Returning to Nirn

Vincent stayed for three days in Sovngarde before Tsun sent him back to Nirn because his Mortal Body would begin to corrode from the Energy around it.

He bid his farewell to his family and friends as well as his comrades that died in combat or from old age as he ascended the mountain across the Hall of Valor.

"So one last visit before leaving the realm," says Tsun as he was beside Vincent.

"Yes, I killed many innocent people in my life, Tsun. I might have proven that in the past I was an honorable person but that changes when you begin to carry the burden of the life of every person on your shoulders. You try to save as many as possible but I had a fair share of them," says Vincent while Ascending the Mountain with Tsun.

"You think you aren't an honorable warrior any longer," says Tsun as Vincent nods.

"Yes, many of the actions that I took in the wars weren't justified. I just wanted to finish everything fast without losing too many people to something pointless," says Vincent as Tsun smiled.

"Let me decide who is allowed to enter the Hall of Valor. You should worry about your own affairs instead of worrying if you will be able to return to Sovngarde. Not every warrior in the Hall of Valor lived honorably but they arrived here because they were warriors in their heart. Just remember that you shouldn't have a problem returning here," says Tsun as they arrived at the tip of the mountain finding Lorkhan's Grave.

A Tree was planted over the grave while a flowerbed was around it. On the tree was the name Lorkhan written in and Tsun says, "Kyne worked fast in decorating the grave."

"It seems so. I really hoped she would understand why I did what I did," says Vincent as Tsun could understand both sides of this coin.

"She will one day but let her in peace for now. She is feeling the same pain you did when one of your wives died or children. It will take time for her to mend her heart," says Tsun as he turned towards Vincent.

"Well, it's time to say goodbye again. Remember not to come here while Kyne is still pissed at you," says Tsun as Vincent nods before Tsun shouts, "NAHL DAL VUS"

Vincent was hit head-on and was sent back to Nirn appearing on the Throat of the World when he says, "It's just fitting to appear here when you are sent back. Anyway, let's return to High Hrothgar. Vlad must be worried."

Vincent began his descend of the mountain as his Darkness seemed to manifest in a shadow and Vincent asks, "How is Lorkhan?"

"He isn't any longer, our void consumed him completely," says the Shadow that looked exactly like Vincent.

"So even he couldn't escape it," says Vincent as the shadow nods.

"No one can," says the shadow as they arrived at the courtyard of High Hrothgar and it continued, "You should adjust to your new power. Sovngarde was limiting it but out here you are a danger to everyone around."

Vincent noticed it when he began to descend the mountain as the snow under him turned black and melted away. He looked at the tower in the courtyard.

"The tower should be the best place for my training," says Vincent as he entered it and went for the last floor as he began to meditate there.

He was in the tower for the next two weeks waiting for Ciri to appear with Akatosh while continuing his meditation when Ciri and Akatosh appeared in the courtyard.

Ciri was quite excited as she rushed into the building looking for Vincent to tell him about her achievement with Akatosh. This made Akatosh laugh as he turned around and looked at the tower.

He walked towards the tower and once with Vincent he says, "I heard that you and Kynareth are on bad terms."

"Yes," says Vincent not feeling proud of it.

"What did you do?" asks Akatosh not knowing it.

"I killed her husband," says Vincent looking at the sky making Akatosh's heart skip a beat from hearing that.

"You killed Lorkhan, how?" asks Akatosh wanting to know it.

"I thought he was dead when we buried him when suddenly he ambushed me releasing his essence. He was Darkness and thought that my Darkness came from Sithis as well since I can speak with her," says Vincent as Akatosh could understand Kynareth now.

"So he underestimated you," says Akatosh as Vincent nods.

"My Darkness comes from another Void. You could call him a God of my Pantheon as well since he is the counterpart of Hydaelyn," says Vincent as he took his Crystal of Light out.

"Zodiark, the God of Darkness. It is said that Hydaelyn sealed him away after their fight but still it seemed that my friend had to fight him. They defeated him of course but the ugly truth came out that every Dark Knight was connected to him since he is the one giving them their powers," says Vincent as he looked at the sky.

"Lorkhan underestimated it and was sucked into the void and was disintegrated there making me more powerful as I absorbed him. That's why Kynareth is so angry with me," says Vincent as he waited for Kynareth to punish him.

"She won't kill you," says Akatosh as Vincent nods.

"I know and she wouldn't do anything to my family either since she wants me to suffer without her having the fault on their deaths," says Vincent as Akatosh knew that Vincent was speaking the truth.

"But why kill Lorkhan, what did he do?" asks Akatosh when Vincent explained it when Akatosh asks, "And those Reaper defeated us all?"

"Yes, they killed us all starting with Molag Bal who is drifting out there. He will meet them someday and we will be ready for it because the Trickster won't be on their side," says Vincent as he felt fear once again.

Ciri ran out of the building as she was looking for Vincent when Akatosh smiles and says, "Your student seems to search for you. We should show her where we are."

Akatosh whistled and Ciri looked towards the tower finding both sitting on the edge of it. She runs towards them as Vincent jumped down with Akatosh.

"It seems your training was a success even if you took a week longer than promised," says Vincent as Ciri was happy that Vincent praised her while she ignored the critic in the praise.

Vincent then pets her head and says, "I'm proud of you."

"So can we return now?" asks Ciri as Vincent shakes his head.

"Not yet. First, you need to bring me something that everyone did before you," says Vincent as he walked towards the edge of the mountain with Akatosh and Ciri.

"You need to bring me the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. It is near Morthal. I won't tell you more since you just need to ask the people around there," says Vincent as Ciri was excited about this adventure.

"I will await you here. You have one month to bring it to me not more," says Vincent as Ciri nods.

She leaves right away to accomplish her quest when Akatosh says, "I thought you wanted to retire this dumb quest when you finished it since everyone that wants something from a Dragonborn would steal the Horn."

"Yes, but not if the Horn is already in my possession. She will only find a note telling her to return to High Hrothgar," says Vincent as he brings out the Horn.

"You really aren't afraid that she will tear the barrier between Time and Space so she can bring you the Horn from the past or even the future," says Akatosh worried knowing that Ciri would do that if she finds out that the Horn was stolen because she didn't find it there.

"Better I place it there then," says Vincent as a small portal appears and he places his hands with the horn into it putting the horn in its place.

"I should leave for now. I will inform the others about those Reapers and prepare for them," says Akatosh as Vincent nods.

Akatosh leaves and Vincent enters High Hrothgar when Vlad says, "It seems that Ciri is quite motivated."

"Yes, I just hope that she returns safe," says Vincent as he began to cook food.

Three weeks passed when Ciri returned carrying the Horn on her belt when she says, "I did it."

"Did you like what you saw of Skyrim?" asks Vincent as Ciri nods.

"I meet many interesting people. I even meet the High Queen while I was in Whiterun. She seems quite powerful for her slender frame," says Ciri as Vincent was holding his laugh back.

"That might be because she is my descendant after all," says Vincent as Ciri began to smile nervously.

"Is that so," says Ciri as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but it seems that her nephew will take over the throne after her since she can't produce an heir with her orientation," says Vincent knowing that the actual High Queen was a lesbian.

"So did you have fun with her?" asks Vincent knowing already that she did since Ciri was too nervous around him when he said that the High Queen was his descendant.

"No... Well maybe we had a little bit of fun when I first was there and on my way back," says Ciri nervously not knowing what to say as Vincent began to laugh quite hard from seeing Ciri that nervous.

"Relax, girl. Everyone has his ticks. Anyway since you have fulfilled your quest you will get rewarded," says Vincent as he shouted three Thu'ums into the ground and explained to her that they were the Unrelenting Force, the Fire Breathe, and the last was the Frost Breathe.

"Choose one of the three," says Vincent as Ciri stopped in front of the Unrelenting Force shout and took in the complete Thu'um while the other stopped to glow.

"What now?" asks Ciri as Vincent began to glow and he comparted his mastery over the shout with Ciri.

Ciri was surprised by it when Vincent says, "Try it out."

"FUS RO DAH" shouts Ciri feeling a little bit of pain in her throat after shouting for the first time.

"It hurts that is normal for the first time. Your vocal cords need to adapt to the strength behind those words," says Vincent explaining it to Ciri as he opened a portal and continues, "With this, your training with me is completed. But your journey just begins here. Remember that I only taught you the basics now you need to learn for yourself."