Highwind City

They arrived at Daggerfall where Vincent's grandson, The Breton King, Varus Highwind was awaiting them.

The ships docked and the people came out surprised by the festival atmosphere as the young children were surprised by that while the older ones weren't.

"Grandfather," says Varus as he hugs Vincent.

"Varus, how was everything while Lucia is away?" asks Vincent knowing his grandson was the number two in the Network when Lucia wasn't around.

"Everything is quiet. Many were surprised and worried that we would go to War and that half of the Legions were needed but once words of the fast victory arrived everyone was relaxed once again," says Varus as Vincent nods understanding what Varus meant.

"I will be traveling to the Imperial City to get your uncles and aunts," says Vincent when Varus stops him.

"They aren't in Cyrodiil any longer," says Varus informing Vincent who looked confused.

"Where are they then?" asks Vincent when Varus takes a map out.

"They are in the new Highwind City made by uncle Naosane. He reformed Ivarstead into a Highwind Compound he used two Legions to build it with Ralof's help," says Varus as Vincent nods.

"So Ralof helped his uncle," says Vincent as Ralof was the son of Torygg the current High King of Skyrim.

"Yes," says Varus as Vincent sighs at that.

"What is it?" asks Varus worried.

"Nothing, it's just that I wanted to build the compound on Solstheim since it is abandoned by everyone but that shouldn't be a problem. With a little of Magic and everything should be able to get there," says Vincent as on the way to Tamriel he was thinking making Solstheim theirs.

No one lives there any longer since Morrowind can be populated again and the Skaals went to Skyrim only the Riesling live there and they wouldn't bother Vincent and his family since Vincent was in a friendship with them.

"Should I inform the Psijic Order?" asks Varus as he studied there before becoming King.

"No, I will do it myself," says Vincent as he walked with Varus and the others the street down while everyone was cheering at them.

"Are you leaving right away or," says Varus as they were about to reach the castle when Vincent sighs at that since that means that Varus had female visitors at the castle.

"We will leave right away. Have fun with your visitors. Also, give me a great-grandchild already as your sister did," says Vincent as he opened a portal and turned to the others saying, "Alright everyone, we will all go through the portal. Once through it, we will be at home."

The younger ones went through with his wives as they already saw them as mothers while the older ones went through alone with their mounts when everyone was through it he closed the portal leaving him and Flemeth behind as he opened another portal towards the Research Facility in Cyrodiil.

"We will go through this one," says Vincent as he walked towards it.

"And where does it lead?" asks Flemeth as Vincent looked at her.

"It leads to were you will be working from now on," says Vincent as he went through it and find himself in the Research Facility where everyone was working normally again.

They created the Vaccine and a Cure for the Blight making them return to other projects again. Mannimarco sees the portal and knew that it was Vincent that was coming through.

He and Divayth Fyr were present when he came through it as they say, "First Emperor."

This makes everyone in the room stop working as they all bowed seeing Vincent who says, "All continue to work and thank you all for sacrificing your time in creating the Cure and Vaccine to the Taint."

They all returned when suddenly Flemeth walks through the portal and Divayth Fyr says, "Ah, the woman from the Wilderness. It seems we will be working together."

"It seems so," says Flemeth as she wasn't really happy to be surrounded by someone that even Vincent acknowledge as dangerous.

"You made a deal remember. It was this or death," says Vincent as Mannimarco began to laugh.

"What is so funny?" asks Flemeth angry.

"It's almost the same deal I made with him a long time before. Let me present to you Mannimarco. He is also known as the King of Worms and the most powerful Lich you will ever find on Nirn," says Vincent as Mannimarco nods.

"Such high word from you," says Mannimarco finding Vincent's statement to his liking.

"He is also the cunt that helped Molag Bal almost succeed in taking Nirn into Coldharbour. If you ever land there you would wish that I had killed you before trust me. He and I were once in there. Not the best environment for someone like you," says Vincent hinting on Molag Bal's love on how to make Vampires.

"Well at least we came out alive," says Mannimarco knowing that Vincent was joking about the first part.

"And you already know Divayth Fyr," says Vincent as Divayth looks at her.

"She is an Evanuris right," says Divayth as Vincent nods making sparkles appear in Divayth's eyes while he says, "There are so many experiments I want to do on her."

"I will get you another one that is still in his original body how about that," says Vincent as he saves Flemeth when Divayth turns towards him.

"I will take that deal," says Divayth as Flemeth looked at Vincent nervous now.

"See, I'm not the worst out there. I at least wanted to kill you. He would have used you until you aren't useful for him any longer then he would put you in his collection," says Vincent scaring Flemeth out of her mind.

"Anyway, she shall work here right," says Mannimarco since Vincent wouldn't have brought her here if that wasn't the case.

"That's right she is all yours. I need to return and look after my children," says Vincent as a portal opens and he walks through it getting to Highwind City.

Once through the portal he was attacked by the Dwarves he had adopted as they jumped at him showing that they were missing him when Vincent looked around.

"Did you miss me that much?" asks Vincent as they all nodded when Vincent smiles and says, "Then you won't have to worry. I won't be leaving for the next four to five years."

They jumped down from Vincent as he stood back up and says, "I will be moving this city somewhere else."

"Where?" asks Mina worried.

"Solstheim. It's the perfect place to make the Highwind Compound since it is abandoned and we can expand it over time," says Vincent as he opened a portal to Solstheim taking everyone with him.

He leveled the terrain before beginning to murmur a spell before the whole city appeared in the middle of Solstheim with his house in the middle of the city.

They helped the people to find a house that suited them since the younger ones we're living near the house while the youngest of them lived with them in their house.

The Hawke family was quite surprised to see the Amell Estate with the servants inside in the Highwind City. They got the house and Solona lived with them while Varric got his own house.

This went on until everyone was under a roof when Vincent went towards Anders who wasn't part of the family and opens a portal.

"Anders, you and I will go to a special place," says Vincent as Anders was confused until they passed through the portal.

They found themselves back in Skyrim but in Winterhold as Anders was surprised in how open the people were with magic when Vincent says, "This will be your new home."

"Where are we?" asks Anders surprised by everything.

"This is Winterhold also known as the Capital of Magic. You will be a student here," says Vincent as they walked the street up as the once crumbling bridge was now a big bridge so no one would fall.

They entered the College when everyone who saw Vincent bowed to show respect confusing Anders who still didn't know of Vincent's identity.

"Arch-Mage Brylinda Highwind," says Vincent to the Dark Elf that was his and Karliah's daughter. She is like a living mirrage of Karliah except for her eyes that she inherited from her father.

"Father," says Brylinda as Anders was surprised by what the Arch-Mage said.

"Father?" asks Anders as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I'm the First Emperor, Anders," says Vincent as Anders had his eyes wide opened from hearing that.

He began to remember what Morrigan and Flemeth told him when Vincent turns to his daughter and says, "He is a talented Mage in Restoration Magic. I want him inside the College."

"Are you asking that as the former Emperor or as my father?" asks Brylinda as Vincent smiles.

"As your father," says Vincent as he opened his arms when Brylinda gave him a hug.

"I missed you all. Are you now in Highwind City?" asks Brylinda as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but I moved it to Solstheim since there we wouldn't disturb anyone on Tamriel," says Vincent as she nodded.

"Well I will be visiting you all soon then," says Brylinda as she looked at Anders and says, "Follow me student I will show you around."

"I wish you luck, Anders," says Vincent as he leaves by opening a portal returning to Highwind City.

He looked around as it seemed that too many houses were built but he was happy because sooner or later more people will come here.

The Mages were summoned by Vincent as he says them, "I know that Elissa and Daylen want to learn how to become Warriors. I will ask the same to you as well. Do you want to learn the way of the Warrior?"

"What does that way contain?" asks Solona curiously.

"You might become like the Arcane Warriors that roamed Thedas before or our Battlemages or Spellswords. They are mages that use weapons to fight while using their hands to cast. As you have seen you don't need a wand to cast in Tamriel or Akavir," says Vincent as the three mages were thinking about it.

"Where will we go if we don't want to become Warriors?" asks Solona as she didn't want to become a Warrior.

"I will bring you to the College tomorrow. Anders is already there but I will ask Brylinda to teach you," says Vincent as Solona and Morrigan made their decision.

"Who is Brylinda?" asks Morrigan curiously.

"She is your older sister. I had her with Karliah but she was quite talented with Magic that we had to let her go. She roamed Tamriel and Akavir alone with her sword and magic. There are many legends forming around her as the Black Spellsword," says Vincent as they were now interested in meeting her.

"If you want we can meet her tomorrow and she can answer your questions," says Vincent as Morrigan wanted to become normal Mages while Bethany wanted to become a Warrior.

"Then this is decided. I will train you three with the children beginning the day after tomorrow," says Vincent as they nodded in agreement.

Vincent then let them leave when Hrotti came out and says, "I and Fenris will be living here until it's time for me to return home."

"Or until you are pregnant. You really are like your aunt," says Vincent as he looked at Hrotti who just hugged him for letting them stay.