Voting about Ciri

Ciri didn't have her conversation with Vincent as he didn't want to talk to him while he was grieving for his daughter as the next morning Anabelle was found dead in her bed.

She passed away in her sleep. A week passed and many of her brothers and sisters were there as well as her remaining family which was made out of her daughter and her grandchildren. Arkay was giving Anabelle her last rites as Vincent and his family carried her on their shoulders into the Mausoleum.

Once there she was taken deeper than anyone thought as they arrived at the main part of the mausoleum where he buried his wives and people he wanted to meet again in the afterlife like Eorlund and Tyr.

Anabelle was placed under Hrotti Highwind which showed how much Vincent regretted what happened to Anabelle as he whispers, "Forgive your father for not being able to protect as I should have back then. From now on your grand niece will look after you."

Vincent then kissed the forehead of Anabelle again before standing beside it with Karliah who adopted Anabelle as her own after all. Beside Karliah were the remaining family of Graham and Anabelle which were happy to see that their mother or grandmother had such a deep place in Vincent's heart and sad that they lost her at the same time.

Once everything was over Arkay placed his hand on Vincent and whispers, "She is in a better place now. You should rest for a while."

Suddenly Vincent lost footing and he fell asleep as Arkay catches him and carries him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It has been a week since Vincent hasn't slept since he was preparing Anabelle's funeral wanting to give her at least a gift that he couldn't give her in life.

Arkay carried him away as his wives followed him. They arrived at home and Vincent was placed in the bed before Arkay left to attend his other businesses since Anabelle wasn't the only person that died today.

Ciri was sitting with the other women when Mina asks, "Are you going to ask him?"

"Yes, but I should wait for a while longer until he is back to being himself," says Ciri as she wanted to ask Vincent to take her.

"Are you sure about that? You will be tied to him for all eternity and you will sully your hands in blood as we all did before you," says Anra as she looked at Ciri seriously.

She didn't want Ciri to walk down a path she didn't feel comfortable on just because she loves Vincent. Many women want to love him but not everyone gets to know all of his baggage that he carries around.

"I am quite sure. We had our differences but after finding out that people killed my real father... let's just say I understood why Vincent killed a whole town for Anabelle," says Ciri as Anra still looked serious at her.

"I want to know if you can do the same if the person isn't related to you by blood," says Anra as she saw all of Vincent's children as her own as everyone else in the harem.

Yennefer learned fast why the Highwind family was this strong and united and it wasn't because of Vincent alone but because the women behind him all stood together and saw each other's children as their own.

She soon followed in their footsteps and Ciri would have to follow them as well if she wanted to enter the harem.

"I am prepared to do so," says Ciri determined as Anra then sat down on her seat which was on the left side of the main seat.

Mina was sitting on the right seat beside the main seat. The others sat down on one of the remaining seats leaving only one seat open beside Azura on which Ciri sat down.

"We will vote now. Everyone that is for the marriage between Vincent and Ciri should lift their hand," says Mina as everyone was thinking about it deeply even Yennefer didn't lift her hand up surprising Ciri.

"Why aren't you supporting me in this matter?" asks Ciri as Yennefer wasn't holding Yennee at the moment since the atmosphere in the room could make her start to cry.

"This is important Ciri. We are talking about our husband and his mental fortitude," says Yennefer back making Ciri understand that she was thinking about Vincent's well-being.

"She is right. We normally don't vote but would just accept you into his harem. But right now after almost a hundred years of exile and losing Anabelle like this will leave a mental scar on him," says Mina as she would gladly accept Ciri into Vincent's harem.

Then one hand was in the air. It surprised everyone that it was her hand as it was Anra who lifted her hand into the air.

"I am for it. You saw how Vincent had a new reason to fight for when he was holding Yennee. Once he has more reasons to fight for the future the faster he will overwrite his mental scar," says Anra as she looked in the round.

"We will never forget those that have left us but they should never hold us down but lift us up," says Mina as everyone looked at her.

"Y'shtola said that once to us when we lost Saaranji. Mako, Azura, and Ellana can't know about this since they weren't there when we buried Saaranji in the Imperial City before bringing her remains here," says Mina as the women that were present that day remembered those words.

"We should remind Vincent of those words," says Serana as she lifts her hand followed by Karliah and Kirvena.

"But this has to wait for a year or maybe two," says Azura as they looked at her.

"We can't have Vincent marry Ciri this way. It will only make him ignore her because he was at his weakest moment when she took her chance," says Azura as every one of the women nod.

The rest lifts their hands up after that and they agreed on Ciri entering the harem but she will have to wait for a year at least so Vincent isn't at his lowest state.

In the meantime, one of the Empires Carriers was flying towards the Traveler and the carrier in which his followers were. The person in charge of the Stendarr-024 is Vyrve, brother of Kirvena and former ruler of the Neo Imperial City.

"What do we expect to meet on that carrier that we are going to intercept?" asks Vyrve to his subordinate who was holding a tablet.

"We expect to meet with humanoid beings. They should be friendly towards us going by all the information Vincent got from the Sphere they call Traveler," says Vyrve's subordinate to him.

"It would have been better if Naosane or he himself would be here. I am not that good at diplomacy, even more, I have to fulfill this absurd idea for Mina and Kirvena. I always managed to escape that duty for now," says Vyrve as he looked at his subordinate smile at him.

"You were lucky back then in Elsweyr because Vincent found Saaranji and in Morrowind, he already had married Karliah," says the subordinate who served Vyrve even before the Unification of Tamriel.

"I am not good at this. I was married twice in my life and have two bloodlines with one being Men and the other Mer. And both women I married because of my big mouth," says Vyrve as he smiled at his own past.

"But they were the best decisions of your life," says the subordinate as Vyrve nods.

"They were," says Vyrve as he could see the carrier they had to intercept.

"We should try and communicate with them," says Vyrve as the captain of the ship gave him control over the system.

"Here the Stendarr-024, can you hear me unknown carrier?" asks Vyrve over the console hoping to reach the carrier.

"I repeat, here is the Stendarr-024, can you hear us?" asks Vyrve again when he hears someone rushing over to the speaking console on the other side.

"Here is the Guardian Flagship Jupiter. We can hear you, Stendarr-024," says the woman behind the speaking console.

"We are here on the orders of the First Emperor of the Highwind Dynasty. He had a conversation with your Traveler a week ago about you coming to Nirn. Can you confirm that?" says Vyrve as he needed confirmation before continuing with the proceeding.

"Our Ghosts have informed us about said conversation," says the woman confirming the matter.

"Alright, we are coming directly at you we will try to dock the ship with your so we can supply you with enough food while we take the sick and the dead with us. We would also ask of you to send us ambassadors which will be going directly to Nirn," says Vyrve as he waited for confirmation.

"Can I have a second? This is new information to us and we need to talk it over who we will send as Ambassadors," says the woman when Vyrve stops her.

"We can talk about it once we have docked our carriers. We will also leave some people there to take care of your people and to help them integrate into our culture," says Vyrve over the console.

"I will need to inform the others about it we also have to see if we can interlock since we are floating for ages without our engines," says the woman as Vyrve was wondering how they even make it this far without their engines working.

"We will go in position in the meantime," says Vyrve as he looks at the captain who closes the channel.

"Get into position and if they somehow attack us we need to defend ourselves," says Vyrve as he didn't trust the whole situation since this was their first contact with a species of another planet.

So far they haven't encountered any other species except for the relict of the Protheans that was floating over Nirn the whole time.

On the other side of the speaker was Ikora Rey. She wasn't suspicious of anything since her Ghost told her that the First Emperor of the Planet had received a Ghost himself and the Traveler wouldn't have allowed someone with Darkness in his heart to have one.

She went to the bridge where everyone important was sitting around a table when she says, "We made contact. They want to dock with us and help our sick and take our dead with them while they leave some people here to educate us about their culture and laws."

"It seems like they want to pull us into a cult by hearing that," says Cayde-6 as he was pulling a joke about the whole situation.

"This is serious Cayde. They also want some people to be ambassadors of our people. They will most likely meet with the rumored First Emperor or the current one. Also," says Ikora looking towards Mara Sov and her brother.

"We don't have any titles out here. We are only normal citizens once we land since I don't believe they will allow us to govern ourselves in their Empire," says Ikora as Mara Sov understood what Ikora wanted to say with that.

"Then we will leave it is as simple as that," says Mara Sov as she wasn't part of the Last City nor the Guardians.

She joined them to safe her people but the others were skeptical about that when Zavala says, "I don't think it is a good idea to do so. It could bring tension between them and us."

"I really just want to know how they look like. They could be like Cabals just think about it," says Cayde-6 when everyone turned to him.

"Cayde!" says everyone making the Exo go silent as they continued discussing what was going to happen next.