his office when Vincent says, "Vlad, tell Kaaras that we are leaving when the sun begins to rise."

Flemeth didn't know what was going on as she asks, "What is wrong with him?"

"He hasn't slept since we returned to the ships. What he did a moment ago was by instinct. Be happy to be alive. I remember him killing a man in this state by accident," says Vlad as Vincent killed one of his own men in the war by accident when he hadn't slept for over a week.

Vincent enters his office while Fenrir was accompanying him. Fenrir was sitting on Vincent's lap when he looked at some reports about the War in the North. Many of his children and grandchildren are involved in it as he wasn't really happy about it but it couldn't be helped.

"Not many died because of our numbers advantage but still we should honor their families on both sides by burying brothers and sisters together. This will show that they are part of the Empire," says Vincent as he gave his opinion to his son since he would need to make the decision.

The next day came and the ship began to sail out of Denerim with the Black Emperor. Mina and Anra were giving the first class to the children while Vincent finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the two weeks they were on the sea, the children learned about the history of Tamriel and Akavir as well as the culture of the Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajit for now when they all suddenly began to feel something change in their bodies.

"What is going on?" asks Kallian as she was nervous about the changes of her body when Mina calms them all down.

"What you are feeling is Magic. It is entering your body now that you aren't under the Veil any longer," says Mina when the group that wasn't a Mage was surprised by that.

"Will we be hunted down because we are Mages," says an Aldmer child scared when Mina shakes her head.

"No, we are all capable of using Magic in Tamriel and Akavir but not everyone is a Mage. Mages are people that study the Arcane Arts in a College or School. You will choose your own path once you are bigger since only you know what you want to be once you are a grown-up," says Mina explaining it to them while the ones that are already Mages felt the difference in purity as if they were in a vast ocean.

"This feels so pure," says Elissa as Anra smiles at her.

"It's because the Magicka doesn't need to pass through Oblivion to get into your body any longer," says Anra to the Mages of the group when she takes a book out that had a tree that was withered on one side and full on the other while saying, "This is the first spell you will all learn. Once we are in Tamriel we will teach you some Destruction Spells but for now, Alteration Spells shall do."

They see the first spell and thought it would be easy only to find out the Candlelight they created just explode because they used too much Magicka making Anra and Mina laugh seeing that.