Meeting Lorkhan

"It seems she came out of her shell," says Akatosh with a smile as he vanished again.

"Why was he here?" asks Ciri as Vincent smiled.

"He wanted to see if you had the will. He was pleased," says Vincent as his spear disappears while his sword and shield appeared.

He became serious as Ciri could see but this time she was prepared. She wouldn't hesitate this time as Vincent took five steps back from her when he asks, "Are you ready?"

Ciri nods as she lifts her sword. Vincent smiles as he hits his shield with his sword before rushing at her.

Ciri sees Vincent coming for her as he uses the same move as before making her block the sword again but this time she let the sword run down her sword blocking the way of Vincent's shield.

At least that's what she thought until the shield still came for her while Vincent's sword was running down her sword. She had to move so she spins around Vincent evading the shield by entering Vincent's right side.

She then attacks but finds Vincent already rolling to the side. He was smiling at her and says, "You learned from your mistake well done. Now begins the real fight."

Vincent rushed at her again but attacked with the shield first breaking her stance making her fall as he placed his sword against her throat and says, "Again."

He takes five steps back from her as Ciri holds her ass before standing up while asking, "Why does it always hurt?"

"Because a person only grows stronger by suffering through things. Do you really think that every Hero or Heroine ate sweets and their enemies run into their blades? They all suffered to reach the top," says Vincent as Ciri stood back up grabbing her sword and returned to her stance.

Vincent began to train Ciri seriously from that day on as he would train his own children. This went on for a month as Ciri was trying to survive right now on the Throat of the World without Vincent's help.

He was overwatching her with Vlad's help but was dealing with another matter as a portal opened nearby. It was the Scouts If the Wild Hunt.

Vincent entered their portal without them knowing it arriving in a barrack surrounded by Soldiers of the Wild Hunt that didn't even notice him as he thinks, 'The Invisible Spell is quite powerful. They haven't even noticed me.'

He leaves the barrack as he finds himself in a big city when he opened a red rift and says, "You attacked us first. Let's see how you can defend against a Daedra Invasion."

Four hands touched the red rift as they made the rift get bigger before the rift was visible for the whole city when a red giant entered the world with his followers right behind him.

"Is this the World you promised me?" asks Mehrunes Dagon looking at the city in front of him.

"Yes, I don't know how big it is but you can do whatever you want with it as long as you follow our deal," says Vincent as Mehrunes Dagon smiles.

"It is time to bring change into this World," says Mehrunes Dagon as he rushed at his enemy while Vincent entered the red rift entering the Deadlands.

Once there he could open a portal to Nirn without trouble. Once on Nirn, he returned to High Hrothgar where Vlad was waiting.

"Did she deal with the Scouts?" asks Vincent as Vlad nods.

"Yes, she defeated them without my help," says Vlad proudly when he continues, "How did your mission fare?"

"I opened an Oblivion Gate making Dagon appear. He should be busy for now," says Vincent as he walked towards the entrance of High Hrothgar.

He leaves the building to find Ciri. Walking the Seven-Thousand Steps he was reminded of his beginning in Tamriel and the danger that lurked on it.

He finds footsteps in the snow near the middle of the way. He follows them and finds the place where Ciri fought the Wild Hunt making him feel proud that his student didn't run but engaged the enemy.

He finds two corpses in the snow which became the food of a pack of wolves. He passed them while the wolves watched him. They were afraid of just seeing him but continued eating when they saw Vincent ignored them.

Vincent finds a campfire and didn't walk towards it but a little to the left of it where a tree was and kicks against it making a person fall from it.

"Ciri it's time for you to learn from my father," says Vincent looking down at Ciri who fell face-first into the snow.

"Did you have to do that? I was sleeping," says Ciri angry as she engaged Vincent who just dodged and took a firm grip on her neck.

"Gods don't like to wait," says Vincent as he dragged Ciri away passing the pack of wolves again.

They began to howl while Ciri waved at them making Vincent say, "It seems you made some friends staying on the mountain."

"The wolf is the symbol of my school after all. It's normal for me to have a good relationship with wolves," says Ciri proudly that she lived with wolves the last few days.

"I think the Wild Hunt won't disturb you for a while. They have other problems than the White Frost," says Vincent as Ciri looked confused at him.

"What do you mean?" asks Ciri as Vincent smiled at her.

"I entered their world when the Scouts entered this one. Once there I opened an Oblivion Gate letting my brother-in-law into their world. They will be occupied with an Invasion giving you enough time to think about your next move," says Vincent as they arrived at the gate of High Hrothgar.

{She is ready!} shouts Vincent into the sky making Skyrim tremble as the Greybeards did before him.

They entered and Akatosh was already there with Vlad kneeling in front of Akatosh. Vincent sees that and says, "I really hope that you won't do the same once I become a Divine, Vlad."

"It's not every day I meet Akatosh face to face. Normally I am in your shadow," says Vlad as he stood back up.

"I could see that she improved," says Akatosh as Ciri looked at him confused.

"Were you watching her the whole time?" asks Vincent as Akatosh nods making Ciri turn suddenly red.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, girl. I'm a Divine, I'm not interested in mortals that way," says Akatosh as Vincent begins to laugh out loud.

"Don't tell me that you think your gods don't spy on you the whole time. He at least is honest about it," says Vincent as he let go of Ciri.

"She will train for one week with me if she is a fast learner. If not she will train at least one month with me," says Akatosh looking at Ciri making her understand that it all depends on her talent and understanding over the matter.

"Are you going to your realm for that?" asks Vincent as he wanted to go somewhere else for a while.

"Yes, it's the best place to train her. You should visit your friends in Sovngarde," says Akatosh as Vincent smiles.

"That was the plan also because I wanted to meet Shor or better said Lorkhan," says Vincent as he smiled while Akatosh didn't believe what he was hearing.

"Thet can't be we killed Lorkhan a long time ago for deceiving us," says Akatosh as Vincent laughed out loud again.

"Do you think the Divine called the Trickster would let himself get killed that easily? He is waiting and I don't know for what and that's what makes him more dangerous than Molag Bal who disappeared some decades ago," says Vincent as Akatosh was worried.

"I will need to inform Julianos and Magnus about this," says Akatosh when a bright portal appeared beside him.

"See you in a week, Ciri," says Vincent with a confident smile as Ciri smiles with confidence.

"See you," says Ciri as she passed the portal with Akatosh.

"Vlad, you will be staying here. You can't enter Sovngarde after all," says Vincent as Vlad nods agreeing with Vincent.

It would be suicide for him to enter Sovngarde while Vincent opens his bag and brings a staff out as he says, "It's been long since I held the key to Sovngarde."

He then opens a portal and says, "I will return in three days if everything goes smoothly if not I will be back in seven maybe right days."

"I will wait for you here," says Vlad as Vincent enters the portal and he appears in Skuldafn.

He walks the steps upwards entering the Tempel. Once inside he sees Draugr Corpses everywhere when he says, "I never really cleaned up around here."

He incinerated the corpses as he continued on his path when he arrived at the Altar on top of the Tempel and he placed the Staff on it making the entrance to Sovngarde visible. He took some steps back from the altar and began to run.

He jumped as he grabbed the staff and entered Sovngarde while the entrance closes behind him.

Vincent looked at the sky and says, "Nothing, really has changed."

He follows the path and finds brave Nord Souls walking the same path as him. Many kneeled in front of him while he says, "If you made it this far you don't need to kneel to me. Walk proud warrior than only the Bravest are allowed to enter Sovngarde."

They stand up from hearing that as they continued on their path while Vincent went for the mountain that was in the middle of Sovngarde.

He sees the altar and Vincent drops a piece of Lorkhan's Heart on it while saying, "I have come to talk to you. Show yourself, Trickster."

"You are quite brave to enter my realm and demand an audience with me," says Lorkhan as a Nord with wild black hair and blue eyes stood in front of Vincent.

He was taller than Vincent but Vincent was accustomed to it since all Male Divines are taller than him.

Vincent looked him in the eyes as he says, "I want to know what your Endgame is. I have to know if what I read was true or if it isn't."

"What have you read is my question?" asks Lorkhan as he was curious himself.

"That you betrayed Nirn," says Vincent seriously as the Twin Dragons appeared behind him.

A Black Sword appeared in Lorkhan's hand as he says, "Why should I betray my own creation?"

"Because of a force that neither you nor the other Divines know about," says Vincent as he could see the shock in Lorkhan's eyes.

"What do you mean?" asks Lorkhan as Vincent takes a step forward.

"The Reaper will be coming and they won't stop with just killing the Mortals. Molag Bal has told them about the Aedras and Daedras. They will come for everyone. You included even after betraying us and your wife," says Lorkhan as suddenly the wind picked up and a woman with long blue hair appeared between both.

"It is enough!" shouts the woman as she opens her eyes and her blue eyes could pierce the sky.

"What did you mean with 'He would betray us and me'?" asks the woman as Vincent knew very well with who he was speaking now.

"You can read it yourself, Kynareth," says Vincent taking the Book of Fate out as he gave it over.

She began to read it as the page turned blank after reading that Lorkhan betrayed her.

She turned around towards her husband angry and disappointed with him as she says, "How could you do that to me? I protected you from everyone and even hide you away in my realm when they killed a copy of yourself."

"I haven't done anything yet," says Lorkhan as he looked at the book when he tried to grab it a spear appeared between his hand and the book.

"You don't get to read it. I can't trust you more than I trust the thing between my legs," says Vincent angrily.

"I thought you were here to prevent the future from happening?" asks Lorkhan with a treacherous smile as Vincent radiated Darkness from his body.

"I'm," says Vincent as his armor appeared around his body and he attacks Lorkhan, "But that doesn't mean you have to exist."

Lorkhan wasn't prepared for the surprise attack when Kynareth stood between both again and Vincent stopped his attack and says, "You shouldn't stop me Kynareth. I'm only here for his head. Once he is gone I will feel secure that we can win against the threat looming over our heads."