Lorkhan vs. Vincent

Vincent was quite angry since he wanted to kill Lorkhan for dooming Nirn by betraying them. His spear didn't move away from Kynareth waiting for her to move so he could kill Lorkhan.

"Move Kynareth, I don't want to kill you," says Vincent as he looked at her.

"He may betray us in the future but you can't punish him for something that hasn't happened yet," says Kynareth as Vincent sighs and points his spear towards the ground.

Kynareth sighs in relief that Vincent listened to him. The Black Sword in Lorkhan's hand disappeared as it seemed all of them were relaxed when suddenly a spear passed through Lorkhan's chest.

Lorkhan and Kynareth were in disbelief as Vincent pierced Lorkhan when he says, "Sorry, I lied."

"Vincent!" shouts Kynareth as a storm was forming.

Lorkhan suddenly spewed blood as he was taking his last breathes. He looked at Kynareth before looking at Vincent when his sword appeared again. He tried to stab Vincent with his last strength as Vincent dodged the attack.

Lightning suddenly hitting around Vincent who shouted "LOK VAH KOOR" into the sky clearing it when new clouds formed when Lorkhan collapsed on the ground.

Kynareth ran towards Lorkhan and embraced him when she says angrily, "Why did you have to kill him?"

"Because I had to. I am the Protector of Nirn. I protected it for over 400 years and will protect it even after my Ascension. I can't let a threat to it exist even Molag Bal died to the Reaper when he encountered them. I can't have Lorkhan betray us," says Vincent as he wasn't feeling happy with what he did.

"I didn't like to do it but it needed to be done," says Vincent justifying the kill on Lorkhan.

"How could you kill someone that is innocent?" asks Kynareth as she began to cry while Lorkhan looked at her firmly before his eyes became lifeless.

"He is dead," says Kynareth seeing the lifeless eyes of her husband as she became enraged and rushed at Vincent.

She was holding a wooden staff made out of a Gildengreen Tree as she attacked Vincent constantly. Vincent removed his armor and didn't defend himself as it was her right to take revenge for her husband.

She hit him leaving a mark with every hit of hers when she stops and asks furiously, "Why aren't you defending yourself?"

"Because it is your right to avenge your husband. I don't have anything against you, Kynareth. But Lorkhan needed to die so Nirn and the people on it could have a chance in the future," says Vincent as his body had bruises all over it.

"Nirn was created because of him while all the other stars were created by us. Do you really think he wanted to harm Nirn, his own creation?" says Kynareth as she stopped hitting Vincent and collapses on the floor.

She continues to cry as Vincent stood up and put his hand on her shoulder while saying, "I don't know if he thought that he could trick them or if he thought it would be a good prank but he destroyed the future doing so. That's why I needed to stop him before he could do anything to destroy us."

Vincent then sighs and sits down beside Kynareth while saying, "Three days."

Kynareth looked at him confused when Vincent continued, "The Reapers needed three days to conquer Nirn. They harvested all living beings and made new Reapers out of them. And I'm not talking about the Reapers of Soul Cairn. Some are pictured bigger than Nirn while others are a little smaller but in the end, we lost."

"That still didn't give you the right to kill him," says Kynareth angry as lightning stroke beside the two.

"That's right, that's why you have the right to kill me once the whole Reaper-thing is over," says Vincent as he laid down to look at the cloudy sky.

"I won't take your life. That would be too easy. The death of my husband will haunt you like every other soul that was killed by your sword or word. You will pay by continuing living because I won't grant you what you want," says Kynareth knowing that Vincent wants to die.

"Then I will have to carry him like all the others," says Vincent as he lifts himself up as he began to dig a grave.

He waits for Kynareth to give Lorkhan her last goodbye as she kissed her dead husband before Vincent put him in the ground. Many Souls ascended the mountain and the bridge to the Hall of Valor was unprotected as well as the Hall itself.

All the Souls came to the mountain as Vincent was about to close the grave. Suddenly Darkness shoots out of it penetrating Vincent's body as it dragged him into the sky.

This made Vincent remember that Lorkhan was born from Sithis and not from Anui-El. He surrounded his body in his own Darkness as he tried to absorb the Darkness of Lorkhan. The Beam of Darkness that shoot out of the grave was burning Vincent's mortal body.

Vincent screamed with pain from himself as he absorbed the Darkness slowly. Once the Darkness found out what was going on it wanted to flee but Vincent suddenly laughed like a maniac as a shadow appeared beside him and took a firm grip of the Darkness.

"You won't escape this time Lorkhan," says Vincent as the shadow helped Vincent absorb the essence of Lorkhan.

The Darkness tried to escape back to its body while the shadow didn't allow it as the beam suddenly seemed to be slowly dragged out of the grave.

Many Souls were witnessing the impossible as suddenly the face of Lorkhan manifested out of the shadow as if begging for help from his wife.

Kynareth saw Lorkhan and only closed her eyes as she hoped that her husband would play dead to fool Vincent but he was too sure of himself.

This ambush went terribly wrong as Lorkhan had to feel how his essence was being eaten by a void that he wasn't familiar with his last words being, "I'm sorry, Kyne."

His face disappeared as Vincent began his descent. He just closed his eyes hoping that everything would be over once his head hit the ground making him forget everything only to find the wind reduce his fall slowly until he landed in the arms of someone strong.

"Tsun, take care of the Dragonborn. He shall leave Sovngarde as soon as possible since he isn't welcome here any longer," says Kynareth as Tsun nods.

"Yes, my Lady," says Tsun respectfully as Kynareth leaves making him look at Vincent and says, "You really fucked up this time. I have never seen her that angry."

"She has a good reason after all," says Vincent as he suddenly spewed blood onto the ground before seeing his wife Aela with her shield-brothers and sisters.

"Can you put me down, old friend? I will have to leave Sovngarde pretty soon since my Dragonblood is already trying to heal me," says Vincent as he looked at his dead wife and some of his dead friends and children.

"Take your time. I will just lie that you left some days earlier as you really did," says Tsun as he considered Vincent a true warrior that took every enemy of his seriously.

Vincent limped over to his dead families and hugs Aela before saying, "I really hoped to see both of you here but Elisif wasn't a warrior like everyone else."

"Yes, not everyone made it to Sovngarde. It seems some lost their way towards Shor's Hall but now that Shor isn't any longer... What will happen to this realm?" asks Aela worried as Tsun approached them.

"Nothing will happen because Kyne is still around. Also," says Tsun as he pushed his index finger on Vincent's chest while continuing, "Shor was consumed by Vincent making this realm partly his but he has to follow the rules and Ascend to Godhood becoming a Divine between all the others."

"Then this expulsion seems to be only temporary," says Vincent as he kissed Aela before hugging his children and grandchildren that made it to Sovngarde before meeting his stubborn father.

"Are you still hitting iron even in Sovngarde?" asks Vincent as Eorlund Gray-Mane hugged his adopted son.

"I have to keep myself busy and I can at least say that the greatest warrior that ever lived are swinging them," says Eorlund as Vincent takes an Energy Weapon out.

"A new weapon of yours?" asks Eorlund seeing the two-hander.

"Yes, I created it myself," says Vincent as he activated it making the energy edge appear.

"It uses Magicka to power itself and can cut through normal armor easily even my old armor can't withstand it not like this new armor," says Vincent as he touched his chest with it making some sparks fly.

"It seems you didn't rest on your skills but continued to develop them. I'm proud of you," says Eorlund as he put his hand on Vincent's shoulder too harshly making him receive a hit from his daughter-in-law while Vincent was on the ground from the pain he was feeling.

"And he said it would only take a moment," says Tsun as he laughed from seeing Vincent like that before saying, "I will explain to the other souls what will happen from now on. Don't stress him too much."

"Thank you, Tsun," says Aela as she helped Vincent back up when Vincent pulled her down towards him.

"How about we have some fun?" asks Vincent as he whispered in her ear.

"Not in front of the children," whispers Aela back when Vincent smiled at her.

"What happened to my Aela that would undress herself the moment she returned from a task. The children all saw you naked as you rushed to my side," says Vincent in a funny tone as he was holding his laugh back.

"They were still children back then. Now they are adults and know what is going on," says Aela back as the group began to laugh.

"I can still remember that you two didn't let me sleep at night when you did it in Jorrvaskr," says Kodlak making the group laugh even louder as Vincent was really enjoying this moment.